Gravity / Weight
Anti-Gravity / Dark Energy

Density Mass Index (DMI)
Magnetic Force

Gravitational Currents in the Dark Matter Sea

There are different levels of Gravity
it is not a Constant

welcome (youtube videos)

Gravity - The Creation and Levels - The first appearance of Gravity is caused by the energy difference between the Proton and the Dark Matter Sea. The difference is created by the evolution of magnetic Torus fields after the Big Bang, and the eventual looping with bonding of these fields, thus creating the Proton. Because the energy level of the proton is now locked, as the Universe cools and expands, the proton develops more and more gravitational potential. (b) The second level of gravity is, the Proton Neutron compression that happens in a Super Nova. This compresses Protons, Neutrons and their Quantum Fields, which in turn creates heavier elements with a stronger gravitational attraction. This means that all elements heavier then Iron, have a Gravity level 2 magnetic attraction force, in the Dark Matter Sea. (c) The third level of gravity occurs in a Hyper Super Nova that produces a dense Neutron Star, with a locked and closed super structure. It has superior Gravitational attraction of Dark Matter, but, does not consume this material because the neutron super structure is closed. (d) The 4th and final stage of Gravity is, the explosion of an extreme immense star, thus producing a massive compacting particle wave. This compresses what's left of the dyeing stars core, thus creating a super dense spinning sphere of Universal Particles only. (e) What just happened was the creation of a Black Star. TLU says, a Black Star can not be called a Black Hole, because in the Unified Theory, Matter can not be created or destroyed. This is in direct conflict with the Standard Model. As you know Einstein predicts that you can create matter. TLU says that this idea is totally wrong at every level, and has no evidence to back it up. (f) When a Black Star is created, its Gravity can tear apart Protons, Neutrons and Electrons, only Universal Particles survive. The perimeter particles of this dense stars body, now has a fast rotation and extreme pulling force on the Dark Matter Sea. (g) This final stage of Gravity has the ability to create super tiny dense torus streaming particles surrounding the Black Star, with ultimate pulling power. This in turn will tear apart all magnetic lock of approaching structures. The Black Star now adds these particles to its growing perimeter magnetic fields. This is the final stage of Gravity. 

Gravity the Force - For years science has struggled with the physical force of Gravity. What was missing was indeed missing. That's the existence of Magnetism. In TLU theory, not only is space filled with Dark Matter Particles, it is filled with the power of magnetism. All the Universal Particles of the Dark Matter Sea are individuals and are spinning. This is how they keep their shape. Because of this spin energy, each particle sphere has a north and south pole, with a one way spatial magnetic flow. What? - You guessed it, that is how polarized magnetism is created. magnetism is a pulling pushing, expanding, contracting spatial force. * (magnetism is not exclusively metallic, atomic number and quantum fields determine magnetic properties). (b)  Magnetic force is devoid of matter. It is the spinning spherical torus structures of the Dark Matter Sea, that produces a north and south pole, and space to spin in. This in turn, establishes a one way magnetic spatial flow thru each tiny spinning particle axis. (c) Now for something important that people don't realize. This north south flow, is what pulls and pushes on adjacent particles and establishes the well known Gravity, Anti-Gravity force. The strength of the force is subject to the amount of particle spin, which in turn, increases magnetic pulling or pushing power. When these power's fluctuate so does the density of the particles space. This in turn increases or decreases the concentration of the current, thus increasing or decreasing its power. (d) As you can see, the Gravitational Pulling force is a little complex, but not hard to understand after all. So the conclusion is, all the evidence points to space as a medium for light, sound, magnetic and gravitational forces and not a Vast Expanse of nothing. * An important thing to remember, Magnetism is not exclusive to Iron or metallic structures. this is because quantum fields determine metallic magnetism. Magnetism exists for all spinning body's in the Dark Matter Medium, whether or not, they are metallic.   

The Elevator and Gravity

Gravitational Currents - (Gravity is not Quantized Energy, Heat is). The Dark Matter Sea has different densities and movement because of the influence of larger bodies such as Planets, Stars and Galaxies. Because Planets and Stars are composed of small UDMP's that have a higher magnetic attracting force, is what pulls on the bigger Universal Particles of Space. The larger particles of space speed up and get smaller the closer they get to these bodies. This of course, pulls on other dark matter particles of space. Because the tiny spheres of matter and their polarized force are not in structural lock, the attraction sets up a cascading pulling streaming force of particles between denser and more energetic objects (Gravity Currents).

Gravity Currents of Earth are traveling through, in and around the elevator, and also you. (b) The currents have pulling influence even if the elevator is stopped, going up, going down or falling. (c) When the elevator accelerates upward towards your floor, first you feel more Gravity, than for a moment when you stop, you feel Dark Energy. (Encyclopedia 27). This is because of fluctuating Dark Matter currents flowing thru you and the elevator. (d) If in a falling elevator you were able to push up from the floor you would crash into the ceiling because you and the elevator are weightless.

Rules - (a) Gravity flows in, through and around Structural Matter. (b) Because the particles of Dark Matter are super small and uniform, you only feel them as a gentle, pulling force. (c) The amount of pulling force that Dark Matter has on a structure depends on the structure's transparency, its speed, and the speed / density of gravitational streams. This translates to how much the structure will weigh. (d) Because gravity is a current, it would have a flow speed. (e) Gravitational Current Speed would be close to, or the same as, Escape Velocity (Earth 11.2 kilometers per second, 25,053 mph) - (Moon 2.38 kilometers per second, 5,324 mph). (f) Magnetic structural lock usually overrides the pull of Gravitational Currents, but not in the case of a Black Star's pulling force, or the high energy of Fusion and Fission.


The fast moving water represents the Gravity Currents of Dark Matter
Think of structural matter as a screen or strainer like configuration, the flow of universal particles is able to pass right through at high speed but with varying degrees of resistance. This is because of the structure's configuration. The resistance to the pull of Gravity Currents is what determines weight!

Overriding the gravitational pulling force - You can stand on the Earth because of a magnetic structural lock. The Dark Matter currents of gravity produced by the earth are traveling right through, in and around your body at thousands of miles per hour. Bare in mind the super tiny particles of Dark Matter are much much smaller than your atomic structure, and in a weaker codependency, therefore you would only notice a uniform, gentle pulling force on your body. You can stop the attraction because you and the Earth present a large structural component in a stronger locked state. Therefore, the pulling force of gravity won't overcome the structure of you and earth, but gravity still would present a pulling force. This is because your structure is different than earth's, and quantum fields of both are not physically compatible, so, Gravity continues on, but you don't.

Scenario - If you are walking on the Earth and spot a bright juicy apple, then bend down to pick it up, you, the apple and earth become a structure. You can retrieve it because the combined magnetic lock of You and Earth overcome the weaker Dark Matter currents of gravity. Now, If you let go of the apple there is only the opposition of air, and the apple can overcome this weaker quantum configuration. The apple falls to the ground and the pulling Dark Matter currents of earth's gravity wins the battle. This is because Air is also subject to gravitational attraction but presents a weaker more fluid structural lock to the falling apple.




Observational Analysis "G" Force
(Gravity / Anti-Gravity)




 is known as a Gravitational force, but, Dark Matter can also
 push. This in turn is a different event (Anti-Gravity). So, a G-force can be either pulling or pushing, both are similar but opposite and permanently changes the size of the universal particles (Gravity shrinks the particles, Anti-Gravity expands them). So, this means that the Big "G" is not a constant, it is, an ever changing attracting repelling force. In the Logical Universe, there is only one thing that is a constant, it is the total amount of Matter, but not the matter's configuration.

Anti-Gravity - Encyclopedia 42(a) The expansion of Universal Particles and magnetic space caused by decreasing spin, magnetism and gravity. (getting colder) it is not a current, it's a wave. (b) The instant failure of Atomic Nuclei, and or, Quantum field lock, causing a violent expansion, then a compression of adjacent particles and space that has less potential energy. (Bang). The expansion energy temporarily compacts space and particles of the area, which in turn produces more  heat, light and magnetic force. As the energy dissipates so does Anti-Gravity. (c) Finally there is a star, with its compressed massive sphere of elements in a fusion state, that is slowing rotation. Fusion is occurring because of the Anti-Gravity pushing force from the stars interior on it's hydrogen fusion band. This is controversial because some physicists claim that fusion occurs in the core, and not the stars outer bands. TLU says evidence does not support this concept. There must be mobility of protons and quantum fields. More about Gravity see the Dark Matter / Anti-Gravity / Dark Energy page.



Acceleration / Deceleration

Dark Matter Medium

Dark Energy

Dark Energy Streams Create Eddy Currents


* The Dark Matter Medium is composed of Universal Particles, and these tiny bodies are individually spinning. This creates a north and south pole with a one way magnetic flow for each minuscule particle. (a magnetic effect). cw rotation produces ccw influence of neighboring particles, which in turn creates an ever so small repelling force between the two body's. That's right, because of the phenomena of polarized magnetism, and the pole and plane orientation of all these tiny dark matter particles, they never actually touch. They are all, ever so slightly separated. This phenomena is called magnetic Space. Magnetic space means that bodies of structural matter traveling thru this medium would have for the most part, no friction. I say no friction, but, it is not quite zero. The Pioneer Space Craft which are now traveling in interstellar space prove otherwise. (the Pioneer Anomaly). 

Galileo - A log and a feather in a Dark Matter Gravity Current only, will accelerate and travel at the same rate. Just like a log and a feather in a river current. TLU says this is still controversial. What about a planet and a feather? It doesn't scale up.  The Logical Universe has an answer, it's because Space is not a void and bodies have different gravitational strengths and transparencies. Therefore, on a large scale, structures with more Mass will accelerate slower than structures with less Mass, but, when blocking eddy's and pulling eddy's are equal, they will accelerate and or travel at the same rate. 


Structure Movement
in a Dark Matter Medium

Dark Energy

Eddy Currents

Blast off, Acceleration

Speeding along in Dark Matter

The high energy of re-entry
  Of course there are many  currents surrounding the structures, but for these illustrations, only one is depicted.
This is for simplicity and clarity. (B-E are blocking Eddy's / P-E are pulling Eddy's) - (high and low pressure streams)


Acceleration / Deceleration - When you accelerate a structure in a Dark Matter Medium, you allow dark matter particles to push their way thru its body, and everything in it, from front to back. Now, when the side of the space craft pushes thru the dark matter particles of space, because of the vehicle's forward motion, it creates low pressure eddy currents in the rear. As you accelerate faster, it forces more dark matter thru the structure from front to back, along the sides and thru the low pressure field at the rear. The streaming currents thru the structure is Dark Energy. When you accelerate less, the low pressure eddy currents in the rear become more positive, with less transparency, thus blocking more of the dark matter streaming thru the vehicle.  (b) When you stop accelerating, the dark matter streaming thru the vehicle will also stop because the eddy currents in the rear, now have equal pressure with the bow, and shuts off the flow. This forces all of the dark matter to pass around the structure and not thru it.  

Now, when a structure decelerates in the Dark Matter Medium because of force, or friction with the atmosphere, the opposite is true. This breaks down the blocking bow wave in front of the craft creating low bow pressure, and high pressure in the rear. Dark energy now flows back to front. As the craft slows, the bow pressure gets stronger and the rear pressure weakens. Dark Energy current thru the vehicle is less. When you stop decelerating, either you are stopped in the dark matter medium, and there are no currents flowing in around or thru your structure, or, you are still traveling, but now have a strong bow wave, and equal pressure in the rear with no transparency for Dark Energy Currents.

The Conclusion - Is a pushing force of streaming Dark Matter particles thru a Space Craft, Gravity?  No, they are Dark Energy currents. Yes, the movement of dark matter particles thru a body creates a pulling or pushing force on its structure, and it would be hard to observe any real difference in the forces, but, as you will see the pushing current can't be called Gravity. This is because Gravity, and Anti-Gravity permanently changes the size of Dark Matter Particles, but streaming Dark Energy does not. This pushing current is sometimes called Artificial Gravity. One more important thing to understand about Dark Energy, if this streaming current is severe, it can tear apart magnetic bonds and cause an explosion, just like Gravity.



Gravitational Evolution


Now for something interesting. Have you ever wondered why in the distant past, dinosaurs and prehistoric mammals were so large and seemed to defy gravity? Many scientists have concluded that some species of air-born creatures were too heavy to accomplish flight. TLU has an unexpected and controversial answer. It is because Earth's Gravity was much less in prehistoric times, and the atmosphere was more dense. This in turn, led to an evolutionary process that allowed for larger but not heavier animals to take to the sky. Simply put, the flying creature's weight was much less because of weaker gravity, and a thicker atmosphere which produced more lift. (b) I can understand about the thicker atmosphere, but what about less gravity? The solution is simple...

Earth since its creation has been adding Matter and Mass to its body because of the properties of Gravitational Currents. Every second, of every minute, of every day, for all of Earth's existence, Universal Particles along with other mass of the solar system and space have been consumed by Earth. This in turn, has increased its Mass and Gravity, which has increased Earths ability to attract particles and matter exponentially. Therefore the Gravity of Earth, as well as other celestial bodies, increases with the progression of time. At the extreme so does a Black Star. The Universal Particles that are added to the Black Star also enhance its Mass and Gravity, thus adding more and more particles (Accumulating Gravity).


Centrifugal Force / Dark Energy


Centrifugal Force / Dark Energy - Sometimes called Artificial Gravity - This phenomenon is explained a little bit different in The Logical Universe because of Dark Matter. If Einstein, Newton, and Galileo knew about the relationship of  Dark Matter, Gravity and Dark Energy, we would be far more advanced in our knowledge and understanding of the Cosmos.

If you have a tennis ball and attach a long string to it, you are potentially creating a structure. If you take up the slack in the line and pull on the ball in a circular motion, you are transferring movement energy to the ball. As the ball starts whirling around in a circular motion, you overcome the force of Gravity which is trying to pull the ball down to the earth. You, your arm and string are transferring motion energy to the ball. The ball in turn, is pushing through air molecules and more important, through Dark Matter. Because the ball is not traveling in a straight line and is tethered, it experiences an off center direction of Dark Matter current flowing in, around and through the ball. This pulls on the string (Dark Energy).

Does Gravity have anything to do with this event? No, this is Centrifugal Force, that moves a structure, that creates Dark Energy. If you presented a strong Gravity Field, the ball would be attracted to you without the string, but, your Mass is comparatively small, so there is only a slight field between. There is more gravity between Earth and the Ball, but the centrifugal force of this experiment is much much greater. So, it's the medium of Air Molecules, Dark Matter and Structural Attachment of the String, and Dark Energy Currents, that causes the orbit of the ball, not Gravity.



The Sun

The red arrows represent gravity currents
Orbiting Planets Moons and Satellites all follow the same gravitational laws.

If there is a huge massive body such as the Sun, it will produce extensive Dark Matter Gravity Currents. The currents are capable of controlling the movement of Planets, Asteroids, Comets, Gas, and Debris of all kinds. If you get closer to the Sun, the gravity currents will increase speed and force because they become more concentrated. Just like a river when it gets narrower. If you move further away, the gravity flow will get wider thus decreasing speed and force. Again, just like a river.

Satellites - When a satellite enters the orbit of a planet, the Gravity Currents become perpendicular to the smaller traveling body. The satellite is not falling toward the planet, it is being pulled from a straight line trajectory. In other words the intruding visitor tries to continue in a direct line but can not because of the gravity currents of the larger planet pulling it back.

There is a small window where the planet's Gravity Currents, the forward energy of the satellite, and its changing off center gravity pull, causes a centrifugal force. This prevents the satellite from flying off into space, but also prevents it from crashing into the planet. It has become tethered, or, if you will, locked in a Gravitational Equilibrium.

If the satellite misses the planets gravitational insertion window, it will not be captured in equilibrium. It will continue on with a boost in velocity, and, a change in trajectory because of the encounter with the planets superior, increased gravitational current velocity.

* Finally, something very interesting. It is the prediction of TLU, if the planets pulling gravity currents were suddenly interrupted, the satellite would immediately fly off in a straight line, if, there were no other gravity influences. Einstein's Gravity does not support this theory, but, Isaac Newton's Gravity and The Logical Universe, Grand Unified Theory does...


Density Mass Index / DMI
Why do you weigh less on a mountain top than you do at sea level?
The answer is simple if you consider Gravity is a pulling current and Anti-Gravity is a pushing wave. Because Gravity is subject to the Density Mass Index, is why there is more pull at sea level and less on a mountain top. There is no way that gravity travels in waves and distorts "Space-Time."

While up on a mountain top, Gravity Currents produced by the Earth are traveling right thru your atomic structure at thousands of miles an hour. You are so use to the subtle pull on your body, you don't think much about this attraction force. If you step on a scale at this elevation, lets say for the sake of argument, you weigh 150 lbs. Now you become aware of the Gravity. Lets climb down the mountain to the ocean and continue this experiment.

Down at sea level you decide to weigh your self again. If you step on the scale, to your surprise you weigh 151 lbs. If nothing has changed like clothing, or any additional things to your body such as soil on your shoes, you must conclude that Gravity has increased. If all things are equal, that is a correct outcome, your weight has definitely increased. Don’t worry, you haven’t added to your body mass, it is just that gravity is more concentrated and faster. This experiment has been done thousands of times and Gravity does indeed increase at sea level. Why is this happening? What is going on? 

TLU Theory - Gravity is a current of spherical, tiny, Dark Matter Particles. They can travel right thru atomic structures with almost no restriction, but not quite zero. This is Gravity. On a mountain top the particles are less dense and the attraction speed is increasing because of the pulling force of Earth (like a wide river current). When you get down to sea level the particles become more compressed and the speed is faster (just like a narrow channel in the river). This is because of a phenomena called the "Density Mass Index." (See Encyclopedia 15). Density is the amount of Matter a structure has. Mass is the amount of spatial force a structure contains. As previously theorized, Universal particles from space traveling thru your body, pulls on your structure, but, Gravity Currents are also subject to the Density Mass index. So, if the gravity currents at sea level are more condensed, it means they are smaller and more per area, thus creating a stronger pulling force. It is just that simple. Now, if you are standing on a scale you will notice this increase in Gravitational speed and strength. Waves have nothing to do with this, it is all because of the increasing speed, density and contraction of Dark Matter Currents.


Gravity Can Not Totally Collapse Space or
Runaway with Itself - TLU

Now it gets interesting - Earth is what attracts Dark Matter particles. This is because the smaller faster spinning universal particles of Earth, pull on the larger slower ones of space. As they encounter the Earth Space boundary, they continue right thru towards the center. When they reach the Iron core, they stop contracting. They can not get any smaller and the attraction force of Gravity stops. This is because of the potential energy created by Iron will not allow any more contraction. It is the end of the road so to speak.

It is the Proton that is responsible for The First Stage of Gravitational Attraction and Cessation. The exact spin and potential magnetic energy of the Proton was set in its evolution time after the Big Bang Expansion. This means that Gravitational attraction can not, and will not, run away with itself. There is a limit to this pulling magnetic spin energy. On the other hand, Gravitational attraction can resume if there is a secondary Mini Big Bang so to speak. This would compress Protons, Neutrons and Quantum Fields with more active and potential energy. It is exactly what happens in a Supernova. It infuses Protons and Neutrons with more spin, pulling and compressed energy. It also forces more protons and neutrons of atomic, nuclei together thus creating heavier elements. This takes the attraction force of gravity up to a new level. (level 2). (b) We are not done yet. If a huge star uses up all of its fusible material and Anti-Gravity, this in turn can lead to a very large explosion. This is because of the ripping force of Gravity from space. It tears apart the magnetic lock of Perimeter Elements of the Star. The Creation of a Neutron Star produces another level of Gravity. (level 3). It is theorized at this level, a Neutron Star cant consume any Dark Matter particles from space because the neutron star is a closed system, so the Dark Matter particles from space are flung right back out as they approach the star. This new level of gravitational attraction also has a stopping point. Neutron Gravity is not strong enough to create a Black Star. At this point in theory there is a well known sequence on how Black Stars are created. (c) A mammoth exploding pressure wave of Stellar Matter, along with the severe ripping currents of Dark Energy, tears and compresses an extreme star core so much, Neutrons and other structural matter don’t survive. Only Universal Particles with superior spin and density now exist. This is the last step of Gravity. It can now resume and create the ultimate attraction force of the Universe. (level 4 Gravity). Unlike the Neutron star, a Black Star consumes Dark Matter Particles from space. This in turn creates an exponential increase in the size of the Star, and steadily decreases the size of the Universe.


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