Particle Evolution

1 - Primal Matter
2 - Universal Particles - (UDMP's)
3 - Torus Strings - Bonded Universal Particles
4 - Evolved Particles - Proton, Electron, Neutron and Neutrino (PENN)
5 - Collision Particles - Quarks, Leptons, Boson's, Hadrons and Fermions (QLBHF)

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1 - Primal Matter (sand formulation) - This evolutionary theory is unique to the Logical Universe because nobody has addressed what produced the Big Bang. It was assumed that the Universe started with a blast of pure energy. Oh my, this from the get go is suspicious. TLU says not so fast, how do you spell assume?  Where is the criteria for this belief.  Ok, so what caused the Big Bang? Only The Logical Universe starts at the beginning. (b) First on the list is not energy. This is because energy can be created and eliminated, but, matter can not. So it is matter that's the basic material of existence, not energy. (c) TLU says there are two formulations of matter. They are Primal Matter, and Universal Particles. (sand and spheres of sand). The first one we will talk about is Primal Matter. At the very basic level Primal Matter is the substance that can't be created or destroyed and has height, width and depth. Each tiny granule is super small and just above the plank scale of measureable existence. How did you determine that matter is so small? The answer is simple, because Matter and the movement that matter has, must be able to create all of Space. This is the only scale of matter, that has the ability to produce the amount of space that we observe, and not bigger chunks of matter. (d) When tiny bits of Primal Matter move, vibrate, and collide with each other, it produces the second part of Space. In other words, Matter creates space, but, its external energy is what produces more of it. What? Yes... Tiny matter grains can vibrate, move about, and bump into each other. This creates a spatial force that has height width and depth, but does not increase the amount of matter. So there are two spatial phenomena; matter, and the space that energetic matter creates. This means there can be a vast expanse of matter with energy. (e) Now it gets interesting. TLU says there is no vast expanse of nothing, because, nothing has no height width or depth, but space does. So what's missing?  it is energy and its spatial force... We call this energy a non-polarized magnetic space. So now there can be a medium of Matter with an energetic force and no empty void. This space that is created is called Primal Space. Now for a very important part of the Primal Space. Primal Space is not the Dark Matter Sea. That step hasn't ben reached yet. Primal Space has spatial properties, but it is not a polarized medium.

 Universal Particle (UDMP)- A fundamental structure of Primal Matter locked in a spherical shape by spinning energy. If the particle has no rotation, there will be no gravity or magnetic effect. It is their spin that creates the magnetism, that creates a spatial pulling pushing force, that creates the sphere. (a) There is a Universe full of these compressed particles in a Super Colossal Black Star. This could also be called a "Monolithic Singularity." (b) When Primal Matter and its space, enters the magnetic containment field of a Spinning Colossal Black Star, all rotation of perimeter particles slow down, then stop. The attraction force of the Super Star has been eliminated and a decompression force takes over. The stars Gravity has been replaced with Anti-Gravity and expanding Universal Particles, thus creating more and more Mass. (c) Because the Super Star is still spinning, it transfers this energy to its Expanding Particles, thus creating super compressed tiny spinning spheres. (d) The Primal Matter is also caught up in this energy transfer, and makes even more spheres with compressed spin energy. This is the only way that Universal Particles are created. They are cloned by compressed rotating sibling particles, and have the enormous potential and spin energy of the Universal Black Star. (e) As Universal Particles expand and evolve, they develop an internal and external space, a polarized force. This is what produces the Mass of the Dark Matter Universe. (UDMPS). 

Primal Matter and its Non-Polarizing space, plus Universal Particles and their Magnetic Force, is what makes up all of Existence. There are no Voids in-between. This seams unbelievable because of the vastness of the Cosmos. We have been conditioned to believe that Space is a huge expanse of nothing, with particles and matter floating or traveling thru it. As you will see, this can not be the case. (b) For Dark Matter Space to be able to expand and contract, there must be a magnetic force, and you cant have a magnetic force without matter and active energy. A magnetic force won't pull or push in a Void. A hypothetical Void has no energy or matter and can't spin, expand, or contract, it is nothing. So, it is Matter with its spatial force that does the spinning, attracting and pushing. This means that all of Dark Matter Space is Magnetism and Matter. There can be no Vast expanse of Nothing. This is because Light, Magnetic Waves, Gravity and Anti-Gravity occur between all "Now Points" of the Cosmos. These energies can not trans-verse a void!  This is because they need a medium to pass on their energy. Forget about packets of energy and matter, this idea is just too fanciful, and has no explanation for evolution or existence. 

Now that we have established the basic primal building blocks and the forces of space, it is time to explain how Protons, Electrons and Neutrons form. This is easy because we have the basics in place. Quarks, Leptons and Bosons are not part of this process. They can not in any stretch of the imagination evolve and combine to form PENN particles given the state of the Universe at this point in time.


Creating a Proton
A PENN particle

Proton simplified, partial configuration.

 Each red particle is spinning cw.
The whole structure is rotating cw.
The open ccw fields are not shone.

When Proton forming occurred after the big bang, some spinning highly energized universal particles, started to group Magnetically in the expanding Dark Matter Sea. Because of the individual particle spinning energy, some of their axis of rotation began lining up in a pole to pole to pole configuration. Next, because same direction rotation attracts, these poles influence each other. Eventually they will magnetically engage and form a magnetic string of particles. The poles of the individual universal particles in the string never actually touch because adjacent particles keep them ever so slightly apart. This is how a Torus Magnetic Field is created. It's just like strands of pearls. All particles in the strings are synchronized and spin either cw or ccw perpendicular to the plane they are in. These are some of the properties that Torus fields have. They can also extend, get bigger, or form a more complex intertwining Yarn size cables. These intermixing string like fields are the first structures to form after the Big Bang, and is what creates a foundation for Protons.

The Proton - (a) Because of a general direction of all particles in the expanding Universe, multitudes of cork screw Torus patterns evolve in the Dark Matter Sea. This produces magnetic bonded strings of universal particles. Adjacent particles also align and compliment the strings, thus forming thicker and longer multiple strands. Eventually a energetic looping  yarn size rope can form. If these looping yarn type fields wrap around themselves, the loops can close off from the rest of the matrix and become magnetically bound. This is exactly how each Proton forms. (b) The Protons now have cw looping magnetic fields passing through a center axis, and, ccw looping yarn fields in-between that don't. These ccw yarn fields are squeezed out thus preventing them from closing their loops. TLU calls this phenomena of Energy and Matter, a composite SML structure. Because the cw looping yarn fields have more particles and exposure, the structure has a positive charge, and is now called a Proton. (c) The proton has its internal, external spin and flow, along with its own magnetic spatial  force. It is a Horn Torus Structure. (d) The Proton has both Active and Potential Energy. The amount has been set at the precise moment of SML in Evolutionary Time. (e) As Universal Particles expand space further, the Proton will develop more and more Gravitational Potential. This is because the protons pulling force is magnetically locked.  (f) The sum of closed chained fields spin cw, which in turn causes the whole proton structure also to rotate cw, but, at a slower rate. (g) * Finally, The Proton now has both active and potential energy, which in turn, creates a unique polarized space, with an attraction, or repelling force, depending on the environment. (the Proton can repel other protons if it has more spinning compression than its surroundings). (Anti-Gravity).  

Proton / Anti Proton - Because of the Protons Torus spin energy is primarily cw, it causes the whole structure to also spin cw. Now it gets interesting. If the magnetic environment is strong and opposes the rotational direction of the proton, it can force it to rotate backwards. This in turn, may or may not reverse the proton's internal magnetic energy. It all depends on the degree of compression and the persistence of the external magnetic forces of the environment. If the environment succeeds in reversing the protons external spin, it can also reverse its internal torus spin. This will change the Proton into an Anti-Proton.  Much, much more on the Anti-matter Page.

Finally, TLU predicts that the amount of matter in a proton's closed loops will always remain the same, but the size, magnetism and gravity of the proton can change (Mass). This is because it is made of Universal Particles that can expand or contract. Also, the non-closed fields can add and shed particles. TLU - Not only do Spinning Protons create Torus Fields, but, spinning Atomic Nuclei and larger body's, produce them as well.

The Proton
and its External Fields

Open Torus Fields
in Surrounding Dark Matter

Open Ring Fields
 in Surrounding Dark Matter

The Proton is a complex universal particle structure and is the first major building block of the Universe. That is, if you don't count magnetic strings. It has a Horn Torus configuration.

All this evolution complexity happens because the density, energy level, size and orientation of Universal Particles in the Dark Matter Sea, is just right at this stage of the expansion. The evolving Proton is in balance with energies of the moment. It's sort of like in a rain cloud at a particular moment in time, temperature, pressure, and amount of water vapor, etc., all those energies are synergetic. Because of the balance, all of the rain drops that develop are the same size. The developing Proton would logically follow a similar evolution.

The newly formed Proton now consists of UDMP's in a looping configuration, locked by the forces of magnetism. This means it can't add or subtract particles to its closed loops in response to energetic encounters, although it can get bigger or smaller. This is because it is made of universal particles that can still expand or contract. At this point, the Proton is independent and is free to move on its own.

As you have already found out, just about everything in the universe is in motion of one kind or another. This is true for the Proton. The Proton has its internal energy, as well as external energy. When the whole proton spins on its axis, it will develop sympathetic magnetic fields in surrounding Dark Matter. These fields come in two flavors, Torus fields and Ring fields. The Torus fields are pole attracting, or emanating spinning energy chains of Universal Particles, that spread out from the protons N S pole axis. (b) The Ring fields are spinning circular fields of Universal particles expanding outwards perpendicular to the axis of the rotating proton. (equatorial stacked fields). They are quantum in nature. These ring field structures are not closed, which means they can add or subtract universal particles.

A more in-depth discussion of Quantum Ring and Torus fields are available on the Quantum Field page.



a PENN particle
Notice its Orientation

A simplified, partial configuration.
Each green universal particle is spinning ccw.
The whole structure is rotating ccw.
The open cw fields are not shone.

spinning closed Horn Torus Electron
with open Quantum Torus fields

Both Torus and Ring fields
are swept away after formation

Electron - A negatively charged structure of ccw looping, Twine Size strands of universal particles, passing through a center axis. Made from the looping energies of the Protons Quantum Ring Fields. It also has a closed Horn Torus configuration, and resides orbiting in the outer Ring Fields of Protons, or Atoms.  (b) Each of the Electrons closed Looping fields has ccw spin energy, which in turn, gives it a negative charge. (c) The whole electron normally is rotating ccw, if not encountering contradicting force's. (d) Because of the pole to pole to pole string nature of Torus fields, produced by spinning atomic cores of atoms, the electron can not, and does not orbit in these fields. It is repelled by them. The electron can only orbit or pass thru Ring Fields. 

* Creating an Electron - We have established so far, that Protons have a Positive Charge. This is because the dominating area of closed looping internal fields, rotate cw.  (a) When Quantum Ring fields of the proton form, it doesn't change the relative state of the proton, but it does, in step, change the quantum attraction repelling force. The Proton and its Quantum Ring Fields still has a positive charge. Nature doesn't like this imbalance and forms a cloud of universal particles in the outer fields of each proton. This cloud is considerably smaller and is in orbit of the Proton System in a single plane. Because of the quantum fields gravitational and magnetic influence, the cloud develops cw and ccw looping magnetic Torus Strings while streaming along in a neutral magnetic corridor. The developing N and S poles of the electron are 90 degrees off the Ring fields plane. This is because of the stacked rotation of the Protons Ring fields, and their spin energy. These new magnetic strings will intertwine, extend and eventually loop around. When this happens a Horn Torus structure evolves and then only the ccw twine looping strands bond. Oh My, what do we have now? We have a Locked Horn Torus Proton, Quantum Ring Fields, and a much Smaller Horn Torus Electron, with an opposite electric charge that's in orbit of the protons outer ring fields.

Quantum Ring fields of the Electron - If an Electron was left alone in the Dark Matter Sea and had little or no lateral motion, it would develop Quantum Ring Fields just like the Proton, but, they would be super small, and with tiny intervals. Substantial Ring Fields don't develop for the electron because of its fast orbital motion. They are swept away. (b) Because of the electron's tiny size and negative charge, the outer quantum fields of other atoms with a deficit of electrons or positive charge, will have quite an attraction for another electron if there is a substantial difference in magnetic attraction. When one of these atoms snag an electron, it gets caught, and now has a new home until a changing environment forces the electron to relocate. Protons do not do the jumping from one atomic structure to another, thus balancing charges, only electrons do.

Positron - Now it gets interesting. The Electron has both particle spin energy and different structural rotation energy. Normally the Electron as a whole, is slowly rotating ccw but, if it is magnetically forced, it can rotate cw, thus reversing its internal closed looping spin energy, and creating a Positron. It all depends on the degree of compression and the persistence of external movement to make this happen. 

Electrons and Atoms Quantum Ring Fields - An Electron orbits in a neutral magnetic corridor between outer ringed quantum fields of an atom. If an atom encounters more energy, it can add particles to its outer quantum fields thus compacting the inner ones. This in turn, unbalances the structure. Now the electrons who are busy zipping about have more restriction. To maintain their motion they must jump into a different corridor with less resistance (a quantum leap). This causes a disturbance in the atoms vibration. That's right, this is how spectral lines come into existence. Electron re-location works both ways. When an atom increases quantum fields, they jump outwards. When it loses energy, they jump inward (absorption lines, emission lines). * TLU - Forget about the electron producing photons while quantum leaping. It is the vibration of the atom itself that produces light waves and spectra lines. The Photon Concept was created to explain how light travels in a spatial nothing, creditability level 2. TLU says, There is no evidence for Photon creation, construction, reception or propagation.

Finally, it is important to note that a Proton and its Ring Quantum Fields made the Electron and not the Big Bang. The electron is much smaller because in its development it was orbiting the Proton System. Also, an electron is not pure energy, it has mass. It is not a massless particle like some scientists theorize, this is because only the spin energy of spherical particle matter can create polar magnetism, and, an electric charge. You have to have matter to do this. TLU - The forming Electron has been simplified for understanding. The Electron cloud is not only orbiting, but the Proton and universal particles of the Quantum Fields are rotating as well. All this movement has a very complex interaction with the forming Electron structure.

Proton - Electron - Neutron - Neutrino - (PENN particles) 

second, third, fourth and fifth basic evolutionary particles



Simplified Horn Torus configurations


The Proton, Electron, Neutron and Neutrino are magnetically locked and closed, therefore, they can not add or subtract universal particles to their closed looping fields,  but, they can still expand and contract because they are composed of open and closed Torus Chains of Universal Particles. After the Universal Particles form, the PENN particles are next, not the Quarks Leptons Bosons Hadrons and Fermions. (QLBHF"s).

The Proton evolved naturally from the energies of the Big Bang and is far denser than the Electron. It does not have a nucleus, it has an axes. The Yarn size magnetic looping fields rotate all around for 360 degrees, then only the cw rotating looping fields go through a common axis at the center. It's sort of like a doughnut. The same structure applies to the Electron Neutron and Neutrino, except for the difference's in which size and rotational fields pass through the center. With the Neutron and Neutrino, both cw and ccw loop through the center axis.



another PENN particle


The Neutron is a Prime Building Block of the Universe. It can link with Protons if specific conditions are Present. The Neutron has no electric charge. It is a structure with cw and ccw closed looping fields, passing through a center axis. It is made by compressing a Proton until the ccw fields push their way thru its center, and magnetically bond.

The newly created neutron structure helps stabilize other protons and neutrons in an atomic core. If a proton and neutron are forced close together, they can pair up without breaking their loops. This is because of the attraction force of the neutrons ccw fields with the protons open ccw fields. No closed loops of either structure breaks. This is because they magnetically couple but not physically. This bond is weaker because the ccw fields of the proton are not closed. The proton must maintain balance, therefore will resist losing its non-looping fields. This in turn, is what keeps protons and neutrons together and overcomes the proton repelling force. That's right, this is the glue that binds the nucleus of an atom. No super strong looping magnetic fields have been broken. This phenomena is called the Weak Nuclear Force, it is not the strong force. The strong force is the individual strength that holds Protons, Electrons and Neutrons together.  

Neutron Quantum Ring Fields - Neutrons don't develop extensive external Torus / Quantum Ring fields because it is electrically neutral, and has no unbalanced internal spin to make it rotate.

Neutron / Proton Coupling - When the Proton and Neutron link together, there is no individual rotating going on, they become stationary to each other, but, the pare now has collective spin energy. The Proton and Neutron still have their own internal structure and characteristics. What is remarkable about this is, the spinning, vibrating, magnetic atomic nucleus, now creates unique quantum Torus and Ring fields. When you add more protons and neutrons to spinning atomic cores, the quantum ring and torus fields that are created, have unique quantum properties. In other words, Atomic Quantum fields are different for each element or isotope.  

Finally, The Neutron's matter will always be the same, but its size, gravity and mass can change. Also, it can never change back into a Proton. (b) A free Unaccompanied Neutron doesn't decay in minutes like some scientists think, it will last as long as the internal energy is functional. That's because, as with all structures in the Universe, they are constantly being squeezed and stretched. Lastly, the neutron can pass right thru containment or quantum fields with little or no restriction.  This is the reason that scientists think the neutron decays so fast. It doesn't really, it just quickly fly's away.




Simplified Compression Neutrino
Last of the PENN particles
Standard Model Fission Neutrinos
These are not evolutionary particles

Neutrino - A neutrally charged structure of cw and ccw, looping twine size magnetic fields, passing through its center axis. It is made by compressing an Electron.

Neutrino internal Torus Fields - There is no doubt that a Proton can be converted into a Neutron by just the right compression. This means so can an Electron. If an electron is caught in a high compression instance, it would also force the cw magnetic fields through its center, along with the ccw loops. Because the electrons are active in outer orbits of quantum ring fields, the environment for compression would be complicated, but it is certainly possible in such an instance as a star explosion. (b) Neutrinos cant form by them selves because rotational and counter-rotational strings would cancel each other out in the larger magnetic field forming process. It would take an Electron to form first. This is new thinking but is in perfect harmony with all the criteria set out by the Logical Universe. It is logical, relative, fits into evolution and explains the observations of neutron and neutrino behavior. The neutrino once created can zip around space at will, because of its neutral charge. It is an amazing little Particle, but, as of this writing, it has no known purpose in creating any major events of cosmic evolution.

* Finally - There seems to be confusion about neutrinos of the "Standard Model" and neutrinos of "The Logical Universe." It is the prediction of TLU, that a Compression Neutrino is a stable and closed structure and is an interstellar traveler. It was made by compressing an Electron in such an event as a Nova explosion. On the other hand, Fission Neutrinos (Exotic Neutrinos) are the result of collisions of subatomic particles. (Protons, Neutrons and Electrons).  They have quite different structures. They are similar in size and electric charge but are unstable. These are the Ve, Vu, Vt  Leptons. Because Fission Neutrinos didn't evolve by the harmonious pairing of fundamental matter, they try to balance out their systems after force separation, thus changing magnetic and structural properties in the process. TLU -  A profound question... Can neutrinos bond with electrons? At this time there is no answer but the question is very, very interesting, If this could happen, the environment to promote such  a bond would be very rare indeed.  


QLBHF particles - Fission Particles

Particles of destroyed
Protons - Electrons - Neutrons and Neutrinos

Yes these are all particles, but they are not
the building blocks of the Cosmos

QLBHF's or Fission particles are created by collisions that break apart fundamental structures, such as protons, neutrons, electrons. The resulting splinter groups are not in a SML state. They are highly unstable and immediately try to re-group. This means they can change electrical and magnetic configurations while reconfiguring their composition. Most can only exist for very brief moments before they are reabsorbed into the Dark Matter Sea, but some may achieve relative stabilization. There are thousands of these splinter particles with all kinds of magnetic properties because of the chance separation from the parent body. Therefore, fission particles most certainly didn't evolve by the pairing of basic spherical matter. They were brought into existence by sudden and violent fission energy, or. when extreme ripping currents destroy atomic nuclei.


Fundamental Structure / Particle Creation - Time Line
Big Bang
Black Star Destruction
Universal Particle
(2) Torus Strings
polarized space
(3) Evolution Particles
Proton Electron
(4) Compression Particles
Neutron - Compression Neutrinos
(5) Fission Particles - Quarks Leptons Bosons
 Hadrons Fermions - Fission Neutrinos

In Conclusion - It is logical to assume that Compression Neutrinos are relatively rare, while Fission Neutrinos are not. Fission particles can easily be produced by colliding atomic nuclei or subatomic particles in Stars, the Atmosphere, Accelerators or Reactors.  Energies of Nuclear Fusion and Super Nova explosions are needed to create neutrons and neutrinos. That's why they evolved later on the time line. Fission Particles, which includes exotic Neutrinos, are produced by collisions. (breaking apart established structures), that's why they are last and not first.  

TLU -  A footnote in particle evolution. When magnetic fields become closed loops, it is a very strong binding relationship. (strong nuclear force). That is why the Proton, Electron, Neutron, and Neutrino are locked and fixed systems. They do not add or shed universal particles to their closed loops for balance, although they can still get bigger or smaller. The Atom is also a SML structure, but it is not closed. The Atom can add or shed universal particles and increase or decrease the number of Quantum Ring, Torus Fields. This is what creates its balance.


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