James Clerk Maxwell

Guglielmo Marconi

Polarized Magnetic Wave Streams thru Space

(Oscillating) - (Magnetic) - (Pressure) - (Current)
Wave Stream Spectrum

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X-Rays - (magnetic wave streams). Super spinning, polarized, magnetic streaming wave oscillations of Universal Particles in the high end of the polarized magnetic spectrum (wavelength .01 to 10 nanometers).

Gamma-Rays - (magnetic wave streams). Super spinning, polarized, magnetic streaming wave oscillations of Universal Particles in the highest range of the Magnetic Spectrum. (wavelength less than 10 picometers).  

Polarized waves are universal particle, oscillating, shifting magnetic wave energy streams moving through the Dark Matter Sea. I think that Polarized waves deserves an individual page because it is the same as light, but different in significant ways. Similar to Light waves, Polarized Waves travel at the same speed, but universal particle interaction on the other hand, is a little bit different. As you have probably already read, the Logical Universe defines magnetic waves as polarized shifting wave energy. This is different from light because you do not need to shift the magnetic energy of universal particles to propagate the frequency of light, but you do need it for magnetic energy. (b) Each universal particle in the Dark Matter Sea is a miniature magnet. Because of its spin, it has a north and south pole with a one way magnetic flow. If this space is stimulated with a foreign polarized force, the strength and magnetic force of particle to particle magnetism can change. These interactions are complex but don't last because these particles are in a free for all state with other particles. That means as time passes they have no memory, so they return to the local harmonious energy patterns after the streaming wave energy passes. What just happened is, the outside polarizing force has temporally shifted the magnetic configuration of local space and particles, but when the force changes or moves on, local space returns to normal. Remember that streaming wave energy's travel in all directions from source. Simple so far, right?

The polarized spectrum covers waves with frequencies ranging from below one hertz to above 1x10 to the 25th power of hertz. This is a new area of scientific discovery. Everybody thinks of the wave spectrum as a single phenomenon. In truth, it is three, oscillating polarizing waves, oscillating pressure waves, oscillating currents or a combination. This is where universal particle energy gets complex. (b) Infusing atoms with more energy can cause heat, which in turn shrinks quantum universal particle mass and increases density. The shrinking space ads more particles to outer atomic quantum fields, and that changes vibrations of the whole atomic structure. Heating food in a microwave oven is a direct result of the polarizing wave energy of universal particles on certain atoms. This is only one of the fascinating phenomena of magnetic waves in action. Magnetic Resonance Imaging is another (MRI). I am always in awe of the simple complexity of the Universe. If that sounds like a contradiction, it is, but that's the only way to describe it. 

Polarized Magnetic Streams - How do Earth Stations communicate with spacecraft in the vastness of space? And, how do spacecraft return magnetic signals to earth? Is it because Electromagnetic Force bends the fabric of Space-Time? Is it because of electromagnetic particles streaming thru space? Are they waves, like the so called Gravity Waves? Or, is electromagnetic force a property of Photons? All these comparisons are popular beliefs and have no credible evidence. TLU's conclusion is, there is a solution, but "The Standard Model" is not it. TSM provides no answers. (b) The Logical Universe has a powerful solution.  Electromagnetic energy is only produced in antennas and does not stream thru space. This is because there is no electron flow in the streaming magnetic energy of space. (c) Electromagnetic Force in space has been a problem for scientists since day one. The Logical Universe comes to the rescue. Electromagnetic propagation thru space does not happen in TLU theory, but, polarized magnetic waves can and do. This theory states that all of the distance between celestial bodies is Dark Matter, and Dark Matter can pass streaming magnetic wave energy, but not streaming electrons or the misconceived packets of Em energy. This is because the essential component of Dark Matter are spherical particles and these particles are spinning. This in turn, creates north and south poles along with a polarized field for each particle. The particles shift their magnetic spatial force in response to polarized stimulus, thus transferring this energy from particle to particle thru space. Magnetic propagation is just that simple. TLU believes this explanation proves without any doubt that space is not a void, but is a sea of Universal Dark Matter Particles. So, the conclusion is, no Polarized Dark Matter, no Magnetic Propagation.


Cosmic Receiving
Transmitting Antennas

* Antennas Receive and Radiate Streaming, Polarized Magnetic Energy, not electromagnetic energy. (a) Transmitting Polarized Magnetic energy is produced by electron flow in atomic quantum fields of the antenna. Electromagnetic energy in the antenna, oscillate the quantum fields of the metallic atoms. Then the complex vibrating magnetism, of the antennas quantum fields, interferes with the polarized energy of space. (b) The polarized energy produced by the transmitting antenna, travels thru space in streams similar to light, but it is not pressure wave or streaming electron energy, it is a polarized force. (c) Receiving - Streaming polarized energy also works in reverse. Polarized field streams from space interfere with the magnetic quantum fields of the receiving antenna. Electrons in these quantum fields are moved and displaced because of interfering oscillating magnetic energy from space. This in turn reproduces the same alternating electron flow in the receiving antenna, that was created by the polarized magnetic streams from the originating  quantum source.  * Now for the very powerful theory changing Logic of TLU. Transmitting electromagnetic information over the vast distances of space, can not work, unless we have a polarized medium in between. This is because, electrons or packets of energy do not do the streaming, only a polarized force can. What?  You want more... This is a big one, electromagnetic or magnetic streaming, will not work in Primal Space or The Vacuum of Space! You need particles with an internal and external magnetic spatial force to pass the energy.   Lastly - (d) Electromagnetic Waves / Alternating Currents, are only produced in Wires and Radio / TV Antennas, they do not stream thru space, but, Streaming Polarized Magnetism does. (See Encyclopedia 19 for an in-depth explanation of Electromagnetic flow) - (Electromagnetic flow and Polarized Magnetic flow are separate and different).

Conclusion -  If Space is a medium of nothing, magnetic waves are not possible, but, if space is a medium of Universal Dark Matter Particles, faster, slower polarized wave streams are a certainty. This is because of the modulated amplitude and frequency's of a Magnetic Polarized Force. Polarized Magnetic Wave speed is similar to light. This is because both pass their energy from Universal Particle to Particle, but not molecule to molecule. Sound on the other hand, does both.

Of course, magnetic waves are a little more complicated than this simple explanation, but TLU believes it has gotten the basics right. If it can work any other way, we would certainly like to know. Scientists have long ignored magnetic polarized propagation because they couldn't decide whether it was electromagnetic wave energy, particle energy or a combination of wave and particle energy. And finally, they surely had no idea how magnetism or so-called Electromagnetism could travel in the vast expanse of nothing. TLU has just removed the guesswork.


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