(OPWS) - Oscillating Pressure Wave Streams of the Dark Matter Sea 

Best Hubble image of Pluto 2019

New Horizon image of Pluto 2015

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Understanding Light is the key that unlocks the secrets of the Universe!

Why are these images of Pluto so different? What is really going on with Light Waves? Simply put, the Light Streams that Hubble has been able to gather are far less per-area than the Light Streams from the Horizon Space Craft. So, the closer you get to the light source, there are more streams, which produce a finer resolution. (like pixels, but not photons).

Light Waves / Streams -  Wave energy in the spectrum of light streaming through the Dark Matter Sea - (oscillating pressure, not magnetic wave energy). (b) Wave Streams always separate and spread out from source in the Dark Matter Sea. The center region is always brighter, louder, or more intense with higher resolution than the perimeter particle wave streams, unless focused. 

The Ear - The human ear has an organ called the Cochlea. The Cochlea is structured with chambers and sensors for the sound spectrum. When the ear intercepts sound waves, oscillations occur in the inner ear, and the tuned sensors vibrate. This in turn, stimulates nerves that convert the sound vibrations into electrical energy. The electrical energy travels to the brain and can now be recognized as sound. Everybody knows that sound is the result of vibrating molecular wave energy. This means that if there are no molecules of air, like in a vacuum, you wouldn't be able to hear a sound. On the other hand, sound waves can exist in a different medium. This would be the Dark Matter Sea. You can't listen to this sound because the particle wave streams would travel right through your eardrums and body without vibrating the auditory nerves.

The Eye - The Eye works on the same principle as the ear but with a different structure because of the higher frequencies. The rods and cones of the eye contain a microscopic tuning fork type environment that vibrates to light wave frequencies and intensities of the Dark Matter Sea. Then it sends the electrical information to the human brain to be processed. It takes continuous wave action to set up sympathetic vibrations, which accurately pass on the information the light waves contain. In space, the Light waves are not vibrating molecular matter, they are vibrating Dark Matter Streams. TLU maintains that you can not have light waves without Dark Matter. This is because a spatial void will not pass light waves, just like sound will not pass in a molecular void.  Since light can be seen throughout space, the only conclusion is, all of the open space has to be a medium. In TLU theory, it is a polarized spatial existence of Universal Particles. This is the only solution that fits all criteria, and complies with all observable light propagation throughout the Universe.

X and Gamma Waves - It is evident that smaller particles or structures can vibrate faster than bigger ones but there are limits. Universal Particles themselves can only vibrate so fast. In the realm of X and Gamma waves it is likely that a magnetic polarizing force of Universal Particle fields, does the vibrating, not the particles themselves. (Light is a pressure wave, X and Gamma are vibrating Magnetic Waves). (b)  Now, if only atoms are vibrating, it is likely you would not observe X or Gamma Waves but, you would be able to see different colors of light. This is because each atom has a unique nucleus spin vibration, and quantum field density. They are not capable of vibrating as fast as universal particle magnetic fields, therefore would produce slower frequencies of oscillating energy. The vibrating light energy is directly linked with the density and elasticity of the whole atomic structure.

What about Photons? (This Concept is not supported by The Logical Universe Theory). - Light Particles - If Photons were particles it would be likely they could zip through the so-called void of space with no impedance no problem. Now on the other hand, just imagine if light and all radiated energy, radio waves, X rays, gamma waves, magnetic waves, all that information was part of a Photon. There would have to be an infinite number of Photons for every conceivable variant in the frequency spectrum. Now imagine how many Photons you would have to have, to radiate simultaneous streams of photons in all directions, from all the sources, of all the energy points in the whole Universe. Then as Photons spread out in their radiation from a source, there would be developing gaps where there would be no Photons. (b) The creation of Photons has to be explained. (c) How could Photons store light information? (d) How does the eye see Photons? (e) How do Photons interfere with each other? TLU says, Photons (particles) are completely illogical. (non-science). They don't fit in with all we know and must be classified as a belief or concept

Conclusion - Light is not Photon Particle Energy, it is Oscillating Streaming, Pressure Wave Energy in Dark Matter. The misconceived expanse of nothing, would not support wave energy, but, a medium of polarized space does. TLU believes that Photon Theory or Particle Light Theory is just a mathematical construct, that was created to explain how light would be able to travel in a vacuum. In The Logical Universe, Particle Light Theory is not necessary, This is because there is no such thing as a vast expanse of nothing.


Werner Heisenberg 1901-1976

Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principal

Heisenberg's explanation of the Single and Double Slit experiment is called "The Uncertainty Principle" and was formulated without the knowledge of Dark Matter. TLU has a different understanding because of Universal Mass, and has established and reformed Light Wave Propagation. In The Logical Universe, Heisenberg's explanation, although eloquent, is not  necessary.



Single Slit Experiment
What happens when you shine a laser beam thru a narrowing vertical opening?





TLU theory - (1) Omni-plane Wave Streams - A new term that describes multilateral, spherical, push-pull wave propagation. (Billions of Universal Particles oscillating in step as a single red laser frequency with multiple streams, and, multiple streams of streams, in all planes). If you shine a red laser light beam thru a support structure containing a single vertical slit, then project it on a screen, you get a nice red circle, if all the wave streams are smaller than the opening. (2) When you narrow the opening a little bit, the perimeter streams become restricted. This causes some of them to interact with atomic quantum fields on the sides of the slit. The streams that don't encounter the vertical obstruction, are not restricted and travel right thru, thus creating a vertical pattern of streams. So far so good, this can be explained. Now, in this experiment things are about to get interesting. If you progressively narrow the single slit's vertical opening, something unexpected happens. The projected image of circular red laser streams gets wider in the horizontal plane. As you decrease the opening even more, the streams of push pull laser energy spreads out in the horizontal. Can the laser's beam be squeezed and stretched? What, why, how is this happening? As you might have guessed TLU has yet another answer.

There are a few new things that you must consider when evaluating this experiment. Because there is no empty or void of space, the focused red laser light is traveling through a medium of Polarized Space. This in turn, creates a circular Omni-plane beam with multiple streams of light wave energy. When the beam encounters the single vertical slit, all streams will pass right thru if the opening of the slit is large enough. Now, as you narrow the opening, at some point the beam will encounter restriction in the horizontal plane. The streams can pass in the vertical, but in the horizontal there is limitation. As you narrow the slit further, there is more and more obstruction.

(3) - (4) On the other side of the vertical slit, many of the push-pull laser beams have collapsed into the horizontal plane. These waves are created by some light streams interacting with the atomic quantum fields on the sides of the slit. (remember the streams have a push-pull polarized magnetic component). (a) Now, In the secondary Dark Matter Plane, there is no restriction in the horizontal, so, the light streams now riding thru secondary Dark Matter, spread out in this plane. This in turn, collapses the emerging vertical flow, and elongates the horizontal pattern. In other words, the streams that react with the quantum fields on the sides of the slits, get magnetically skewed in different horizontal directions, but, the streams that don't interact with the slit, continue right thru. All the in step red frequency of the laser streams are unaffected as they refocus in a secondary modified trajectory. (b) Because of the narrow slit opening, it has prevented a large number of streams from passing thru. This creates a modified red laser beam with fewer streams per area. We now have a diminished number of streams, and the brightness of the laser beam is weaker. (c) So the net result is, a flattened red laser light beam with less intensity, and a diminished height in the vertical plane. The information the original light streams contain are unaffected. (frequency etc.) This phenomenon is known as Plane Filtration. It is not a polarized filtering of the north and south poles of the light streams. The magnetic properties of the streams are only diverted off course, and not magnetically modified.

Conclusion - It is the external magnetic quantum fields on the sides of the slit, that pulls some of the peripheral red laser streams off course. This in turn, is what decreases the number of streams in the vertical, and widens the horizontal plane.  

Double Slit Experiment

Thomas Young 1773-1829

(1) - Light Waves

(2) - Particles

(3) - Electrons

(4) - Photons (light pulses)

Double Slit Experiment - (1801).  In my opinion, Thomas Young's double slit experiment is responsible for physics taking a wrong path. Thomas Young himself was a supporter of light wave theory, but his experiment had unintended results. The analysis shows that Light Waves traveling through two vertical slits creates multiple vertical bands of light when projected on a screen. It was theorized that light waves after going through the slits, interfere with each other and add and subtract intensities because of intermingling wave energy. The resulting pattern showed multiple vertical bands with a bright one at the center, then the diminishing brightness of bands as you move to the end on either side.

TLU has a different take on what's going on. First of all, because there is no such thing as empty space, there are two separate universal particle fields (primary and secondary). There are four installments of the experiment, one using waves, one using particles, one with electrons and one with photons. The results can be different for each because of specific reasons.

(1) - Light Waves - Omni-plane light wave streams are passing thru the double slits in this experiment. This creates two different separate wave patterns in the secondary Dark Matter field. Because of the distance between the slits, some of the incoming push-pull streaming energy has reacted with the atomic quantum fields on the sides of the slits, and many of them have ben pulled off course. The light wave streams ride these interfering secondary waves. This causes some streams to move further apart and closer together, which in turn, adds and subtracts intensities at different points of the secondary waves entanglement. The light intensity increases and decreases, not because of the frequency synchronization of the light streams, but, because the streams get closer and further apart. (b) Finally, the vertical light bands you see reflected on a screen, is a direct result of the movement of light streams that interacts with the secondary waves. In other words, the Omni-plane light streams have been spatially filtered. No so-called Photon Particles are passing through the slits, just push pull wave energy streams. (c) Remember, concentrated streams have more intense energy then separated ones. This explains the differing brightness levels of the projected vertical images. The concentrated strength of energy streams is also true for Radio Waves, Sound Waves, Heat and Gravity Currents.

(2) - Particle energy passing thru the slits, creates only two vertical bands. This is because the particles are too heavy to change trajectories, even though they create secondary waves.

(3) - Electrons passing through the slits, creates secondary waves in the secondary field, and multiple vertical bands. The Electron trajectories can change because they are small, light and are influenced by the entanglement of the secondary waves.

(4) - Photons, (pulses of streaming light wave energy) passing through the vertical slits, creates two interfering secondary waves in the secondary Dark Matter Field. These pulses react with the atomic quantum fields on the sides of the slits, and, many of the pulsed streams are pulled off course. Now the pulsing streams go their individual ways and ride on the secondary wave patterns. The interfering wave fields is what creates the multiple vertical bands we see when projected on a screen. This modulation looks like it is made of particles but it is not, they are pulses of light wave energy that ride piggy-back on the interfering secondary waves. Again, no so-called Photon Particles are passing through the slits, just push pull pulses of streamed wave energy.

More about the Double Slit Experiment

When you have two vertical slits splitting Dark Matter Wave Streams, the secondary Dark Matter pool produces two independent wave patterns that interfere with each other. If you use lasers to look at which slit the particles and or waves emanate from, the operation defaults to a non-interference pattern. It seems that when you observe the experiment, it changes the result. What the heck? What is going on? As you might have guessed, TLU has an explanation.

When evaluating this experiment, it is important to remember that Dark Matter with its magnetic component, is the essence of all space, even on both sides of this double slit experiment.

Now, as you observe the back side of the slits using laser wave technology, you invade the secondary fields with wave energy thus changing the dynamics of the fields. This in turn, corrupts the result of the experiment. If you put detectors on the slits, it also would change the dynamics of the secondary wave energy, thus invalidating the test results. Just looking at the experiment you would have to use wave energy, and this would change the wave patterns of the secondary field. So, If you modify in any way, the wave patterns of the secondary field the experiment gets corrupt.

TLU - As you can see the existence of a medium of particles, with a magnetic influence, changes everything. Wave Energy, Magnetic Energy and Gravity are not mystery's anymore. This is the only solution that fits and complies with all we know.

Multiple Slit Experiment
(Fun Stuff)


Want to see what Dark Matter Secondary Waves look like and do? All you need is a candle and a comb.

Now, light the candle and note that the flame is elongated in the vertical plane. (b) Bring the comb between your eyes and the candle, and align the teeth up and down. (vertical plane). (c) Close one eye. This is because it is easier to see this effect thru only one eye. (d) What do you see? Look very closely at the individual teeth of the comb and notice there is a slight distortion of the light. (e) Now, rotate the comb to the horizontal plane and have a look. What do you see? There are lots of distortions of light waves on the individual teeth. I'll bet that you have never noticed this effect unless you have a curious nature. You have just now become a scientist, just like Galileo, Newton and Einstein. All that's left to do is to explain what you have just seen.

Here's what TLU says is going on... Light Wave streams produced by the candle are traveling in Dark Matter, and, are gradually spreading out from source. When they intersect the teeth of the comb, the magnetic force of the outer atomic quantum fields of each tooth, create secondary waves in the Dark Matter medium facing you. This in turn, pulls some of the light streams from the candle off course. The streams that don't interact with the comb, travel right thru. When you rotate the comb into the vertical position and the teeth are now horizontal, there are many more intersecting barriers to the streams, thus more distortion.

What you have just done is filter the candle light in different planes. You have created secondary waves in dark matter that can move light wave streams in different directions. (modulation). It is the magnetic force of the outer quantized universal particles in the teeth of the comb,  that makes this effect happen. It has nothing to do with pole orientation of the streams. (polarization). So, the next time you watch a 3d movie using polarizing glasses, you will know that these glasses are not polarized. They are plane-arized. (please, no letters about the glasses, I'm just trying to be funny). (more information See Encyclopedia  104.

PS Remember light, is push pull wave streaming energy, not particles of light moving thru the comb. Its like a super double slit experiment only with many more slits.


A laser beam of plane filtered, vibrating
Universal Particle Streams.
In the graphic, particle push-pull vibrating streams are closer together in the center of the laser beam. That's why it is brighter there. When the streams spread out towards the perimeter, the brightness diminishes. The Black Bands occur because the laser has been filtered in the horizontal plane. It is the magnetic force of outer quantum fields on the sides of the opaque barriers, that produces interfering secondary waves. When the streams exit the filter they have modified trajectories, but, not the information provided by the individual light streams themselves. If you look very closely at the picture, you can see individual streams of streams. Encyclopedia 104 has more information.


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