Energy / Potential Energy / Dark Energy

Synergetic Magnetic Lock - SML

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TLU theory - Energy - The Movement of Matter and its Magnetic Spatial Force. You can have Matter without Energy, but, you can not have Energy without Matter!

What is Energy?  That is a great question that has been asked forever. I am going to try and explain as clearly as I can, how it all works in the Dark Matter Universe. This theory defines energy as the movement of Matter. Simple, right? Yes, but as you might have thought, there is a lot more going on. It all boils down to the status of universal particles at any moment. Universal particles can rotate, they can  temporarily shift their magnetic fields while rotating, thus passing polarized energy from particle to particle. They can also vibrate, shrink and expand their magnetic space. This is the raw energy of the moment (the movement of Matter and a magnetic spatial force). The intensity of the energy depends on the concentration, size, speed of rotation, vibrations, and lateral movement. As you can see the amount of energy can get very big very fast because of the huge number of particles involved. All this Energy can be traced back to the Big Bang. No matter is created or destroyed, but, the amount of Energy and Mass can change. Now lets go where the "Standard Model" cant.

Active Energy - (four dimensions) - Active Energy is the movement of matter and has four dimensions, spin, lateral, expanding and contracting movement. This requires a particle medium, and each particle in the medium to be an individual. (super-symmetric). (a) When Dark Matter particles Spin they create a N and S pole with a one way magnetic flow thru their axis. The N and S pole attracts and pushes on adjacent particles thus creating an isolating force. When the magnetic force is stimulated it passes magnetic energy from particle to particle. (a changing Magnetic Polarizing Stream). (b) When dark matter particles spin and shrink, they have the movement of contracting / compacting. Each particle decreases magnetic space thus increasing density which pulls on adjacent particles and creates a streaming current chain from particle to particle. (Gravity). (c) When Dark matter particles vibrate their physical space (height width depth), they pass this movement from particle to particle thus creating a streaming physical force. (Light Waves). (d) When streaming dark matter particles rapidly speed up and shrink, then relax and again speed up then relax, it creates an oscillating stream with other particles. (Quantized / Streaming Heat). (e) When Dark Matter Particles lose spin energy but not Torus Lock, they have the movement of expansion. This is because they lose magnetic force between primal matter particles, and this increases the particle's mass. (Anti-Gravity). (fast changes of spin energy creates a Bang or the Big Bang Inflation) - (slowing spin energy with torus lock failure, Primal Space Creation).

Potential Energy - Potential Energy is the degree of compressed magnetism that Spherical Particle Matter has. The physical properties of primal matter itself can not be squeezed and stretched because each tiny piece is solid, but, magnetic space can. Its like when you push two N poles of magnets together, then release them, they spring apart. This is because quantum torus field intervals and density of each magnet can be compressed but when the compressing force is released, the magnetic spatial force of the area now seeks the right quantum magnetic intervals and intermingles with the magnetic density and flow of the medium. (both Primal / Dark Matter particles and Magnetism constitute a medium) - (existence).

Dark Energy - Streaming, Pushing Dark Matter Particles thru structures. The medium of streaming particles don't permanently change their size as they push their way thru space created by the movement of bonded elements, molecules and body's. Because the streaming dark matter particles have a pushing force and the same physical process as Gravity, they can't be called Gravity. They can't be called Anti-Gravity either because Anti-Gravity changes the size of the particles. The only thing left is the force of Dark Energy. Dark Energy has been theorized as a pushing force expanding space, but, TLU says Anti-Gravity does that. So it is logical not to rewrite the whole Universal theory and just use available terms that have relevance. Dark Energy fits the bill. That's why Dark Energy has a new and unique definition. It has become the pushing streaming medium of Dark Matter. All the streaming particles of Dark Energy have a magnetic force that pushes against structural configurations and can break magnetic bonds just like Gravity. In TLU theory, because of its special properties Dark Energy fits the same criteria as Artificial Gravity, and, that's why we call it that. This is because the force presented in, around and thru body's, is just like the gravity pulling force, and it would be hard to detect any real difference, except for the fact it is pushing rather than pulling. So in the Grand Unified Theory, Dark Energy / Artificial Gravity have new and distinct definitions, and a distinct place in the theory with no known contradictions.

Conclusion - (a) Total Energy (active / potential) can change from one form to another. (b) Active Energy can be created and eliminated - (movement of Matter). (c) Potential Energy can be created and eliminated. (stored energy of Matter). (d) Energy is not matter, or, can be converted into matter. It is Matter and its magnetic properties of movement that creates all Energy...

Just take a few moments to think about this. No one has put this argument about Energy in that framework before. TLU believes that's just how energy works. It is Matter that can't be created or destroyed. Matter plus a polarizing / non-polarizing spatial force, is Existence itself, but, it can expand and contract. I know this is profound, but it complies with all known and observable science. It fits precisely with relativity and evolution. It is mathematically plausible and is logical. Now we can see the Universe in a different Light so to speak.


Magnetic Lock

Synergetic Magnetic Lock. (SML) - An interdependent grouping of universal particles or matter locked in a specific configuration by the forces of magnetism. These Particles all have rotational status. There are two subgroups. (a) Closed looping structure's which do not add or subtract universal particles. (Neutron, Neutrino). Structures with open and closed fields. This would be the Proton, Electron. They can add or remove particles from their non-closed fields, but not the closed ones. (b) Open structures that can add and subtract universal particles to further balance energies (Atoms, Quantum Ring, Torus Fields, Molecules, Complex Structures and Black Stars). In the case of Black Stars, the universal particles all have slowing rotation as they are pulled into a compression state. In the interior of a Black Star, universal particles are distorted, super compressed with only potential energy.

All Energy is linked with Matter and all Matter is linked with other Matter because of magnetic space. When energy creates attraction of adjoining Matter is called Gravity. Smaller rotating universal particles attract other ones.

All Universal Particles in a fluid medium, rotate, thus creating Magnetic Fields. (an attraction repelling force). When energy, (including potential energy) number of universal particles, gravity and magnetic fields reach a stable relationship, it is called a “Synergetic Magnetic Lock.” This means they will stay in a specific configuration as long as they have spin energy, which maintains there communal structures. Only extreme cold, compression, gravity or dark Energy and high energy collisions, can break magnetic lock, thus causing particles or structures to fail. * One more important piece of information. Magnetic lock can only occur in polarized space. This is bcause a N S attracting pushing force is needed to create a stable, energy state.

There are five types of bonded structures. The first on the list is the Universal Particle. It is made of Primal Matter that was molded into a circular form by the force of an exploding Black Star. It can spin fast or slow, thus creating and changing its spatial distance, but not the matter itself. Faster and slower spin expands and shrinks the universal particle structure. This in turn, increases and decreases its internal and external magnetic zones. An increase in spin energy creates a strong pulling force on other particles, (Gravity). Slowing spin energy creates a weaker pulling force. If the pulling force becomes equal with the surrounding particles, but continues to slow because of compression, it has turned into a pushing force. (Anti-Gravity). (b) Finally, there is a point where compression is decreasing in all surrounding universal particles equally, that would be the cooling outer boundary's of the Universe. In this space, polarized force is relaxing and will eventually lose it's power. UDMP's will release torus lock, and magnetic space weakens, but expands more, because particle grains are freed from their structure. This is the place where energy is minimal. (near absolute zero). Universal Particles that still have some spin, will in time, also lose their polarized magnetic lock and expand space even more. The matter that's left behind, is Primal Sand and its Primal Space. This is the fundamental DMI of the whole Cosmos, which no longer is part of the Dark Matter Universe. (c) An important fact to remember, TLU says, Matter, can not be created or destroyed. So space now consists of Primal Sand, and a weak magnetic spatial force because the tiny grains still have energy. This is because they can slowly move, flow, and bump into each other, thus creating the low energy of Primal Space. (Primal Space in a Primal Universe, in a Dark Matter Universe).

The second type of bonded SML structure is the Proton. This particle has looping closed cw primary fields with non-closed fields in-between.

The third structure is the Electron. This particle is the same as the Proton but the closed primary fields are ccw with non-closed fields in-between. Also the electron is tiny compared to the proton, but, with an equal opposite charge. The closed loops of both particles have great magnetic strength. The non-closed loops not so much. Also the non-looping fields are theoretically able to add universal particles to equalize the parent structure.

The fourth and fifth SML structures are the Neutrons and Neutrinos. Both their primary (cw loops), and secondary (ccw loops) are closed. This means they can not add any more particles. Because their bodies have both cw and ccw loops, there is no electric charge.

When Elements are in a SML state it is possible for all universal particles to slow rotation or speed up without loosing structural integrity. This is because the force of magnetism overrides Gravity. Only under extreme cold, or contraction, and or, severe lateral movement of smaller spinning particles, does SML fail. These forces can over come the super strong property of bonded structures.

For years magnetic lock has had a low priority in the scheme of things. Not so in the Logical Universe, or, A Unified Theory. SML is so, so important because without it, the Universe would just be a sea of Matter and Energy. As you can see, "Synergetic Magnetic Lock" is a little complex, but not hard to explain and understand. It may take a few reading passes, but, when you catch on, you'll say, now I get it, and it does fit with all we know.

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