Polarized Magnetic Space

Bell Labs Microwave Background Antenna

Robert Wilson 1936 - Arno Penzias 1933 - 2024

Microwave Background Radiation
UDMP's with Gravity / Anti-Gravity and Polarized Space

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One of the greatest discovery's of all time, but its significance has not been fully realized. Here at The Logical Universe this is not the case. Wilson and Penzias discovered a lot more than they viewed as impossible. Not only is there microwave background radiation from every direction, and all of observable space, there is ever so little but measureable heat. This can only happen if you have a magnetic force. To carry it one step further, you can only create Polarized Magnetism from spinning body's of matter. (Universal Particles). This is what produces a north and south pole with a one way magnetic flow, and, a spatial force that expands and contracts the density of space. In other words they had discovered the unmistakable evidence for Dark Matter. It is Dark Matter that produces the small but still measureable heat of the expanse, and the unmistakable microwave background hiss of polarized magnetic energy. In TLU theory, Dark Matter is everywhere, and there are no voids or emptiness in the vast Expanse of polarized space. (the Dark Matter Universe).

As you can see, this discovery is so, so important. It effects everything, and it can not be explained using the Standard Model. The only possible way this observation can be justified, is, by using the "Grand Unified Theory." This theory leaves no stone unturned, and makes sure that all phenomena have a logical and probable conclusion.


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