A Grand Unified Theory

A Theory of Everything

  * A Unification of all 5 forces
* Universal Dark Matter Particles
* A Unified Construction of all Material Existence
* The Spatial Existence of Matter and Magnetism
* Fusion / Fission / Star Birth / Star Death / Black Holes or Stars?
* The Vast Expanse of Space that allows for the transmission of X-Rays, Light, Heat, Gravity and Magnetic Streams
Richard E Knower and LogicalUniverse.com


To Understand the Universe all you need to do is to correctly realize 6 things
Matter - Energy - Space - Time - Existence and Nothing.

welcome (youtube videos)

LogicalUniverse.com - Original Web Site - same content but different introduction.

I have always been obsessed with all things Science and Space. It must be in my DNA. My first encounter with Science and the natural order of things was a TV program in the early1950's called, Watch Mr. Wizard. It was about a young boy and his mentor, Don Herbert. Every week a young lad visited his home, and the two would do science experiments and explain every day phenomena, like Gravity, Electricity and Chemical Reactions. I was fascinated with this program and couldn't wait from week to week until the show came on again. After a couple months I found out I had a knack for understanding and explaining the process of science investigation. Many times I could predict the outcome even before they finished the experiment. It was fascinating to watch and the seeds of curiosity had invaded my body. 

The love I have for understanding the Universe, came in the late 50's with the announcement that Russians had put up a satellite in space, and that it orbited the earth every 90 minutes while beeping, and didn't fall back to the ground. (Sputnik). What? How cool and amazing to me this was. Right then and there I decided, this is my quest, to find out how things work, how they relate, and how they fit in the physical Universe. At that time even professors of highly regarded technical university's, could not explain the creation of Magnetism or Gravity. A wonder that I know, must have a simple solution. These things most certainly can be explained, if you know how energy, matter, and space are created. I had to find the answers.

Forward to 2008 and The Logical Universe. At this moment in time a light bulb went off in my head while I was thinking about Energy. It occurred to me that there is no way you can create Matter from movement, this is because I had defined Energy as the movement of Matter. So it is Matter that has to be conserved not Energy. Energy can be created and eliminated, therefore, it is Matter that has infallibility. It has to be all there is, ever was and ever will be. It is conserved. (b) Now the hard Part, explaining and making the Universe work. This means I could not consider the conclusions of anyone else, especially Einstein. This is because he surely had the relationship of Matter and Energy wrong. He linked Matter with the Speed of Light squared, and concluded, that this is what creates Energy and Matter. (interchangeability). (c) TLU says, this is just not functional or logical. Energy is the movement of Matter. Matter is an Entity and can not be created or destroyed. The speed of light is a relative measurement that changes with the density of Space, and Space, is produced by Matter plus spin energy. (movement). So it is the movement that creates a spatial force, thus creating distance between particles and body's. The relationship of matter plus its spinning or vibrating energy, is what creates more and less Space. Conclusion, Matter creates space, that doesn't change, but, it is its movement that does. 

Forward to 2021, I know I know, that's a long time. This is because there are a few hurtles that I had to overcome. Space, Time, Energy and Matter had to be explained with overwhelming evidence and not just beliefs. Time, Black Stars, Gravity, Anti-Gravity, Magnetism, Electricity, Light, Heat, and Space itself was under the microscope and all must be physically linked. Did TLU accomplish this task? I am certain the answer is yes. If there are any reasons why TLU wont work as defined, I certainly want to know about them. The Logical Universe complies with all the criteria set out by Encyclopedia 12, and, there are no known conflicts. This in turn is a recipe for success. Did the Logical Universe reach its goal? Only Observations, Relativity, Evolution, Mathematics and Logic will decide, not preconceived ideas and beliefs that are invented to marry the unknown with reality. There must be compelling evidence.

Final prophesy of The Logical Universe. Time is running out for me, but not for TLU, this is just the beginning, stay tuned...



Matter / Mass / Space

Energy / SML

Big Bang - Before - After


The Expanse

Universal Particle

Particle Evolution / Protons Quarks

Magnetism / Magnetic Force

The Atom

Quantum Fields

Dark M / Dark E / Anti-G

Gravity / Weight

Fusion / Sun Spots

Star Birth / Star Gravity

Death of Stars


Black Star or Black Hole

Light X Gamma Waves
Polarized Magnetic Waves


The Particles of Accelerators


Quantum Mechanics



The 4 Forces

Polarize Space

Michelson - Morley - Hubble

Spectra Lines / Red Shift

James Webb Telescope
Cosmic Collisions

The Adolescent Universe

Artificial / Biologisal Intelligence

  Biological Life and Death
A Universal God
Grand Unified Theory

  * Site edit for July 2024  

Running thru all pages and updating videos. Will this be the year that Physics discovers the true nature of Dark Matter / Dark Energy / Gravity / Anti-Gravity / Magnetism / Magnetic Force / Matter / Mass? * We have one more surprise to add to our Universal knowledge, Primal Matter / Primal Space / Primal Universe and non-polarized Space!

* This website is dedicated to finding the true nature of everything. We do not use FS (fantasy science) or BS (bias science), instead we use Verifiable Observations, Logic, Evidence and Plausibility. There is no such thing as a Wizard waving his hands, and then poof... the creation of matter from pure energy of a Singularity. Also, Black Holes in a vast expanse of nothing, Time Travel, the expansion force of Dark Energy, Photons and the Warping of Space-Time, all fall into the FS category. This is just wishful thinking to join the unknown with the "Standard Model."  Black Holes, Time Travel etc. do not possess in any way credible evidence.

As you navigate thru the Logical Universe Theory, you will notice there are multiple explanations to verify the relativity of all conclusions. Not just because someone with a string of degrees said, the universe had to have started with an infinitely small, singularity of pure energy, and no matter. (definition - string of degrees: notifications of order and compliance, in other words, pier reviewed). TLU says, these people most certainly are wrong. This is because they base there conclusions on a flawed foundation. TLU doesn't take anyone's assumptions without compelling evidence. Here at TLU, we built a new Model from known science, relativity, evolution, mathematic plausibility and logic. We went where no one has gone before, but this time, with no Miracles, Magic or Fantasy. You have to get the Big Bang right or else, it all falls apart. The Logical Universe (Unified Theory), has a rock solid foundation. It is not based on un-verifiable evidence.
Finally, we ask for your patience because, as you know, The Logical Universe is a work in progress. In May of 2021 TLU had a critical update that unified the theory. Now all basic phenomena have better definitions, and fit precisely together. This would be the Speed of Light, Gravity, Anti-Gravity, Dark Energy, Nothing, Matter, Dark Matter, Magnetic Space, Mass, Energy and Time. As I continually check the Web Site for type O's and small errors, I surely find them. When I do they get edited immediately. So, a few video's may, from time to time become out of date for a few days, but, all do get updated ASAP. And last, I don't foresee any new, major theory changes or discoveries. If there are any, you will read about them here first..

Richard E Knower

young me


knowerastronomy@gmail.com  (e-mail)

http://logicaluniverse.com   (original site)

http://unified-theory.org  (flagship site)

Welcome  (YouTube videos)

http://twitter.com/logicaluniverse  (twitter) 

http://unifiedtheory.us  (mirror site)

Don't Believe what you were told to believe, use the "Golden Rule of Knowledge." (Encyclopedia 40.5)

 Is it possible to Reach "The Impossible Dream" TLU says, Yes...