The Aether of Space
Dark Matter Space
Polarized Space
Primal Space

Michelson, Morley Experiment
The Expanding Universe  

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It was well known at this period of time, that sound was the result of wave energy and that it needed air (a medium) to propagate. So it was theorized if Light were also wave energy it would also need a medium. The only problem was, light traveled right through a vacuum but sound didn't. So, there must be a much smaller undetectable medium for light waves. They would call this medium, the Aether of Space. In TLU, it is known as the Universal Dark Matter Particle Sea. (UDMPS).

Next, to validate their hypothesis, Michelson and Morley created an ingenious system of mirrors and mathematics to analyze the wave patterns of light. It is called an Interferometer. They would make light speed measurements at different periods in the Earths orbit, using the Sun as a light source. The idea was to observe differing changes in the speed of light as earth traveled around the sun. This would mean that the Earth was traveling in an Aether of Space. There was a big problem. No matter where they made the measurements or how many times they repeated the experiment, the readings were the same. The speed of Light remained constant.

After years of trying and going over and over the validity of mathematics, it was conceded that there was no Aether, and Space was a vacuum. This was a catastrophic moment for physics and a significant change in thinking. The Science community decided to throw out all Logic and Reason, in favor of what appeared to be observable science and mathematics. In my opinion, a big mistake that would waste years of research.

This brings us to the present - Now with new knowledge about Light, Light Speed and Dark Matter properties, their choice of Interferometry has to be revisited. The results Michelson and Morley were looking fore would be more evident if they used a Spectrometer. All they would have to do is analyze the Red Shift of vibrating Hydrogen Atoms, and relate it to the Doppler Effect. Unfortunately this complexity of understanding was not available at that period of time. (b) There was another big problem that they were unaware of. The medium distance and density from the sun and earth really does change the speed of light, but, it so tiny the interferometer they were using didn't have enough sensitivity. Because the Universe is so vast, the changing speed of light is only detectible at great distances. Now that we know that the speed of light really does change, the question remains, how does it travel thru a vacuum? (c) Can a vacuum effect the speed of light? The answer is simple. Its a yes and no! The observation that light can travel thru a vacuum is misleading. This is because the vacuum everybody was using to evaluate this experiment was not a true vacuum. It was a vacuum of air, but not a vacuum of space. The space in side the vacuum chamber had the polarized magnetic force of Universal Particles. Therefore Light Waves could pass right thru from particle to particle and go on its merry way, no problem. Now, here is the dramatic conclusion. Light  can not travel thru an almost vacuum. This is the very cold expanse of  the Primal Universe. In this space, there is no air and no universal particles. Light, can not and does not pass thru this physical existence of height width and depth. In this zone of the Universe, Universal Particles have lost all their Torus chaining and can no longer pass energy from particle to particle. Space now has only Primal Matter and a weak non-polarized magnetic force, BUT, it still is not a Vacuum of Space. Empty Space or a Vast Expanse of Nothing, are Oxymoron's.   * Empty space or a vacuum of space does not exist! 

TLU -  (1) - The density of the Dark Matter Medium / Sea, can increase / decrease the speed of light, but, it is so gradual you need vast distances to observe it. (2) - A spatial void of Universal Particles, will not pass Light, Gravity, Heat or Polarized Magnetism. (non-polarized space). (3) A vast expanse of nothing can not exist, this is because an expanse has height width and depth. An expanse of nothing is a play on words, and is pure gibberish.

Michelson and Morley were definitely on the right track, and could have changed the course of science as we know it, but alas, it was not to be. I think if it was not for the wrong conclusion of their experiment, we would be far more advanced in our understanding of the Cosmos. The Speed and propagation of Light, Gravity, Anti-Gravity and Magnetic Waves would have been far more discoverable. The sensitivity of their equipment to detect the small changes in light speed, with the sun as a source, would never have worked.



Edwin Hubble 1889-1953

Saul Perlmutter 1959
Expanding Universe
The Speed of Light
 Doppler Effect
Red Shift


The Hubble Constant - There seems to be some controversy about Universal Expansion and the Hubble Constant. It has become a dilemma. This is because there are different ways to calculate the expansion of the Cosmos and none of them agree. What is going on? Is there something wrong with the Standard Model, or, is something wrong with Hubble's law? TLU says it is both.

We have Dark Matter to blame. Nobody has considered that all of Space is composed of Dark Matter Particles that are extremely small, round, spinning and can shrink and expand. This simple idea has upset everything. Dark Matter has become a Medium for Light, Gravity, Anti-Gravity and Spatial Magnetic Energy. Since we use light intensity and Doppler Shift to establish distance in the Cosmos, we must think about and understand the properties of these spinning particles. In the Logical Universe, Light is a Wave and presents streaming push-pull energy on these particles. That's how Light transmits its energy thru Space.


  A Problem with the Expansion Accelerating Principal
Hubble Ultra Deep Field

Let's start with audible sound as a model. Sound transmits its energy in the same way as light, and the reason you can hear it, is because it vibrates molecules of air, which in turn, vibrates your eardrums.  Although sound can travel in Dark Matter, this sound you can't hear. This is because Dark Matter Sound Wave Streams pass right thru your ears, and don't stimulate the auditory censors. (b) Everybody knows that sound can speed up or slow down with the density of air. This is a direct result of compression and elasticity of air molecules. Now, are you ready for this? Light has the same effect but uses Dark Matter Particles for propagation. Oh no, was Einstein Wrong? Is the Speed of Light dependent on the density and elasticity of Dark Matter Particles? The answer to both questions is Yes.

Now, let's think about measuring the speed of Light... Billions of years ago the Universe was more compact, or if you will, compressed. What happens to the speed of Light in this compressed universe? It is much faster. What about the Doppler Effect?  The Doppler Effect is the same physical process that changes the frequency and speed of light, just like it changes the frequency and speed of sound. The only difference is, their frequency and the medium.  All this means, when you observe the redshift of light in space, not only are you measuring the expanding distance, you are measuring the small, but certain, decreasing speed of Light. So, when you look at distant stars and galaxy's, the density of space at there previous now point has increased and so has the speed of light. This phenomena has created a conflict with the Hubble Constant. TLU predicts that light speed definitely increases with Polarized density of Dark Matter, consequently, the Hubble Constant, is not a constant, and needs to be re-adjusted. Encyclopedia 51 explains why light speed not only decreases with time, but in the beginning, it was faster than it is now. It definitely is not a set value. (Sorry Einstein).

I know, I know, this has opened a can of worms, and the relativity of speed, distance and the expansion evolution of the Cosmos has just become complicated. What we thought we knew has been tossed out the window and has presented much more work for the relevance of mathematics. Don't blame The Logical Universe, we are just the messengers. I'll bet, that there is the variation in color and development of galaxy's, because the Hubble Constant, is not a constant.

There is definitive proof of density and the speed of light concept... Just look very carefully at the Hubble Deep Field Observation. There seams to be inconsistency's with the color of galaxy's, level of development and the spacing. The Galaxy formation and Red-shift looks out of sync. The spacing is consistent with a denser cosmos, but, the fully developed galaxy's should have less red-shift, and disorganized ones should have more, and be smaller. In many parts of the deep field this is not the case. I can't wait for the James Webb Telescope to supply us with more information. I hope everything goes as planned. TLU needs just a few more answers, and no more problems to be complete.

Update - New James Webb Telescope Observations - The Universe seams to be much older than the fixed speed of light predicts, which in turn, adds creditability to TLU's Grand Unified Theory.


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