The Death of Stars  -  How stars end their life in The Logical Universe

Supernova type 1a ?

Supernova in the Large Magellanic Cloud

The Famous Crab Pulsar

The Astounding Black Star

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A Star's Final Evolution - TLU -This is pure speculation of the Logical Universe Theory, and is still subject to more observations and research. This is because of the newly discovered presence of Primal Space, Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Anti-Gravity. There may be other interactions that have not been considered. On the other hand, the predictions of TLU fit precisely with all we know about the physics of space.

TLU's Understanding of the Basics... All the evidence points to the existence of Anti-Gravity as the cause and cessation of spontaneous fusion. (a) For fusion to occur you must make Neutrons from some Protons but not all. This can't happen in a Stellar Core. The extreme compression and density has restricted movement and elasticity of the Protons. This in turn, will not support only some conversion. (b) Next there is the bonding of Neutron to the Proton. For this to happen there must be a certain amount of spatial distance, flexibility and mobility so paring can happen. (c) Finally, after the bonding, there has to be space for the duo to spin and create Quantum Ring Fields. As you can see, the stellar core fusion idea has no evidence to back it up, it is a belief at best. On the other hand, there is lots of evidence and a precise definition of Stellar Fusion on the Fusion page.

All dying Stars are at the mercy of their own Gravity - If Anti-Gravity of a Star is depleted, the stars peripheral fields get distorted and becomes vulnerable to the ripping gravitational force from space. Depending on the volume of the star, will determine its demise. With low volume stars, there will be no explosion of the outer fields, and the star will become a White Dwarf. (b) Larger Stars that are oscillating between failure and functioning, will become reoccurring Nova's. (c) In a Huge star, once Anti-Gravity depletes, it causes a catastrophic failure of the peripheral fields and the star goes Supernova. This may, or may not, explode the whole star. Again it depends on volume and the potential of core material. (d) Last, are the extreme stars, they go Hyper-Nova, and produce either Neutron Stars or Black ones. A Neutron Star is a Neutron Torus like structure and can have super fast spin energy. This in turn, will produce Extreme Quantum Ring and Torus magnetic fields in the surrounding Dark Matter Sea. (accretion disk and a polar jet). The Star doesn't consume particle matter from space because it is a closed system, but, it does have extreme Gravity and Magnetic force. (e) Black Stars are a whole different Ball Game. How they form and dye as you might have guessed is extreme. Only TLU has tackled this ultimate event. You are about to "Boldly go where no one has Gone Before." In keeping with evolution of the Universe, The Black Star death it is at the last entry of this page, or video. It is, the End of a new Beginning...








(1) - Dwarf Stars - These stars form the way all stars do, but, because of their small size, there is only just enough Gravity / Anti-Gravity to support fusion. This means that the spin rate of the star forming hydrogen cloud was less, therefore compacting the central region was less. This in turn created a proto-star with lower anti-gravity, but, not necessarily fewer hydrogen atoms. As you know it is the balance of the Gravity Barrier which keeps the fusion band in place, and, Anti-Gravity that produces the fusion. Because of these characteristics, the star has a lower fusion rate which conserves its hydrogen, which creates a much, much longer time in main sequence. (billions and billions of years). (b) When the star loses most of it's anti-gravity, it is unlikely that it can continue fusion, and the nuclear furnace shuts down. the red dwarf sheds its plasma without an explosion. this is because there isn't enough gravity to break the SML of elements in the stars peripheral fields, and the star starts to cool.

Oh my, This is a sad passing of a once remarkable existence. The star may have had planets, and because of its long life, may have supported the evolution of intelligent creatures. I can't wait for SETI to discover something, anything. TLU says, it is extremely unlikely that we are alone.

(2) - Low Mass Stars - When low level anti-gravity fusion, shuts down in a low mass star, there isn't enough gravity to cause quantum SML failure in the peripheral fields, so again there is no explosion. The residual boiling energy release from the outer bands is enough to overcome the gravity of the outer plasma layers, and the stars potential energy field continues to expand. The star's anti-gravity throws out its external structure along with the new proton neutron parings. What is left of the core cant support fusion and doesn't have enough gravity / anti-gravity to reignite. It has become a White Dwarf.

Again this sounds like the end of an era, given what a glorious existence the star may have had. It could even have supported life at one time, but the universe is the way it is, and not necessarily the way we want it to be. If you think this sounds a lot like our beloved Sun, you are right, but take heart, in 4 billion years from now humanity will certainly have evolved, possibly to a new solar system.  

(3) - Medium Mass Stars -  When lower anti-gravity causes nuclear fusion to shut down in a medium mass star, excessive Gravity in the stars peripheral fields causes SML failure of atomic quantum fields. The field particles catastrophically expand, and a pressure wave is created. This is what's called a Supernova. Expanding quantum fields eject the stars plasma into space, along with protons electrons and new proton neutron parings.

The exploding outer bands also creates super inward compression fields. These fields compact surrounding particles and produce high heat, light, gravity, and magnetic energy. This compression is so strong it converts some protons into neutrons. These protons and neutrons now rearrange themselves into more complex configurations. (b) Next, electrons that are trapped in the compression, are squeezed into neutrinos, which in turn explains why in a supernova event we see a neutrino bombardment. (c) TLU has concluded that in the case of this compression event, it is obvious that different compacted levels are produced. This in turn, creates distinct proton neutron parings. It is because the outer core field is more fluid than the inner core field. (d) Finally, there is one more observation. There is one big problem with this compression sequence, it is not strong enough to overwhelm the whole core. It seems that the core has too much potential energy left. What happens next?

Because of the creation and compacting speed of universal particles from the outer expanding bands, it produces a Dark Energy ripping effect in the central nucleus of the star's inner-core, and a second event of fission occurs. (b) This unlocks the remaining potential energy of quantum fields of the core, and these particles catastrophically expand. (c) The new increase in volume expansion, compacts all particles of lesser potential energy and produces extreme heat, light and magnetic force. (d) This overwhelms the outer compressed field and the whole Star explodes. Protons, neutrons, neutrinos, electrons, heat, light, magnetic and new configurations of atomic nuclei have now been produced. (e) (First, gravity causes SML failure of the peripheral bands, then anti-gravity produces dark energy which causes compressed elements in the core to fail).  Ka-Bang... A two part explosion.

Conclusion - With the passage of time, young proton neutron couplings establish new quantum fields and different elements are born. This in turn, enriches the cosmos and provides new foundations on which to build. The Universe has just become more diverse and an exciting place to explore.

(4) - Huge Mass Stars -  When nuclear fusion shuts down in a huge mass star, excessive gravity in the peripheral bands causes quantum SML failure and their particles catastrophically expand. This is what's called a Huge Supernova. Expanding fields eject the stars plasma into space, along with protons electrons and new proton neutron parings.

The exploding outer field also creates inward super pressure fields. The extreme energy of these fields are much much stronger and overpower the core, compacting it more. The star can't explode because the potential energy of the core is less than the compression energy of the exploding band. This in turn forces universal particles of atomic nuclei, and former quantum fields to form new configurations.

# (5) Neutron Star - It is believed that Protons and Electrons don't survive, but Neutrons do. If the core body has extreme rotation, it is possible that the former star's first quantum Ring Field could change into a super strong bonded containment sphere. The Stars Neutron configurations have not ben identified yet, but, they are contained by a closed first quantum Ring Field. This creates a gyroscope effect of fast spinning Neutrons with an axis for the Star. The X- Sar now has become a locked and closed system. (b) Because Neutrons and Neutrinos are not exactly the sane size it is possible that the fast spinning star, because of centrifugal forces, can develop lobes. This may account for the fast clicking sounds we have observed emanating from these types of stars. (c) When Dark Matter particles or structures are attracted to the spinning Neutron Star because of Gravity, they get ripped apart and flung right back out into the Cosmos. They are not consumed by the Star. This creates an accretion disk and polar jet in the Dark Matter Sea.

Oh my. That idea is stretching things but it does have some logic to it. In the future with more facts to work with, the exact configuration of universal particles of extreme matter will most certainly be figured out. The realm of Neutron Stars, Pulsars and Magnetars is a very mysterious and interesting place but I'm not so sure I would want to get to close to one of them. I am glad that there aren't to many in our neighborhood. 


The Crab Pulsar
A Spinning Neutron Star
with Magnetic Radio Pulses

Pulsars - (A super fast spinning Neutron Star). Another structure I find fascinating is the Pulsar. It was formed from a compression field of a huge dying star. It probably just barely escaped from being a black one. The pulsar is so incredibly dense that one has been clocked rotating 642 hertz. This to me is unbelievable because they have so much compressed mass. To be spinning that fast is mind-boggling. (to hear what 642 hertz sounds like, use this link) -,v0.75

Next, lets put our creative logic to work. The following is highly speculative, but, inside the Pulsar this is what may be going on...

# Universal Particles are still rotating and have magnetic bonded fields.  Because of extreme spin, gravity and centrifugal forces, the pulsars internal magnetic fields have separated and developed into two magnetic lobes; one is a positive charged lobe and the other is a negative one. In other words the whole pulsar has a positive magnetic side and a negative one. When the pulsar rotates it creates an alternating magnetic pulse in the surrounding Dark Matter Sea. This is what produces the fast pulsing magnetic clicking sound when observed with a radio telescope. It is also possible that the fast spinning pulsars can produce an optical blinking as well. This is because the particles of the dark matter sea would most certainly vibrate when stimulated with the magnetic pulses. 

Now, inside the pulsar, both lobes have a common axis in the center of this celestial body. In other words, the star has no nucleus, it has an axis. Both the positive and negative bonded looping fields of the two lobes pass thru the pulsar's center axis. Because magnetic bonding is such a strong force, it keeps the lobes from separating and holds the whole body together, even though it is spinning at a phenomenal rate. This magnetic bonding is so strong it can even prevent a Black Star from flying apart.
In conclusion - The extreme bonding force of looping fundamental particles is what keeps the pulsar together. It also creates super strong magnetic fields, which in turn, accounts for the fast clicking pulses of the pulsar. Don't underestimate the magnetic force. If you have ever used Neodymium Magnets you know what I mean.

As I say, this is only speculation and not a forgone conclusion. It doesn't have any verified observational proof to back it up, but, it hasn't violated any rules. This is pure logic, and is based solely on the predictions and definitions of "The Logical Universe Encyclopedia."


Death of a Neutron Star

(5) Neutron Stars are a little bit different. When they attract Dark Matter Particles from space, the particles are compressed, spun, and flung right back out. This creates an Accretion Disk and Polar Jet. It also means the star doesn't have a growing containment field, and anti-gravity of the star is missing. Their bonded horn torus construction supports the whole stars body. This means that the internal neutrons have spin energy, and this is what holds the star together even at unbelievable rotation speeds.

Speculation with no known conflicts - When a Neutron Star is caught by another Neutron Star, they will sync up pole to pole and merge. There would be no catastrophic explosion because they both have the same Density Mass Index. This is because there would be no compression event. (like putting two magnets together). As I say this is only speculation because to my knowledge, there are no observations to either confirm or deny this idea, but, it has plausibility because it fits with all the known physics of the Universe.

Speculation with no known conflicts - When a Neutron Star and Black Star are in a gravitational lock, something has to give. The neutron star can get much, much closer to a black one, this is because it has an extreme gravitational lock, but, even this superior bonding force will fail. As both stars get closer and closer, the black one will win the gravity battle. This is because the Universal Particles of the Black Star's Gravity have now become extremely dense, are moving faster, and have much more gravity, density and a ripping pulling force.

The Event - Black Star Gravity Currents penetrate the Neutron Star super structure, and dissolve magnetic bonds. This causes it to lose Synergetic Magnetic Lock. Perimeter neutron particles are ripped apart, and off the fast spinning body. Only Universal Particles are pulled into the Black Star. The consumption goes very fast because of the extreme gravity, and the fast spin energy of the Neutron Star. Needless to say, this event quickly releases copious amounts of energy and mass. Not only does this encounter destroy the star, it creates an enormous and powerful, Black Star Polar Jet. 

So far I haven't been able to link this phenomena with either Quasars or Gamma Ray Bursts but it seams to meet some of the qualifications. I bet that there are more things going on with Neutron Mass and Black Stars. Its nice to know that the Universe still has many secrets.

Death of an Extreme Mass Star

Our Sun Compared to a Massive Star

(6) - Extreme Stars - When fusion shuts down in a massive Extreme Star, Quantum SML of atoms in the stars peripheral fields fail because of the excessive gravity from space. This overwhelms elements in the band, and their quantum fields catastrophically expand. This becomes a Gigantic Supernova. Expanding fields from the former outer bands eject the stars plasma into space, along with electrons and new Proton Neutron parings.

The exploding band also creates super inward, high heat, magnetic compression fields and Dark Energy Currents. These compression fields have become extremely large and dense, along with a ripping force. The vast core structure is torn apart so violently that not only quantum fields of atoms lose SML, but so do individual protons, neutrons, and electrons. All universal particles dissolve their interdependent structures, and individual particle matter forms an ultimate state of compressed uniformity. The slightly less contracted perimeter of this extreme state of matter has enough freedom of movement to create a magnetic containment field. This is because the inner super compressed, fast spinning body of particles, would rotate as one. Therefore, it would allow movement and alignment of particles in the outer bands.

The creation of a Black Star is by far the most interesting and astounding structure in the Universe. It is my belief if you get this prediction right, you have just unlocked one of the biggest secrets of the Cosmos. To think in my lifetime the theoretical Black Stars of TLU Theory were unknown, and had no possibility of existence because of the emptiness of space. But now, because of the absence of empty space and the discovery of Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Anti-Gravity, the whole Universe has changed. All of the unanswered questions that has perplexed mankind sense the beginning of time, can now be answered. The Universe is not so mysterious any more, and finally has resolution.

Recap -  (a) TLU predicts that there are no Stellar or Galactic Black Holes, but, there are Stellar and Galactic Black Stars. (b) Black Stars have a magnetic containment field. (c) The gravity produced by a black star and its surroundings, is so strong that Light Waves cant vibrate the Dark Matter Medium. (d) A Black Star has no internal structure, only Universal Particles in an extreme state of compression. (e) Black Stars have an Accretion Disk with an Event Horizon and Polar Jet. (Ring / Torus fields).  (f) When Black Stars join,  they match their pole to pole spin, thus creating an attraction force between. As they get closer together, their orbits get smaller and faster. When they finally merge, there is no big energy release because they both have the same, "Density Mass Index," along with the same, now combined spin energy. 

Death of a Black Star
First ever image of M87, its central core and accretion disk. In the middle of the black circular region there is a Black Star but you can't see it. This is because of the density of surrounding Dark Matter Space. The center compacted area, can't vibrate in the light or magnetic spectrum, but, it still has Spatial Mass. In other words, it is not a hole.

All the observable Energy
surrounding a Black Star

(7) - We've saved the best for last, TLU's exclusive "Black Stars." Black Stars also have an accretion disk and jet, but unlike Neutron Stars, they absorb matter and energy from space. This means they are not a closed system. Now for the exciting evolution and conclusion of these cosmic wonders. (f) Black Stars like their cousins, Pulsars and Magnetars, don't explode, they merge. When this happens, the Universal Dark Matter Particle Sea and its energy gets condensed and stored. When the Dark Matter Sea is depleted by merging Black Stars, there are only 2 things left. (1) A condensed super structure of matter and energy, and (2) Primal Space.  All the Black Stars have become a single body like no other, a "Singularity." (g) Even this super star will die. This is because Primal Space will shut down the Singularity's containment field. Gravity becomes Anti-Gravity, and a new Dark Matter Universe springs into being. This creates expansion energy, but not matter. There are old expanding Universal Particles, and new ones created out of Primal Space. The super energy of a transforming Universe, is creating the highest Entropy known to exist. Because of this new physical existence, everything has to start from scratch. (magnetic fields and strings, protons, electrons, neutrons and stars). Even Gravity has to be created.

(h) Is this just a theory, belief, speculation?  - TLU says no. - Why? - Because it complies with TLU's "Encyclopedia of the Universe."  Oh-My... What about Black Holes? - Ah-Ha... Don't fall for that Magical Stuff. This is reality. This is Logic. We have evidence, and lots of it. The Logical Universe has been created to work, not to fit with other theory's.    

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