Laser Interferometry
Primary and Secondary Waves

 (LIGO) - Livingston, Louisiana
Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory?

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LIGO is a laser detector that is made possible by vibrating Dark Matter at a particular frequency. This produces a huge number of universal particle streams in a single primary beam. The streams of the beam are oscillating in step, just below the visible light range. This gives the multiple streaming beam, a single frequency identity. Next, The primary beam is then split in two different directions at right angles. Both beams travel for 2.5 miles, then hit a precisely aligned mirror and bounce back for another 2.5 miles. On the way back, because of the spacing of the reflecting mirrors, the frequency of the primary laser streams are moved 180 degrees out of phase, but are still in lock step. Now, because the frequency of outward and inward bound beams are the same, but opposite in amplitude, the net result is no amplitude. * Now if something, or a situation upsets the phasing of the two beams, changes in amplitude of the primary beam will occur. (b) Enter sub-waves of the laser. These are secondary waves that are created by the primary beam. They don't get a boost in strength by the placement of reflecting barriers of the laser, because their frequency is lower. (the sound spectrum). Keep in mind that the Primary and Secondary waves are magnetically linked. Now, If a sound wave from space intersects the laser secondary wave, it is possible to modulate it. This in turn would effect the primary wave because they are linked. The primary wave would change its phasing and reproduce the sound wave from space. Because of distance and separation of the primary beams, it is possible to determine a crude speed and direction of the reproduced sound. TLU - Of course this explanation leaves out a lot of details. this is because it is meant only to show the interferometry concept.  

Scenario -  "Black Stars" (not black holes) are locked in a death spiral. This creates enormous pulsing gravity currents and pressure waves in space. (a) When Black Stars are in a collision death spiral, they gradually decrease space between them. As they get closer, their attracting poles synchronize and match up. The closer they get, the pressure waves they create increases frequency in the Dark Matter Medium. This is because gravity currents are pulling them together with more and more density, thus more strength, with a faster, increasing communal rotation. When they merge, the pressure waves stop but there now combined gravitational attraction doesn't. The new and bigger Black Star now has stronger Gravity and no Oscillating Pressure Waves. This is because the two rotating Black Stars are no more, and are no longer pulling and pushing on the Dark Matter Medium. This is because they have merged into a stronger, larger, single circular structure.  TLU - (this is not a Black Hole) - (Matter can not be created or destroyed).

Because Dark Matter of Space and the Dark Matter medium of LIGO are similar, it creates an environment for Universal Particles to interact. When the wave energy from Black Stars in a close death spiral reach LIGO, they travel right thru and interfere with the secondary beams of the Laser. Because the beams are at right angles and have a combined distance of 10 miles, it is possible to observe extremely small disturbances emanating from space. Don't forget that the secondary laser beams are magnetically tied with the primary ones. The modulation of secondary waves produce a phase shift in the primary beam, which in turn re-produces the oscillating frequency's emanating from space.  The big question is, what kind of waves are these. TLU says that these waves are Pressure Waves. This is because sound and light are pressure waves, and the orbiting Black Stars also create pressure waves. Therefore similar intersecting waves and frequency's will interact. (AM Modulate). (b) LIGO says these waves are Push Pull Gravity Waves, that warp Space Time. This in turn causes the end reflecting mirrors of LIGO to ebb and flow. Now the primary beams of the observatory get FM Modulated. This means the primary beams change in frequency in response to the Gravity Waves from Space. Oh My, something is not making sense. We have a significant discrepancy.

FM agrees with Einstein - AM agrees with TLU

The LIGO experiment has a big surprise in store. After a short wait in astronomical time, scientists detected activity on the streams. It was observed with little doubt, that there are unmistakable Sound Waves emanating from Deep Space. TLU - With this observation we have an agreement.

Now things get crazy. Scientists at the LIGO experiment have concluded with a high degree of certainty, that the structure of the sounds they detected from space, are produced by "Black Holes" merging, thus adding confidence to some major theory's. LIGO claims that this proves Black Holes exist, and do merge, thus proving Einstein's theory of  Relativity, along with the Standard Model, and E=MC². (b) TLU - Hold on hold on, not so fast. This explanation has too many holes of nothing in the expanse of nothing, to be believable. We say this conclusion needs more evidence than the detected accelerated chirp. The LIGO observation is also applicable to Black Stars Merging. In TLU theory, Black Stars have lots of evidence for existence, but, Black Holes do not.

The LIGO experiment claims with great fanfare, that these sounds emanating from space are produced by Black Holes. Why do I contradict the conclusions of LIGO? It is because I have a whole Encyclopedia of evidence to back me up. The vast expanse of empty space and the hypothetical holes in it, are just not possible or logical. It violates all known laws of physics. All of Space is material and a polarized or non-polarized magnetic spatial medium. Nothing, is not any thing, it is, nothing at all. It is not the vast expanse of Warped Space-Time, with Holes in it.


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