The Logical Universe Presents
A Unified Theory
Don't Believe what you were told to Believe, consider all evidence from all sources, then, and only then, form a conclusion.  - TLU

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This theory is called "The Logical Universe" for a reason. It takes into consideration, thousands of years of discovery and observations. From ancient civilizations to the high tech advances of the Large Hadron Collider, it assembles information in a new way that makes sense. Most of the theory is known and accepted facts, but a few new ideas have been added to complete the picture. Some might consider TLU a bit radical, but that has no meaning if it is correct.

The vacuum of space (Empty Space) has been replaced by an uninterrupted sea of substance and a spatial force. In other words, the Mass of the Universe. This includes the space between Protons and Electrons of the Atom. This Mass is made up of tiny spherical body's called Universal Particles. These particles are round, rotate, and can store and release energy because of spinning with compression or expansion. They are also responsible for the phenomena known as Gravity. TLU refers to all of the open universal expanse, as the Dark Matter Sea. It is a mixture of rotating spherical structures, and, polarized magnetic space with no voids or holes. If you need proof of the Dark Matter Sea's existence, consider how Radio Waves transmit thru Space, or, TLU's interpretation of the Single and Double Slit Experiment, or, how Gravity Currents pull on Galaxy's.

Black Holes - There are two extremes of Energy and Matter. The first one we will talk about is the well known Stellar and Galactic Black Holes. TLU has thought long and hard about the implications of the label Black Hole, and has decided to call them Black Stars instead. If we are going to rethink the Standard Model, the New Model must get it right. The supposedly Stellar and Galactic Black Holes will be referenced as Black Stars from now on because that is exactly what they are. Black Holes do not exist in a Grand Unified Theory, but, there is a phenomena that resembles them. This is the magnetic spatial energy of moving and spinning matter. It creates magnetic distance between all matter with active energy. It is matter and only matter that's conserved. Energy is a force, and is created by matter, not from matter.

In the Logical Universe Black Stars because of their extreme gravity can tear apart matter to the universal particle level and consume it. Deep Inside a Black Star universal particles because of compression, stop rotating thus no gravity. The almost infinite numbers of particles with only potential energy are contained by a super strong magnetic field. This is new thinking and is explained in theory.

The Outer Limits of Space - The other extreme is the universal particles of the cold expanding universe. These circular bubble like particles will inflate while slowing rotation, then stop because of spent energy. The super inflated particles have lost their Torus Chaining and can no longer support a circular form. When this happens, the particles degrade into Non-Structured Primal Matter. (Primal Sand). This in turn, expands space to its final DMI. The sand like substance takes up more space because it is not compressed into a sphere and spinning. Primal Sand / Space is a new state of matter and is near the Plank Scale. They are the smallest individual tiny grains of matter but still can create space. This is because they can vibrate, move and bump into each other thus creating a weak spatial force. That phenomena is important when explaining how spheres and magnetic distance is produced. This Primal Matter / Space is not polarized because there are no spinning Universal Particles. It is basic existence. * Now for something profound! There is no such thing as empty space. Existence is Matter + Magnetism. Matter has height width and depth, and so does Magnetism. It is magnetism that creates more space. This is all of Existence, there is nothing else, and definitely not a vast expanse of nothing.

In this theory, lots of time has been spent explaining Gravity, Magnetism, Magnetic Force and Quantum Fields. This is the heart of the Logical Universe new thinking. No one has explained these things like this before, and it is worth a little extra time reading. I think you will be amazed.

Lastly, all the Matter of the Universe is constant but energy is not. Primal Matter and Universal Particles can change form but not the total amount of Matter. The sum of Matter remains the same. (b) Matter can not be converted into pure energy. This notion must be categorized as a concept without evidence. It is Mass, that can change. Mass is the volume of Space that Matter and its spatial force occupies. Energy on the other hand, is different because it is the movement of matter. Energy is stored in the universe expansion and also Black Stars, but it still retains all its relative ability to move Matter, even though, it is theoretically possible to have Matter without Energy. That is why there is a never-ending tug of war so to speak. Nature is always trying to balance its Spatial Force.


Matter - Energy - The Speed of Light

  1st event - Quantum fields SML failure. Bang...

2nd event - quantum particle stored energy release, creating a super pressure wave. 

3rd event - This pressure wave compacts surrounding particles and produces searing heat, blinding light and a strong magnetic force.

The Warping of Space-Time

When you burn something, you are breaking magnetic bonds of some specific Elements and their atomic structures. This in turn, produces an expanding pressure wave in their quantum fields. It compacts particles in other quantum fields of elements with less potential energy. The compression of already spinning universal particles, is what produces the heat light and magnetic force we all observe.

Compressed particles, structures or quantum fields that experience an energetic release, is an Anti-Gravity event, thus creating Mass. It causes a small but unmistakable total expansion of space. This in turn, ever so slightly expands the Universe. The number of universal particles remains the same, but they are less dense, thus less Gravity. Therefore it appears that matter has been converted into energy, but that is just an illusion. Energy is released or stored when mass changes its volume. Energy is a phenomenon but not Matter, Matter is an Entity.

This is the radical part of TLU theory and goes against Einstein's E=MC². I Love Einstein, and for a long time I thought he was right. He almost nailed it. The problem occurred when Einstein needed a huge number to explain why some experiments yielded extreme energy levels for relatively small amounts of matter. He chose the speed of light squared. This significantly boosted the energy level of the equation and was a mathematical fit. It was a sensation and made some sense. Unfortunately, it is not logical.

In TLU Theory, the speed of sound is determined by the displacement time and elasticity of molecules. The speed of light is determined by the displacement time and elasticity of universal particles of the Dark Matter Sea. The concentration of molecules or particles has a small effect on speed but not a large one. In other words, the speed of light changes. It is not fixed. Also, TLU predicts you can have Matter with no energy, Mass with stored energy, or Mass with both active and stored energy. Therefore, E=MC² makes no sense.

In The Logical Universe, the vast amount of energy is caused by the huge numbers of universal particles with stored and or active energy. The theory dictates that the total energy is proportional to the sum of universal particles, plus their potential force, times the rotational, expansion, contracting and lateral movement of matter. Not times the speed of light squared. Simply put, the new equation works, and the old one doesn't make sense.

There are several other problems. People interpret E=MC² to mean that energy and matter are interchangeable and that is just not so. Material Space can release energy or store it. Universal Particles expand, shrink, or collapse into Primal Sand but can not morph into pure energy because energy is the movement of Matter. The other energy problem is, total energy must include potential energy and that is not part of the E=MC² formula. The energy of magnetic, spatial fluctuation, is just as basic to the Universe as Gravity, but it has been completely overlooked.

Why E=MC² almost works. * Forget about the E=MC² formula, it is mathematically close to the real thing, but, for the wrong reasons. * The speed of light squared is a very big number (90 Billion). As it just so happens this number is compatible with an explanation of the level of energy that matter can produce. Unfortunately, you can not tie this amount of energy to the speed of light. Light speed is a separate entity, and has little to do with the level of energy that all matter can create. Besides, the speed of light is supposed to be fixed. The energy level that moving matter has, is a variable, but, I'm sure the number can be greater than 90 Billion. In TLU the minimum amount of energy that matter can produce is set (zero), but the maximum is not fixed. Light speed on the other hand, is a unit of measurement, and is supposed to be finite. In any case, it should not be tied to the composition of matter. This is because both are separate, and are not necessarily in unilateral compliance. 

The second mistake Einstein made, was, he linked space and time together (Space-Time) thus creating a single Entity. TLU did not do this because it considers Time to be the properties of speed and distance, and not the physical existence of height width depth. On the other hand, Matter and Space does get linked, not with time, but with magnetism. (Spatial-Magnetism, or the better sounding, Magnetic Space). The reason for this is, both matter and magnetism have height width and depth. Height Width and Depth = Physical Existence. Because of Einstein's illogical joining space with time, mathematics predicts with certainty that time travel is possible, in TLU theory it is not. Space and Time are two different entity's and are sometimes linked, but matter can exist without time. So the conclusion is; time travel would require both entitys to behave as one and not just sometimes. That is impossible science.



Isaac Newton
1643 - 1727

Albert Einstein
1879 - 1955
Newtonian Physics
Einstein's Relativity

For about 100 years Einstein's Theory of "General Relativity" has dominated physics. This is because it was a better fit for newer observations that were made after Newton's death in 1727. It explained a lot of things that Newton couldn't or didn't know about. Now in 2017 things are very different. Einstein's Relativity is no longer infallible. People have started to question its relevance including "The Logical Universe." The explanations for Dark Matter, Anti-Gravity, Dark Energy, Expansion, Time and the Speed and Propagation of light just doesn't seem to fit anymore. TLU has thought long and hard about these problems and has come up with a simple and an easily understood solution. It all starts with our old friend Isaac Newton. It seems Isaac had surprising insight and as it turns out is more relevant to modern day physics than anyone expected. But first, let's talk about General Relativity.

Einstein's Relativity was created to explain how Light, Gravity and Magnetic Energy travels through an expanse of nothing. It is based on the notion that Gravity has the property of being able to warp the fabric of Space-Time. TLU - We must interrupt here. (Warping the Fabric of Space-Time is a concept without evidence). We have all seen the demonstration of stretched material on a circular frame, then watching different weighted balls falling into the heavier center depression, guided by the warped fabric. TLU says this doesn't represent in any way how actual Gravity works.

First of all, this experiment won't work in Space. It is the Gravity of Earth that is pulling down on the balls and the fabric that guides them to the heavier center. In space this is not relevant, the balls are weightless. These balls are semi-transparent to the pull of Gravity, which in turn, determines the weight of each. They can only have weight if there is a Gravity Current, otherwise, they would have no weight. In open space where there is no relative Gravity pulling on the balls, they would not move the way they do on the Earths surface.

Enter Isaac Newton - Newton believed that every object in Space creates a mutual attraction force between them. The bigger the objects Mass, the more attracting force. What he could never figure out was why this was possible. Everybody assumed that the space between objects in space is a void or empty. Isaac stated that this dilemma was beyond current knowledge and had to be left for future generations to figure out. Well, the time has come!

If all of the so-called open space is Dark Matter with magnetic distancing and no void's, it changes everything. New knowledge of Space concludes that it is not empty as once thought. TLU maintains that it is composed of tiny spherical particles of matter that has compression and rotational energy. It refers to this new state of Space as a mixture of Matter and Magnetism. (the Dark Matter Sea). This is because there is no void between particles or bodies, but, there is a magnetic force, which in turn, creates a medium for waves and currents. Isaac Newton's theory of Gravity now has plausibility.

Newton's theory of Gravity is now solvable. Gravity becomes not a warping of space-time but a real and easily understood pulling current between celestial bodies. These bodies have the same particles that compose Dark Matter, but they are much much smaller and are in magnetic structural lock. Because they have more spin energy, they pull on the larger slower ones of Space. This in turn, creates a current in that medium. The Dark Matter Sea is the vehicle for Gravity currents and Light / Magnetic Waves.

This new thinking about Gravity, explains all known gravitational attraction. Wave and pole-shifting magnetic propagation have also been solved. The mystery of unifying Matter and Energy is no longer a problem and the Universe now has resolution. There are no perceived conflicts in this solution. TLU believes that The Gravity of Isaac Newton has been reborn, and Einstein's Relativity is in serious trouble. Einstein's Gravity has a very low probability level in a "Grand Unified Theory."

Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein amaze me. They were remarkable visionary's, but now with new thinking, I put my money on the Logical Universe. All the science, observations, evolution, relativity and logic add up. All the pieces of the puzzle fit, and for the life of me I can't find a valid contrary argument. I know there will be people with their mathematics to challenge this theory, but, with the complexity of the Universe, Math is not the ultimate defining authority. This is because it doesn't evolve, or take the path of least resistance. So, there is another road. As with all science, truth is the goal. May the best Universe prevail.

Closing Argument - (a) All of the Dark Matter Sea is composed of super small spherical particles that have compression, vibrating and spinning energy. This in turn, Creates a mixture of matter and a spatial force. (b) Compressing, Expanding, Sound and Light travel as pressure wave energy streaming thru the medium of Dark Matter Space. (c) Radio, TV, Radar, X and Gamma Waves, travel as polarizing wave energy streaming thru the same Dark Matter Medium. (d) And finally, Gravity does not warp Space-Time, it is nothing more than a pure current in the... "Aether of Space."

One Last Thought - I wish I could have a conversation with these two giants of physics. It would be something to know what they might say about the way things have evolved. I wonder if they would have more insights to ponder. I am confident Einstein would immediately get to work on how we could travel faster than Light knowing that it might be possible after all. (The Big Bang most certainly was expanding, and traveling faster than the Speed of Light)... What an incredible time and privilege to know such things.


The Giants of Physics Solvay Conference, Brussels (1927) 
Some were on the right track, some were not.

Richaard  E Knower

young me

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