The Evolving Expanse
A Perpetual Universe
Space exists in two parts, the one we know and the one we don't know.
A "Dark Matter Universe" and A "Primal Universe"
 Polarized - Non-Polarized Space

Falling into a Stellar or Galactic Black Hole
can't happen in a Theory of Everything

Dark Matter Particles
and Polarized Space is the Real Deal

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* TLU - There can not be a Vast Expanse of Nothing. This is because an expanse has height, width and depth, it is a physical existence. Nothing is nothing, not any thing, nothing at all, and definitely not a vast expanse. The vast expanse of space, is matter, plus its spatial / magnetic force.

The belief that space is basically a void, or empty - The concept of empty space is just what the word implies, emptiness, no matter, no energy, a void. Be careful using the term Void, this is because it suggests a spatial nothing.  A Void of all things would be a True Void, but a Void of any one thing, is not, there would still be space. 

A thought experiment - What if all of Existence is Matter plus a Magnetic Spatial Force, and Nonexistence is still nothing.  Now, can you create matter? TLU says no! Can you create Nothing? TLU says no. This means they both must have already existed, or, they don't exist at all, which is it?  Ah-ha! now we have to think out of the box... The answer is simple... Yes we have always had a Universe, but no, you still cant create nothing. This is because nothing is nothing. (nonexistence) - (no height width depth). So all you have to do, is explain how the Universe is the way it is, and why it is expanding. I know this is a huge scary task and many have tried and failed, but it can be done. I love untangling knots of misinformation. TLU thinks it has the answers...


Basic Particle Spheres of the Cosmos
and Material Polarized Space / UDMPS

The Dark Matter Sea

Present State of the Expanse - TLU's Unified Theory - (a) Universal Particles of Space that do not belong to large body's such as Planets, Stars Galaxy's or Black Stars, have missed their evolutionary period to form Protons. This is because they have evolved, and expanded beyond the energy level to create this atomic particle. They are now spinning individuals that have a magnetic force but less than the Proton. So space now consists of Dark Matter, Protons, and the body's that the Proton created. (b) As the Dark Matter Sea continues to expand and lose energy, the Universal Particles ever so slightly lose their magnetic force. At some point the Torus Lock of these particles will fail. When this happens the magnetic space that the spinning UDMP's created, will not have their tightly compacted particle grains, and they are set free. This in turn expands the particles spatial zones and space reaches its final Density Mass Index. (DMI). (c) This has created an undeniable change in the Expanse. The failing UDMP's has transformed polarized space into non-polarized space. The matter that was once structured and spinning has become Primal Matter. I say non-polarized space because Primal Matter still has energy. The granules vibrate and move around, while bumping into each other thus creating space. Remember that matter can not be created or destroyed, but, there is a new state of the expanse that can exist without a polarized magnetic force. This is because of the loss of UDMP structure.  So we now have the creation of Primal Matter, and Primal Space that the matter creates. As evolution continues, the Universe we know will become the Universe we don't. The Dark Matter Sea will evolve into Primal Space, and Primal Space will become a Primal Universe. Oh my, this is unbelievable. TLU says no its not. Why? Because it fits precisely with all we know. There are no known gaps or conflicts. (d) And now for the conclusion of these events. I bet you already know what happens next. Your Right, Bang! 

Wow! Of course I left out a lot of details about how a Universal  Black Star is created, and how it loses its magnetic field. Also, Gravity and Anti-Gravity along with a million other things. But don't despair, all will be clear. If you have questions, and I know you do, each one will be answered as you navigate thru the Logical Universe Theory. This is because all observations and speculations have been under the cosmic microscope for 16 years. As new ideas popped up and were incorporated into the theory, old ideas that didn't fit were discarded. Like yesterdays news paper. The Logical Universe evolved. This is because I didn't have anybody to say you can't do that.

Conclusion - The discovery of the true nature of space, is the missing link that unites everything. The big problem was, correctly identifying and interpreting what Existence really is. As it turns out, it is Space (Distance) that's the key. It is not nothing, it is three individual entity's. As matter moves, it creates a magnetic polarized or non-polarized spatial distance, that changes with the material's movement, thus creating a spatial force. The force in turn, has the ability to attract, repel and expand and contract. It is not Nothing or a Void, it is, a real vast expanse. It has Height width and depth (Matter plus Active or Potential Energy, plus a Magnetic Spatial Force... (b) Sound waves, Light waves, Magnetic waves, Streaming Heat and Gravity, Anti-Gravity, will not, and can not, propergate thru a nothing expanse. (c) I know that a lot of people will say you're wrong, and that's OK with me. This is because I don't care about who is right or wrong, I only care about what is right and wrong. TLU has a whole Universe of evidence to back up this new concept. It is compatible with known science, accepted observations, relativity, evolution, mathematics, and logic. Nothing is still nothing, it is not the Basic Expanse of Space!

Nothing - (TLU Encyclopedia 66) -  Not any thing, nothing at all, no height width or depth. Can you create nothing? No!  Is the Universe basically a vast expanse of nothing? No!  Can you create Holes of nothing in space? No!  Is there nothing at the end of the Universe? Yes!

Final Question - Is the Universe Infinite?  Answer, Yes. This is because you cant create Matter from nothing, and you cant create nothing from Matter!
 All of Existence is Matter plus its spatial force, nothing else, no expanse of nothing...

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Fission Particles / Accelerators   Quantum Mechanics    Interferometry     Antimatter     The Adolescent Universe    Life and Death    Logic    Grand Unification Theory   A Universal God    