Mikhail Lomonosov

Antonie - Laurant Lavoisier
1743 - 1794
Matter / Mass
Polarized Space
Non-Polarized Space

Density-Mass Index - (DMI) - Primal Space
Universal Dark Matter Particle Space - (UDMPS)

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Matter - (three dimensions, height, width and depth) - (a) Matter is a substance that produces all of "Existence." It can not be created or destroyed. This means that Matter had to have existed before the Big Bang. Because of its infallibility, it means that matter does not increase or decrease because of energy. Energy is movement and is not matter. To carry it one step further, energy can not exist by itself, it takes matter to create energy. So how does space expand and contract? This happens because of magnetism. Magnetism also has height width and depth, and together with Matter, it creates Mass and the expanding compacting ability of space. Lastly, it is matter + magnetism that produces the illusion of increasing or decreasing matter, but as you can see, it has to be magnetism that does the expanding and contracting, not matter. 

There are two formulations of Matter. The first one is Primal Sand. This matter is defined as basic existence and is at the beginning of measurable space. Each minuscule grain is irregular and solid, and has no internal energy. Because the grains are unique, the small space they occupy will always be the same. (It is conserved). On the other hand, because these tiny grains can vibrate, move, and bump into each other, they can and do create space. The space they create is called primal space. So, Primal Sand that has energy, can create space, along with the space of it's matter. Both together is what we call mass. We are not done yet. Energy plus the Mass of Primal Space, can create a Primal Universe. (b) Lets stop here for a moment... I know that there are thoughts that are not adding up, but stay with me, all will be clear in a minute. One last important piece of information. Primal Matter, Primal Space, Primal Universe, is not " Polarized Space." This is because there are no Universal Dark Matter Particles with spinning energy.

The second formulation of matter is, Spherical Matter; Universal Dark Matter Particles. (UDMP's). They are made by molding Primal Sand and it's space, into a spherical form, then forcing it to spin. When this happens it creates more space to spin in. The space that is produce is a strong, Polarized, Magnetic Zone. This is because the spinning spheres of Primal Matter Sand, produce a north and south pole with a one way magnetic flow thru each spinning axes. When you add all the spinning spheres of Primal Sand together, you get a vast expanse. In TLU theory, this space is called the Universal Dark Matter Particle Sea. (b) Now it gets interesting, when the spin force relaxes, the strong magnetic spatial force of UDMP's also relax. This in turn expands the area that the spinning Universal Particle created. The tiny grains of sand spread out and have a weaker formation. (c) In the cold cold outer universe, the tiny universal particles lose even more spin. When this happens they lose their Torus formations. This is what turns Dark Matter Space into Primal Space. What? That's right. This is because the strong polarized pulling force of magnetism, is now weaker than the original polarized force. The Universal Particle has lost its structure, and only loose, primal matter and it's expanded weak spatial force, exists. Oh My... I bet Einstein would not like this idea... I bet you're right, but, this prediction of TLU has tons of evidence to back it up. On the contrary, Einstein's changing energy into matter, does not have any credible evidence, it is a concept!

TLU - Energy can not create Matter, it is just the opposite. Matter is an entity, active energy is movement, and potential energy is stored movement. So, it is now possible to say, you can have matter with no energy, matter with energy, or matter with both active and potential Energy. (b) Finally, it is the spin energy of the spherical form of matter, that creates the Mass of the UDMP Universe. This is because each spinning body produces a magnetic polarized spatial force. This in turn, is what produces space between all particles, structures and body's. When you add together the matter of spinning Universal Particles, with the magnetized space they have created, you can now understand the very active vast expanse of the Cosmos. (Universal Dark Matter Particle Sea) - (UDMPS).

Conclusion - In TLU theory, tiny spinning body's of Primal Sand, are called Universal Dark Matter Particles. These particles are what creates the energetic medium for Celestial Body's. (the distance between Planets, Stars and Galaxy's). They are also the basic ingredient for Protons, Electrons and Neutrons. All this means that space, and body's in space are not as complicated as once thought. They have a simple beginning and a understandable evolution. On the other hand as you will see, there is much more in store for these tiny universal particles.

The first evolutionary product of the Dark Matter Sea, are Magnetic Strings. They form out of the spinning dark matter particles and the expansion energy of the Big Bang. Next, Universal Particles form ropes and a looping phenomena. It is this particle interaction that will eventually create a Proton. As you can see the Universe is beginning to get complicated. How it all fits together begins with the production of basic sub-atomic particles. (Proton, Electron, Neutron - Not Quarks Leptons and Bosons). Keep in mind, that the basic ingredient of all space, and body's of space, are tiny spinning spheres of sand... To continue this story, you have to visit the Particle Evolution page...

Mass of the Standard Model
(not supported by TLU)
The property of a body that causes it to have weight in a gravitational field. The astronomical unit of mass is the solar mass. (M ☉). It is often used to refer to this unit. The solar mass is 1.98892×1030 kg. This is a standard way to express mass in astronomy and is used to describe the masses of other stars and galaxies.

# Standard Model continued - On Earth, the terms mass and weight are often used interchangeably, but in astronomy and Newtonian physics the mass of an object is linked with how much matter it contains.
(TLU - this is challenged). The weight of an object = force of gravity felt by that object, but the mass of an object is the amount of matter the object has. (TLU - this is also challenged). Though the terms weight and mass are used interchangeably in common language, in science there is a distinct difference between the two terms. The weight of an object = force of gravity felt by that object, but, the mass of an object is the amount of matter the object has. Mass is a measure of the object's resistance to acceleration: a push on a skateboard will make it roll away quickly, but, the same push on a more massive car will barely budge it. (TLU - Oh boy, something's not adding up).

More Standard Model - An object's weight depends on the pull of the gravitating body, but, the object's mass is independent of the gravity. For example, Joe Average weighs himself on the Earth's surface and then on the Moon's surface. His weight on the Moon will be about six times less, but, the number of atoms in his body has not changed so his mass is the same in both places. (TLU - this is challenged, we have new theoretical information).

The Logical Universe Theory of Mass
An average person standing on different celestial body's

(a) Earth

(b) Moon

(c) Jupiter

(d) Sun

Density Mass Index (DMI) - A new term to describe the relativity of Universal Particle Material Density, to the amount of Universal Particle Space in a Medium, and or, Structures. A Black Star has high Density and very low Mass. Open space has very low Density and high mass.

The Earth's Gravity Current (which is subject to the Density Mass Index), is traveling thru the persons structure thus producing a pull of 140 lbs.

(b) The Moon's Gravity Current, traveling thru the individual, produces a pull of 23 lbs.

(c) Jupiter's Gravity Current, traveling thru the individual, produces a pull of 355 lbs.

(d) The Sun's Gravity Current, traveling thru the individual, produces a pull of 3914 lbs.
As I tried to Illustrate, Mass Does Change. It is small for structural matter because of magnetic lock, but, there can be a stronger gravitational pulling force. This is because Mass changes in Gravity Currents as well. This means if there are more gravity streams per area, because of compression, there will be more pulling power. The Weight of an object can only increase or decrease because of the objects density, or, the compacted space of Gravitational Streaming Currents.

So, what is Mass in The Logical Universe? In TLU theory, Mass is not precisely the amount of Matter an object has, but, it is also the amount of magnetic space an object contains. (Density Mass Index). On the other hand, Gravity too has a magnetic spatial force. So if the gravity currents have less space, there will be more gravity streams per area, thus stronger gravity. It is both of these physical developments that determines the weight of objects. This means that a body's weight can change with the addition of more and more Spherical Matter, but, gravitational spin energy also changes. This in turn creates more, smaller, faster streaming Gravity Currents with more pulling power, which also effects a body's weight. * Gravity is not a constant. This is because it does not trans-verse a void / vacuum. (the vast expanse of empty space is an unproven concept). In The Grand Unified Theory, a void of matter and magnetism, or empty space, doesn't exist.

TLU - Logic - "Density" is how much Matter a body has. Mass is the amount of magnetic space, plus the amount of matter a body contains. A Black Star has low Mass and high Density, which in turn, creates extreme compacted Gravitational Streams. A Galaxy has a huge Mass, is spread out with less intense but far reaching, weaker Gravity currents. TLU - There is a more precise definition of Mass, See Encyclopedia 56.

Standard Dictionary Definitions - Space (a) The unlimited expanse in which everything is located. (b) An empty area (usually linked in some way between things). (c) Any location outside the Earth's atmosphere. (d) The interval between two times. (e) A blank area.

- This is so incomplete. There needs to be much more detail. * There can not be a Vast Expanse of Nothing. This is because an expanse has height, width and depth, it is a physical existence. Nothing is nothing, not any thing, nothing at all, and definitely not a vast expanse. The vast expanse of space, is matter, plus its spatial / magnetic force. (empty area, an expanse of nothing are oxymoron's).

TLU's General Definition of Polarized Space covers the vast expanse of the Dark Matter Sea. There is the space between Galaxy's, there is space between Atoms, and there is space between protons and electrons, and guess what? This is also called Dark Matter Space. Next, there are the Protons and Electrons themselves, they occupy space. And finally, there are the individual Universal Particles of quantum fields, which are also called Dark Matter Particles. All make up the Universe we know. (b) Now for the big addition to the definition of space that no one has considered. There is also the existence of, Primal Space. This space has no Universal Particles, or their spin energy, therefore has no polarized spatial force, but, it still has space. This space is produced by tiny granules of Primal Matter. They can vibrate, move, and bump into each other thus creating a random spatial force, but, it is not polarized. So, as you can see, the size and density of the Cosmos is a little more complex than one's first understanding.

Now, something remarkable about Dark Matter and the Dark Matter Sea. The expanse of space is so vast, that the separation between Stars and Galaxy's are measured in light years. This brings up a dubious situation.
Everybody knows, when you travel thru Space it takes a period of Time. So, it is natural to think of Space and associate it with Time, like Einstein envisioned. The problem with this is, Space is an Entity and Time is a Measurement. What ever you do, don't link Space and Time together (Space-Time). This creates a single physical existence. That's just what Einstein did, and it was a big mistake in logic. Linking the two separate entity's won't work. Space is a physical existence, it has height width and depth, time does not. So what is space exactly? (b) Space Simplified - Space is the distance between Celestial Bodies, or the distance between Atoms, or the distance between Protons and Electrons, or the distance between Universal Particle's, or the distance between Primal Matter Grains. (matter + spatial magnetism). When Universal Particles of the cold expanding universe, lose enough spin energy, they lose Torus Magnetic Lock of each Particle, and Primal Space is created. (c) All the Matter of the universe can not be created or destroyed and is constant, but, the two formations of matter, and the active / potential energetic space they produce, is what enhances and changes the volume and energy of the Cosmos.   

TLU - The amount of matter the Universe has, is the one and only constant. (b) Gravity increases streaming spatial density. Anti-Gravity decreases spatial density. These fluctuations are presented to show relativity, and are always changing. To double-down on this important conclusion, the Universe is not static. The only thing in the Universe that doesn't change, is the total amount of Matter, all the rest does, even the speed of Light, the speed of Magnetic Waves, and the strength of Gravity. (the big G).

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