The Logical Universe

Ernest Rutherford  1871 - 1937

Atomic Nucleus - Electrons

Neils Bohr 1885 - 1962

Atomic Structure and Quantum Theory

Top View Hydrogen Atom 
 with Quantum Ring Fields

Top View Helium Atom
with Quantum Ring Fields
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Atom -  A unique structure containing a spinning Nucleus with Protons and Neutrons, Spherical Magnetic Quantum Ring Fields with Electrons, and Torus fields no Electrons. It is locked in an exact formation by the forces of magnetism, although it can add and subtract universal particles to balance energies further. (in the case of Hydrogen there is no Neutron).

In TLU theory, the Atom does not agree with what you have been told. There is new thinking about this because of the existence of Dark Matter Particles. Conventional science believes that the space between Electrons and the Nucleus of the Atom is empty, and Electrons orbit because of Gravity. Nothing can be further from the truth. The area between the nucleus of an atom and its electrons is filled with billions of Universal Particles in varying degrees of rotational and counter-rotational energy. (Quantum Ring Fields). The Electrons orbit in a Magnetic neutral corridor created by stacked cw / ccw rotating fields of the atoms outer layers. So this space between electrons and electrons, and atomic core's, has a lot of things going on. It is not empty. It is filled to the brim with universal particles, and lots and lots of pressure / magnetic energy. (Potential and Active).

There is another kind of field created by the spinning atomic nucleus. This would be Torus Quantum fields. These fields radiate inward and outward from the poles of a spinning atomic core. They are different in structure. The fields are bonded in strings of UDMP's. (pole to pole to pole same direction rotating energy). This develops cw and ccw rotating bonded magnetic fields. Eventually they interact and form twine or rope chains. Now for something new and interesting about atomic Torus Chains. * (b) When Atoms bond together it is the ring fields that do the bonding. Bonding will occur even when the individual atomic cores are not spinning in the same direction. This effects the number, strength and intensity of atomic quantum torus fields. (individual atomic N S magnetic flow). There is only two possible choices, same spin direction or opposite spin direction. When atoms are randomly aligned, torus chaining will also be random. (N S magnetic flow). When atoms are aligned with same core spin energy, something remarkable happens. Because of common core spin energy of bonded atoms in a structure, the many torus chains they create will be strong with a single magnetic flow direction. (N or S). If the Torus Chains radiate outside a body, structure, so will the magnetic flow. When this happens, they encounter a magnetic attraction force from the quantum ring fields of the parent body's radius. This in turn, pulls on the many external torus chain's, and they will curve inward, thus attempting to close their magnetic flow. This is why, when you have two separated magnets close to each other, they will come together in a chained configuration. This is a direct result of spin direction and magnetic flow of Universal Particles in a field. * (c) One more important thing, You will not find any orbiting Electrons in Quantum Torus Fields. This is because the type of bonded string fields the spinning core has created, won't let electrons pass, they are repelled.

Lastly, almost all of the energy of the atom is in its quantum fields, not in its core. Once an atom forms under high energies it becomes relatively set in a particular configuration. The amount of compression energy, intervals and intensity of the quantum ring fields is directly linked to the core structure. The ring fields now have a combination of devoted potential energy because of magnetism, and varying spin energy which can change with the environment. Once a new atom has reached a configuration lock, it is possible for all universal particles to heat up, or cool, but maintain the structure. Only under extreme gravity or environment, does the atom change its configuration.


Atomic Vibrations

All atoms vibrate because of particle rotation, core rotation and orbiting electron energy. Their smallness enables them to vibrate very fast, which in turn, creates oscillating universal particle magnetic and pressure wave energy. If the oscillating and spin energy reaches into the light spectrum, light waves are generated. High energy atoms are now producing light. Because each atom has a specific Proton, Neutron, Electron compliment and surrounding dark matter fields, the spinning magnetic pulling pushing vibrations on these fields would be different for each element. (magnetic steps and intervals) - (Quantum Fields). Hydrogen has a slower vibration than Sodium, and Sodium slower than Magnesium etc. 

The amount of energy an atom has, can be enormous because of the extreme numbers of universal particles of the quantum fields. They all have rotational, compression, and are magnetically involved. An atom of Uranium would have high stored energy, versus an atom of Helium, with lower stored energy.

TLU - Stored energy is the amount of compression of universal particle matter.

TLU - If you want to know more about the Spectra Lines you see in the above graphic, See Encyclopedia 86, or the Light page.


Evolution of the Hydrogen Atom

top right digit
depicts number of nucleus protons

Magnetic Torus fields form first after the Big Bang, These fields form strings, ropes and chains which gradually evolve into protons. The Protons are the second structures to form, and are created as a direct result of Torus chains bonding. Electrons on the other hand, were made in the Proton's quantum ring fields, and not from the Big Bang. To carry evolution a little further, the Neutron was made by squeezing a Proton, and finally the Neutrino was created by squeezing an Electron. More details, see the Particle Evolution page.

After the Big Bang energies created spinning Protons, Quantum Ring Fields developed around them to balance out rotational energies. The quantum fields kept the Protons apart, but there was still a positive charge imbalance of each structure. Nature's way of solving this problem was to create an opposite charge particle in the outer magnetic ring fields. Because of the positive energy surroundings, and a magnetic pulling force of the spinning proton, a streaming orbiting cloud of Universal Particles developed a counter rotational corkscrew torus looping pattern. It formed the same way a Proton did and had the same looping structure, but, a much smaller size. This is because only twine size magnetic chains could form while it was orbiting. This time, counter-rotational smaller size magnetic chains are looping through the center access of the newly formed particle. It gives the developing Electron a Negative Charge.

As you know electrons can also have quantum ring fields if they are not swept away by lateral motion. Because of the electron's high speed, quantum fields are not an issue as it zips around the atom in a magnetic neutral zone, caused by the atoms outer quantum ring fields. This creates an equal, but opposite charge for the atomic structure and gravity is now the moving force of the atom.

The Hydrogen atom is now complete and becomes a SML structure. It is separated from the Dark Matter Sea and can travel independently. Now in open space, only gravity influences the behavior of the atoms.


The Helium Atom
Adding a Neutron

Periodic Table Helium

The Helium atom has the same layered structure. It has 2 Protons, 2 Neutrons in its central core, with Quantum Ring and Torus fields, and finally, 2 Electrons.

There is a new member of the sub atomic family, and that is the Neutron. It was made when hydrogen atoms were involved in the high compression energy of a fusion reaction. The Neutron was most likely created by squeezing a Proton until the ccw fields closed their loops, by forcing their way through the center of the Proton structure. Now both cw and ccw magnetic torus strings loop through the axis. The compression energies have turned a Proton into a Neutron.

The energies of hydrogen fusion made the Helium Atom. These extreme gravitational and magnetic forces have rearranged the Hydrogen core. The Protons and Neutrons of the nucleus are now kept in place by a new super strong, first ring quantum field and bonded ccw fields of protons and neutrons. All subsequent fields have reconfigured themselves according to the strength and composition of the new spinning central core.

The Neutrons and Protons that are magnetically coupled, don't spin separately, they spin together. The Proton Neutron coupling stabilizes the core, but in high energies, the bond can be broken. This in turn, explains the phenomena of nuclear fission or core decay. (weak nuclear force).

The Helium atom is a stable independent structure, and has its own magnetic quantum field configuration. It also is capable of adding and subtracting universal particles to its outer domain, to further balance the atom. This activity also causes the electrons to jump corridors, thus interrupting the vibrating Atom and producing the phenomena of spectra lines. TLU - More about spectra lines, See Encyclopedia 86.


Moving up the Periodic Table

Nucleus Spin

Nucleus Spin
creates Torus Fields

Nucleus Spin
creates Ring Fields

This is an important part of TLU theory.

It is crucial to establish the concept of Spinning Atomic Nucleus. It is the only way that magnetic Quantum Torus and Ring Fields form and interact, thus producing all the variations of elements and compounds that make up the Cosmos. These Quantum Fields are unique for each nucleus proton and neutron count. Their magnetic force and spin energy, sets up the blueprint for Torus and Ring field construction and intervals, which in turn influences how and at what energy levels the elements bond, thus creating all the wondrous compounds of all existence. So as you can see, if there were no Dark Matter, there would be no Quantum Torus or Ring Fields. Please don't tell me that Dark Matter is only a part of the void of space, and the warping of Space-Time is what creates the wonder of gravity, energy, matter and magnetism. That concept is just not credible. It is, what we use to call in the USAF, "Bovine Scatology." 



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