The Adolescent Universe / 10 Big Bang Evolutionary Events

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1. * Big Bang - The merging of Primal Matter and its non-polarized space, with a fast spinning Universal Class Black Star. This in turn destroys the stars magnetic field, and it no longer has gravitational attraction, instantly it has an anti-gravitational repulsion force. This liberates universal particles of the stars perimeter and they fly off. The particles are super spinning, with high heat, and a strong magnetic spatial force. This transfers energy to the cold particles of primal space, and forces them into tiny spheres with identical spin and magnetic energy. The spinning Black Star is now transferring its Mass and Energy from billions of years of evolution. Only the active spin and a magnetic expansion force of the former Super Star, will now determine the ever changing, Density Mass Index of the newly created and evolving Cosmos. What??? Yes That's right, this is how Energy and Matter are linked. No Matter is Created from Pure Energy, but, Energy and all its forms, is created from Matter.

2. Big Bang Heat - Because Primal Space is overrun by expanding rotating particles from the Colossal Black Star Perimeter, in turn, forces primal space and its matter into tiny spinning spheres with compression energy. That creates what TLU calls Universal Particles. These particles all have an axis with north and south poles, and their own magnetic flow, along with a polarized spatial force to spin in. (b) Heat in the area that particles are creating is not extreme. This is because heat is the pulling pushing power of gravity. Just before the Big Bang there was more pulling power, thus more heat. So from this point on, the total amount of heat in the universe has been set, and, it will start to diminish as space expands. The Big Bang Heat is produced solely by the amount of rotating energy and spatial force the Universal Super Star had. So, it is the expansion of space, and the diminishing mass and heat of the Super Star that transforms a Universe, not the blinding hot explosion of one.   

3. Big Bang Magnetic Fields - In the interior and exterior of each tiny spinning sphere of a Universal Particle, there is Magnetic Space. This space has no matter, but there is a polarized spatial force. Now for something you have never heard of before, This area can change with the slowing or speeding up, pulling and pushing of particle spin energy. Remember there is external space of each particle, that is also a magnetic spatial force. (like Ball Bearings that don't physically touch). This produces magnetic power that cuts friction to a negligible existence. That's right, this is what creates the Mass and Fluidity of the Universe. Matter of the Cosmos can not be created or destroyed, but the energetic isolating spatial magnetic force can. This physical process is what seams to defy gravity. (magnetic, pulling, pushing, levitating force).

4.  Big Bang Light - As the Cosmos expands, there is diminishing heat because of Universal Particle spin energy slowing, but, there still is no light. That's because in the Dark Matter sea of Universal Particles, at this time in evolution, there isn't enough elasticity. The particles are too dense and compact. Only when the expansion begins to relax even more, can light enter the Universe. If particles begin to vibrate in the light spectrum, and, can pass the energy along, you would be able to see Big Bang Light. (b) Now, this brings up a big conflict with Einstein's Theory of Light. Einstein says that the speed of light is fixed. TLU says it is not... TLU predicts that in the early Universe, the speed of light was much faster than it is now. The transmission speed of Light is effected by Universal Particle density and elasticity. As the Universe expands, Anti-Gravity, Heat, Polarized Space and the DMI of Universal Particles decreases, thus decreasing the speed at which light can travel from particle to particle. (c) Einstein does not agree with this idea and provides a questionable, mathematical solution. TLU says, E=MC² violates the rules and laws of known science, observations, relativity, evolution and Logic, but, not mathematics. This is why in TLU theory, mathematics is not an ultimate defining authority. So the conclusion is, the speed of light is just like the speed of sound. The only difference is, the medium and its density.

5.  Big Bang Magnetic Structures - When the expansion of spherical matter relaxes even more, the particles themselves can begin forming torus strings. (pole to pole to pole bonding of universal particles). This in turn brings other phenomena of Energy and Matter into existence. That's right, chained particle magnetism is linked with the rotational movement of spherical matter and their bonded strings. As the new energy phenomena forms, a more complex interaction of particles takes place, and a brand new Universe continues its wondrous formations.  At this point there are all kinds of magnetic structures, cw and ccw, but they all have a general direction. This causes some fields to line up in corkscrew fashion in their expansion. This  pole to pole string is a strong magnetic binding relationship. Because of the interaction of enormous numbers of universal particles, some strings eliminate each other, but others continue on and start to loop around themselves. This is called Quantum Torus Bonding Energy because of pole to pole spinning alignment. 

6.  Big Bang Proton - As magnetic strings evolve and interact, they can form more complex and stronger chains. Strings form twine like structures, and twine like structures form bigger yarn like fields, all, have spinning bonded energy. Next, the chained fields start to form a corkscrew pattern as they get longer and longer. This is the beginning of a Proton. When the cw looping particle magnetic Torus fields meet end to end, their rotational speed and orientation are the same, so they bond. When this happens the ccw looping strings that are right next to the cw ones, don't match up and are prevented from closing. The bonded cw looping fields now go thru a center axis and form a Horn Torus Structure. The shorter ccw strings cant loop thru the axis, they are squeezed out, so the majority of spin energy is cw, witch in turn, creates a positive charge. This is how a proton is made. There are no Quarks, Leptons or Bosons at this time. The Proton now is a locked and closed Horn Torus Structure with a positive charge, and, can travel independently in the Dark Matter Sea.

7.  Big Bang Quantum Fields - Because the proton is a closed sphere and has rotating energy, is what influences surrounding universal dark matter particles (UDMP's). This spinning proton develops its own magnetic fields in the Dark Matter Medium. There are two types of fields, Ring and Torus. The Ring fields are not corkscrew bonded chains, but, they are magnetic fields that encircle the proton. These are called Quantum Ring Fields. Each field is perpendicular to the plane of the spinning proton. Because the proton has diminishing space as you progress toward the poles, each ring field plane becomes stacked. (multiple spinning and rotating fields in a horizontal plane). It is important to note that spinning individual UDMP's don't produce Ring fields because of their size.

8.  Big Bang - Electron - In-between the protons stacked outer ring fields, there are magnetic neutral zones. In one of these zones is where you will find the electron. The electron is made the same way a proton formed, but, with a small difference. A cloud of rotating particles started streaming and spinning ccw in the outer orbit of the protons primary ring structure, thus producing torus fields in the ring plane. The north and south poles of the forming electron, are off 90 degrees in a magnetic corridor. This time the ccw looping strings closed their loops, and the cw ones didn't. That's right, this is how the electron formed, and why it has a negative charge. It also is a closed Horn Torus structure, but, it is much smaller. This is because it formed in the proton outer quantum ring fields, and not alone in the Big Bang inflation. The spinning proton, now has quantum ring fields, and an outer orbiting electron. It has become the element of Hydrogen, and is magnetically balanced. (b) Finally, to emphasize an important observation, there are no Quarks Leptons or Bosons available at this point in time. This is because, they are not natural evolutionary particles.

9. Big Bang Gravity - (The First Stage of Gravity). After the Big Inflation happened with the creation of the Proton, the proton's energy level has been locked at a specific point in time from the beginning of the inflation. As the Universe and its dark matter particles expand further, there energy level gets weaker, but the attraction power of the protons gets stronger. The Proton now has  more energy than the surrounding dark matter sea. When conditions are just right, and there are body's that have considerable more energy, like in the interior of a cloud of spinning protons, gravity currents will develop in the Dark Matter medium. This in turn, will pull on protons that are close, and cause them to join the cloud. This is an important evolutionary sequence, because with out proton gravity currents in the early universe, there can not be First Generation Stars.

10.  Big Bang Hydrogen - (Primal Hydrogen) - The Hydrogen Atom is a unique system and can travel independently in the Big Bang Dark Matter Sea. It is magnetically locked but not closed. It can add universal particles to its outer quantum ring fields and keep its balance. Because of atomic neutral charge, Gravity now influences its movement. If a Proton and its quantum fields encounters a cloud of spinning Hydrogen gas, Gravity goes to work and draws in more of the available Hydrogen.  (b) The Hydrogen Atom is a communal structure and has been made from the energies of the Big Bang, It has only Protons, Electrons and their Quantum Fields. There are no other elements present at this time in evolution. That's all nice, but Something big is missing. This is where the Standard Model and a Grand Unified Theory, part ways. There are no Neutrons! What? Oh my... The Standard Model needs Helium and Lithium to carry on, but there isn't any. What happens next? Oh boy...


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