Preamble to the Logical Universe Encyclopedia


Encyclopedia I

Aether - Fusion

Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton
This reference material, is dedicated to Newton - Einstein - Maxwell - Darwin, and all other people who have contributed to the understanding of Science and Cosmology.


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* TLU Exclusive, with new supporting evidence.
# Speculation with little or no scientific evidence.

Encyclopedia I - (Aether - Fusion)

1 - Aether - Michelson and Morley would use this term to describe the vastness of space, but, their experiment didn't go as planned, so they abandoned the idea. The word still has relevancy, but it never seemed to catch on. For more information see the Michelson - Morley - Hubble page.

1.3 - Alpha Rays - Streaming Helium Nuclei in a medium - See Encyclopedia 82.3.

1.4 -  Antennas - Electrical Polarizing Structures, (true polarizing filters) - An antenna's length and configuration is engineered for the physical length and pole-shifting cycles of specific electron movement in the antenna. Antennas can radiate or receive streaming polarized energy from Space / Dark Matter Sea. (a)Transmission -  When antennas are subjected to a specific oscillating internal electron flow, it oscillates the metallic structures of quantum fields where the electrons are, and it is this force that interferes with the polarization of the dark matter sea, thus causing polarized wave energy transfer into the DM medium. Electrons do not radiate into space, but, the polarized stream does. (b) Receiving - Antennas don't receive electromagnetic energy, but, they can convert to this energy. It is the unique polarized magnetic streams from space, that interfere with the metallic quantum fields of the antenna, this is what produces electromagnetism. It displaces electrons and creates magnetic paths for electrons to flow in the antenna. The moving electrons can now be called an electromagnetic current / force or electricity, and is a representation of the originating source. (c) Complications - There are mechanical and electrical variations like harmonics and the phenomena of interferometry, so if you want to design transmitting and receiving antennas there is much more to consider. That being said, at least you will have the basics in place. (d) One more thing about antennas, don't confuse the Polarizing filtration of antennas with so called optical polarized filters. Optical polarized filters have nothing to do with polarizing energy. Optical polarized filters, filter light by separating and bunching light streams in planes. (Horizontal, Vertical or Oblique).

1.5 - Anti-Gravity - (basic: expansion of Spatial Magnetism) - (Universal Particle expansion and or, Quantum Field expansion). See Encyclopedia 42 or Energy / SML or the Big Bang pages.

2 - Anti-Matter - The reverse internal spin energy of the Proton, Electron and Quantum Fields. When material spin energy is reversed from the norm, it creates a reverse electric charge and polarization. It does not effect any of the inherent properties that Primal and Dark Matter have, so the term Anti-Matter is misleading, The Matter itself is not any different than regular Matter. The conclusion is, real Anti-Matter is the reverse magnetic properties of material movement, but, matter is still matter and there is nothing Anti about that.  (more See Encyclopedia 58 or the Anti-Matter page).

2.5 - Artificial / Biological Intelligence / Life - See the Artificial / Biological Intelligence page.

3 - Atom -  A unique structure containing a spinning Nucleus with Protons and Neutrons. There are external stacked Circular Quantum Ring Fields with Electrons, and the one way magnetic flow of Polar Torus fields, no Electrons. It is locked in an exact formation by the forces of magnetism, although it can add and subtract universal particles in its quantum fields to balance energies further. (in the case of Hydrogen there is no Neutron). See encyclopedia 4.3 for the Atomic Scale.

3.5 - Atomic Bomb - An Exploding device that is created by splitting atomic nuclei like Uranium 235 or Plutonium. See the Fission Page.

4 - Atomic Compression - Moderate magnetic compression or decompression of an Atom changes all its universal particle active and potential energy, viscosity, elasticity and space, but, not its Synergetic Magnetic Lock. (SML). If SML is broken, the element and its quantum fields split, and new universal particle magnetic space is created.

4.3  * The Atomic Scale - Initially there is the Atom - A unique structure of Hydrogen, Helium, Silicone, Iron Etc. + their energetic (magnetic) spatial force. (1) Sub-Atomic structures, Protons, Electrons, Neutrons and Quantum Fields, + their energetic (magnetic) spatial force. (2) Sub, Sub-Atomic Structures, Quarks, Leptons, Bosons, Hadrons and Fermions, + their energetic spatial force. (3) Sub, Sub, Sub-Atomic structures, Universal Particles, + their energetic spatial force. (4) Sub, Sub, Sub, Sub-Atomic structures, Primal Matter (sand grains) + their energetic spatial force. (a) This brings us to the point where we have to add up all the matter and all the energy of the Universe. When you do this, remember that matter is not energy but it can create energy. As you can see by now the amount of active and potential energy, is extreme, but, it is not 90 Billion units of speed and distance. (90 Billion is the number of light speed squared). (b) In the early Universe the amount of active and potential energy is the same extreme, but with smaller space and expanding faster than light. The total amount of matter is not expanding. (c) The speed of light has nothing to do with expanding the Universe, but Anti-Gravity does. On the other hand, the speed of light is very important if you want to know how far apart Planets Stars and Galaxy's are. Final observation, the speed of light is not, and can not be a constant. This is because in the beginning there was never an expanse of nothing. Light will not travel thru a theorized spatial nothing, but, as the density of the universe changes, light waves traveling in the universal medium can, and will change.

4.4 - Baryon - (part of the QLBHF community) - A theorized sub sub-atomic particle or particles - Baryons are heavy subatomic particles that are made up of three Quarks. Both Protons and Neutrons, as well as the other particles are Baryons. (The other class of Hadron particle is built from a Quark and an Anti-Quark and is called a Meson.) See Particle Evolution page.

4.5 - Baryonic Matter - Baryonic Matter should only include matter composed of Baryons. In other words, it should include Protons, Neutrons and all the objects composed from them (atomic nuclei), but exclude things such as Electrons and Neutrinos which are actually Leptons. See Particle Evolution page.

4.6 - Beta Rays - Streaming Electrons is a medium. See Encyclopedia 82.3.

4.8  # Big Bang - A Singularity of pure Energy - The Standard Model of the Universe indorses this sequence. 1 - "Energy can not be created or destroyed." 2 - "Matter is created from pure energy." So the conclusion is, the Universe had to have started from only energy. (b) The explanation - In the beginning there was a singularity of pure energy, that was infinitely smaller than a single atom, then suddenly, because of no known reason, it exploded with a huge creation of heat, light and force. In a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a second, it expanded faster than the speed of Light. As it spread out and cooled, Matter was created. Oh Boy... There is a funny smell in this smoke. This violates all known laws of Physics, Relativity and Logic. TLU - This has a Credibility / Probability index of 1. Who on Earth would ever believe this?.. I bet I know why, its because mathematics can be manipulated to support this crazy idea. Who needs known science, accepted observations, evolution compatibility, relativity compatibility, mathematics solvability or logic. We can ignore all these things because, this idea fits the accepted Standard Model and Einstein's theory of Relativity. Energy can not be created or destroyed, or, can it? - TLU responds - How do you make Matter out of Energy? Answer... You Can't... (Matter has no energy but can produce Energy) - (Energy is the movement of Matter).  (b) * Forget E=MC˛, this is not how the Universe works. The speed of light squared is a very big number (90 Billion). As it just so happens this number is compatible with an explanation of the level of energy that matter can produce. Unfortunately, you can not tie this amount of energy to the speed of light. Light speed is a separate entity, and has little to do with the level of energy that all matter can create. Besides, the speed of light is supposed to be fixed. The energy level that moving matter has, is a variable, but, I'm sure the number can be greater than 90 Billion. In TLU the minimum amount of energy that matter can produce is set (zero), but the maximum is not fixed. Light speed on the other hand, is a unit of measurement, and is supposed to be finite. In any case, it should not be tied to the composition of matter. This is because both are separate, and are not necessarily in unilateral compliance. 

* Big Bang - Big Bang Black Star - (TLU) - A Spinning Monolithic Singularity of matter and energy.  Universal Expansion - The destruction of the magnetic containment field of a Universal Black Star, thus releasing its Mass and Potential Energy. This creates and transforms all the Density and Magnetism of the Universe. It is a colossal Anti-Gravity event. It also creates tiny spinning spheres out of Primal Matter / Space, in addition to the ones that are liberated. The tiny spheres that are created are called Universal Dark Matter Particles (UDMP's) and together with the liberated ones, produce a new Polarized Cosmos. The Big Bang sequence doesn't create a Universe, it Transforms one. This is because Matter can not be created or destroyed, but a magnetic spatial force can. On the other hand there is the perception that energy is the root of existence. This belief stems from a misunderstanding of what energy really is. (b) * "Energy is the movement of Matter." It has no height, width or depth, but it can produce space if it spins, contracts or moves laterally. Matter has height, width and depth with no energy, unless it is moving. Energy + Matter creates space, which has a changeable height, width and depth. Matter is the constant, Energy is not. Simply put, you can not create matter out of pure energy, it's just the opposite... One more thing about the movement of matter and its space. If it spins, the space that it creates has a North and South pole with a one way magnetic spatial flow. (Polarized Space) - (a fluid medium of Matter, Space and Energy).

# Black Hole - A theoretical un-confirmed physical existence of a Hole in Space / Time. TLU says this is impossible. The News Media has to get over the Sensational Hole, to Different Dimension, of Space and Time! (a) Space is supposed to be, mostly, a vast  expanse of nothing. A hole in nothing, in any stretch of the imagination, is not science. A hole in space is not a physical existence, and Time is a property of speed and distance. So a hole in Space / Time is nonsense. TLU's conclusion is, Black Holes have a creditable / probability level of 1. They are only a belief that has been created to explain how Gravity works in empty space. On the other hand, the Gravity of TLU is consistent with all observations of Planet, Stars and Galaxy behavior thru out the Cosmos. This is because of a spatial medium of polarized space, and not the vacuum of nothing and holes. Polarized Space, has tons of evidence to back it up, a spatial nothing does not. (b) Because of the popular belief in the Standard Model of the Universe, we seem to be stuck with the ideology that Black Holes exist. TLU says that stems from a misunderstanding of Matter, Magnetism and the Geometry of Space. There are no Black Holes big or small in the Logical Universe / Unified Theory, but, there are structures that have even more incredible properties, This would be Black Stars and their Universal Particles. The existence of Black Stars are much more credible, and Black Holes are not supported by any physical evidence. Also, if Black Holes do exist, they would create untold violations of Matter, Energy, Space and Time. (c) One more reason to support "Black Star Theory." Black Holes are suppose to be a hole in empty space, with extreme Gravity, also an accretion disk and polar jet. (a BH polar jet has not ben adequately explained). As you can see, this is a theory that was conceived to support a 100 year old theory, but, holes, a polar jet and empty space have no believable evidence for existence. This is because they don't fit the new, refined definitions of Matter, Energy, Space and Time. * Matter is a physical existence and is the one and only constant, it can not be created or destroyed. Also it has no energy, but, is capable of producing energy if it is moving. The concept of empty space is an oxymoron. This is because Space is a Medium of Matter, a Magnetic Spatial force, and Energy. Empty is just what the word describes. (Nothing). * Nothing = No Matter - No Magnetism - No Medium - No Holes - No Existence - No Space. (Nothing).

7  * Black Stars - Spheres of ultimate compressed Universal Particles, with extreme Gravity, extreme Potential Energy, and an impenetrable Magnetic containment field. They are not Black Holes. A better description would be a Black Star. (a) Black Stars are created when a super massive star ends its life in a colossal explosion of peripheral material, resulting in an extreme compression of internal matter. This creates an extremely dense body with little Spatial Mass. (A fast spinning body of super concentrated universal particles). Because the whole body is spinning fast, and its individual external particles, are also spinning fast, it generates extreme Gravity in the polarized medium of space. The closer you get to the star, the stronger Super Gravity gets. This Gravity is so strong right near the star, Light Waves cant vibrate, so there is a black area surrounding the body. (b) Now the interesting part. Because of increasing gravitational attraction, approaching debris from space goes thru a dismantling process. First, the ultimate gravity of the Black Star rips apart all approaching structures. It destroys their magnetic lock, and creates smaller and smaller body's. This is what produces the extreme light and energy of vibrating particles. It is exactly what astronomers have observed in the center of galaxy's, using their high powered telescopes. The phenomena of the observed light and high energy space, has been named, an Accretion Disk. (c) As the destruction and dismantling continues, only Dark Matter will be left. Now with only fast spinning DM particles and extreme gravity, the Dark Matter particles inter the Black Disk where there is no light energy. (d) In the final demise of structures, only Dark Matter particles are left. The Black Star gravity grabs these particles and magnetically locks them to it's outer bands. The DM particles still have spin energy, but this will change when more and more are added. As the Black Star builds its mass, particles get deeper and deeper into the body and they loose their spin. Finally, in the core of a Black star there is pure individual grains of matter and no magnetic space, but, the whole stellar body is still spinning. What happens next? Oh... my...

7.5 - Bosons - (part of the QLBHF community) - (A theoretical sub sub-atomic class of particles) - (Standard Model Theory)  - Bosons are created by splitting Electrons, Protons Neutrons or atomic nuclei.  (theorized energy and force carriers). See Particle Evolution Page.

8. - Carrier Waves - Modulated Waves, they can be either Pressure, or Magnetic Waves. (light / radio waves).

8.5 - Centrifugal Force and Dark Matter - (Increasing speed of a body locked in a circular orbit) This force is often referred to as Artificial Gravity. This is because it produces the same effect but has a different cause. It resembles the pulling power of Gravity, but instead of pulling, the force overcomes gravity and pushes. This is because when you increase the speed of a body in orbit, it increases the volume of DM moving thru the body. Now if you were standing on the moving body you would think that gravity is increasing, but you would be wrong. Its just that the pulling force of gravity has ben supplemented with the pushing force of Dark Energy. As you can see, centrifugal force is not the same physical entity. Both forces involve dark matter particles, but DM gravity pulls its way thru structures, and DM centrifugal force, pushes its way. This is because the whirling structural matter, has ben provided with overpowering movement energy, and overcomes the pulling force of Gravity. More see the Gravity Page.

9 - Charge / Electric - (Positive) - (Negative). A positive charge is the presence of a Proton, or, Quantum Fields with a deficit of Electrons. A negative charge is the presence of an Electron, or, a bunch of electrons grouped together. (b) At the very basic level in the Dark Matter Universe, it can be said that an electric charge is the energy difference between two magnetic fields. (cw spinning to ccw spinning, or, all variations thereof).

10 - Compression is a magnetic spatial phenomena. Moderate compression or decompression of an Atom, changes all its Universal Particle active and potential energy. The particles still have interdependent spin, so they don't lose their formations, but, they can change their attraction, repulsion power. Only under an extreme ripping force do they lose Synergetic Magnetic Lock. (SML). A ripping force is the magnetic pulling power of Gravity or the magnetic pushing force of Dark Energy, and is streaming.

11 - Compression / Contraction / Expansion - derived from Magnetism - Compression is the mass of spherical matter caused by pressure. Contraction / Expansion,  is the changing mass of spherical matter caused by the interaction of spin, gravity and its magnetic space. All 3 events changes the active and potential energy of each particle but not the amount of matter.

11.3 - Consciousness / Awareness - (Who, What and Where you are) - (Being or non-Being). The Physics - (1) A constant access to a collective system of Knowledge / Intelligence with a sensory perception of surroundings.  (2) The ability to instantly interact and retrieve information into and from the system. (3) Also present, is the instant ability to predict, reason, and solve system problems. (4) And last, there is the awareness, and possibility of demise of the whole store and collective knowledge / Intelligence of the system. (Death). If you are aware, the system is intact, if not, there is no consciousness and the system may no longer be accessible, or exist in a physical reality. (biological or non-biological). See Artificial Intelligence page.

11.5 - Credibility / Probability Level (1 - 7) See Encyclopedia V just before the end. (TLU levels of Credibility).

12 - Criteria for The Logical Universe - All Definitions as well as Hypothesized states of Matter and Energy, must conform to the following statements. They must be compatible with - known science - accepted observations - relativity - evolution - mathematics and logic. If they are in compliance, their credibility level raises to 5 and climbing. (See Encyclopedia Volume V for creditability levels).

13 - Currents - (Electron) - (Gravity) - (Dark Energy) - (Eddy) - (Dark Matter). Currents are the transfer of Energy's that is caused by the communal movement of particles or molecules in a stream like fashion. There are currents of Electrons, Water, Air and Dark Matter. Gravity is a current in Dark Matter. Also, a body traveling thru Dark Matter may or may not create secondary flow streams thru the body's structure. It all depends on the accelerating or decelerating force. (Dark Energy). (b) Currents or body's can create other currents. Eddy Currents are separate flowing energy, caused by moving streams or body's interacting with each others outer magnetic quantum fields. Example - When a flowing stream intersects a stream from a different direction, both streams will be affected. The dominant one will have more influence then the weaker one. Because of a magnetic pulling pushing force of perimeter particles in both streams, it creates changes in the flow. Depending on volume and force will determine the outcome. This can divide the streams, or change their direction, or create a completely different set of currents. A good comparison would be the high and low pressure weather systems of the earths atmosphere.

14 - Currents - (Magnetic) - (Polarized Magnetic Flow) - (a flowing spatial force) - Magnetic currents are produced by material spin energy and their north, south polarizing spatial force. The flow is one direction only, thru a center axes of a spinning particle or structure. The current may or may not have matter in the flow. Also, the current is not necessarily metallic. This is because we associate magnetism with metal magnets, but true magnetism is produced by all particles or atoms with active energy, like vibrating primal matter, or, spinning atomic nuclei and body's.

14.1 - Dark Energy - A flowing Dark Matter current, sometimes called Artificial Gravity. See Encyclopedia 27.

14.2 - Dark Matter - A Polarized Universal Medium - "A Unified Construction of all Material Existence" - See Encyclopedia 59.

14.3 - DM - (Dark Matter) - (Dark Matter particles) - (UDMP's Universal Dark Matter particles). Tiny spinning spheres of Primal Matter with polarized magnetism, and a one way magnetic spatial flow / force.

15 - Density-Mass Index (DMI) - A new term to describe the relativity of Primal Matter Density (the amount of matter) to the amount of magnetic spatial force in a medium, and or, structures. A Black Star has high density and very low mass. Open space has very low density and high mass. (a) The Universal Medium is always changing. This is because space is not static. The only thing in the Universe that does not change, is the total amount of Matter, all the rest does, even the speed of Light. For complete information about density and mass, see the DMI Table in the Encyclopedia V segment.

15.5 - Deuterium is an Isotope of Hydrogen. (D2O heavy water) 2 Hydrogen Isotopes combined with 1 Oxygen atom, makes one molecule of heavy water. see encyclopedia 44.4

16 - Double Slit Experiment - See Light Page.

16.5 - E=MC˛ - Einstein's famous equation is based on vague, and incomplete definitions of Matter, Energy, Space and Time. If Einstein had more evidence to work with, I'm sure we would have quite a different mathematical solution to explain Energy. (1) # Einstein's Universe - Matter - (That which has mass and occupies space) - (2) - Energy - (a thermodynamic quantity equivalent to the capacity of a physical system to do work; the units of energy are joules or ergs) - (3) - Space - (The unlimited expanse in which everything is located) - (4) Space / Time - (The speed of light squared). (The fourth coordinate that is required (along with three spatial dimensions) to specify a physical event). (5) As you can see these are not the precise definitions that mathematics, or any one else, can base a rock solid theory on. They are too wishy-washy... (Please excuse the weak attempt at humor)... 
(b) * TLU - The Real Universe as we see it. (1)
Matter - Tiny solid grains of sand. They can not be created or destroyed. They are existence itself. They have no energy. (2) Energy - The movement of Matter. A grouping of Matter grains can Spin, Expand, Contract and move Laterally. (Matter Grains are called Primal Matter). The amount of Energy that Matter can produce by not moving, is Zero. When it moves, it goes from Zero to Infinite, usually dependent on how much spin the individual Dark Matter Particles have. (DM Particles are individual spheres of Primal Matter). (3) A Magnetic Spatial Force - When Matter moves it creates a fluid magnetic space to move in. The space can be polarized or non-polarized. Polarized space is produced by spinning matter grouped together. This creates a North and South Pole of DM Particles and a one way spatial magnetic flow, internal and external. Non-polarized space has no spinning groups of particles. Magnetism is a spatial force with height width and depth, polarized or non-polarized. Matter + Spatial Magnetism creates all of existence. There is no such thing as a Spatial Nothing. (4) Time - Time is the easy one to define. It is the measure of speed and distance of moving matter. Time has no height width or depth, it is the Evolving, Reconfiguration of Matter, Space and Energy. (c) Now we are ready to create a new theory of how Energy and the Universe works. It will be a little more complex, this is because you must include the Magnetic Spatial Force, and exclude Empty Space. I'm afraid that E= MC˛ will go down in history, as almost getting it right. Einstein was so close. What he did not know was, Energy and its spatial force can be increased and decreased, but, it is Matter that can't. Matter is the one and only true constant... See Encyclopedia 4.8.  # Big Bang, to further explore why E=MC˛ is not the right solution.

17 - Electric Charge - The energy difference between Protons and Electrons, or basically, the energy difference between rotational and counter-rotational magnetic fields. (cw spinning to ccw spinning, or, all variations thereof).

18 - Electromagnetic Fields - These fields all reside in Dark Matter Space and are the outer Ring Fields of Atoms. This is the realm of orbiting electrons. Because electrons jump in and out of these fields, the fields themselves can be referred to as Electro-magnetic Fields. This is because they accommodate electrons. 

19 - Electromagnetic Flow - If electrons are caught or are present in a magnetic stream, it can be called an electromagnetic flow. Like in the flow from a negatively charged cathode to the positive charged plate of a vacuum tube, or in a Wire. Radio / Television Antenna outer quantum fields, also support an electromagnetic streaming force, but the immense expanse of space does not. This is because there is no vast existence of quantum fields and their electrons in the medium. (b) That being said, there is a little more complexity on a smaller scale. In a vacuum tube, if there is a positive anode and a negative cathode, the dark matter polarized medium, can realign and support an electron flow from negative to positive electrodes in the tube. On a larger scale, If there is a huge cloud that is positively charged and the ground is negative relative to the cloud, the polarized medium in-between will realign and create an electro-magnetic corridor, thus allowing electrons to flow, neutralizing the charges. (lightning). This can also happen in space but the charges have to be able to magnetically identify and interact with each other. Obviously at greater distances this can't happen, so, for the most part space acts like an insulator for electrons, but not for the interacting polarized spatial force. * (c) It is important to understand that Electromagnetic Flow, is the flow of electrons in a polarized medium. The flowing polarized medium is space itself, and doesn't have an electron (electro-magnetic) flow, unless, specific conditions exist.

20 - Electromagnetic Force - An excess of electrons or a deficit of electrons. 

21 - Electromagnetic Space - The space that is created by an excess of electrons. (electron zone / cloud).

22 - Electromagnetic Waves - Streaming alternating waves / currents of electrons in a magnetic flow like in a wire or antenna.

23 - Electromagnetism - Electro-magnetism is magnetism involving electrons. The word is derived from electron and magnetism, but it is magnetism that's a pulling, pushing medium. Magnetism is a single force and is the pulling, pushing, polarizing power of Dark Matter Space. It was created by the spinning movement of Universal Particles, and is a spatial existence. Magnetism was created way before the Electron. (b) The Electron on the other hand has its own magnetic properties and can exist in a magnetic space. This would be Quantum fields of atomic structures. (electro-magnetism is the same as saying, proto-magnetism. Proto-magnetism is responsible for creating the electron). So it is correct to use the term electromagnetism, but, you must know that that both are separate. Magnetism can exist without electrons and is a bi-polarizing force, but, electrons are a single particle and have a single polarizing negative magnetic force. So the conclusion is, Magnetism is the pulling pushing, expanding contracting, spatial force of the Cosmos, and doesn't necessarily involve Electrons. On the other hand, Electro-magnetism and Proto-magnetism, is a specific type of magnetism, and describes the movement and properties of both protons and electrons in magnetic space. 

24 - Electron - A negatively charged structure of Torus, ccw looping twine size fields, passing through a center axis. Made from the looping energies in the Protons outer Quantum Ring Fields. It has a closed Horn Torus structure. (b) Each of the electrons closed looping fields have more exposure of ccw string spin energy, which in turn, gives it a negative charge. (c) The whole electron is normally rotating ccw while orbiting, if not encountering contradicting force's. (d) Because of the pole to pole nature of Torus String Fields produced by spinning atomic cores of atoms, the electron can not, and does not orbit in these fields. It is repelled by them. The electron can only orbit or pass thru Ring Fields. 

25 - Em - (Electro-magnetic, Electro-magnetism). A specific type of magnetism. A North / South pole spatial flow involving electrons. Basic Magnetism is a separate non-electron spatial force.

26 - Energy - Energy is not the same physical properties of height width and depth, it is a physical existence of movement. Energy Active - (4 Dimensions) - Active Energy is the movement of matter and its magnetic spatial force. It has four dimensions, spin, lateral, expansion or contracting movement. (a) In Primal Space the movement of matter is minimal. This space has been created by the decay of Universal Particles from the Dark Matter Universe. As this space expands it gets colder and Universal Particles lose energy. They spin slower and slower with decreasing movement. At some point universal particles will lose all their Torus lock and stop spinning. This in turn, eliminates the north and south poles of each, and stops the one way flowing magnetic energy. Primal Space now has weak vibrating, moving and random colliding particles that creates a weak spatial force, but no spinning Universal Particles. So no polarized magnetism, just weak energy and more space because primal matter is not compressed and spinning any more. (b) The Dark Matter Sea (UDMPS) has active particle spin energy. This is what creates or dissipates polarized space. Faster spin produces more Heat, Gravity, and a pulling force, but a smaller distance between particles and body's. Slowing spin energy has the opposite effect.


(c) Active Lateral Energy - This is a force that creates currents in Dark Matter. Faster smaller universal particles pulling on slower larger ones, produce a cascading pulling force (Gravity Currents). On the other hand, universal particles decreasing spin and expanding space, or loosing magnetic lock, creates a cascading pushing force (Anti-Gravity). These dimensions of Energy physically changes particle size and volume of space. (d) Streaming Universal Particles thru structures that don't permanently change the particle size, is called Dark Energy. The streaming particles have a magnetic force that pushes and can break magnetic bonds, just like Gravity. In fact Dark Energy is sometimes called Artificial Gravity. It is usually caused by force changing movement of Structures. (e) Rapid expansion contraction of spherical particle matter (vibrating energy) - This creates push-pull pressure wave energy of Dark Matter Particles. The particles don't physically change their location, but, their energy does (Compression, Expansion, Sound and Light Waves). (f) Magnetic polarized movement of spinning spherical Matter - This creates alternating polarized magnetic wave streams from particle to particle. The UDMP's don't physically change their location, but, there polarizing wave energy does. 

27 - Energy / Dark - Sometimes called Artificial Gravity. (currents). The pushing of Dark Matter particles thru and or around structures in streams. Usually caused by forced changing movement of structural matter. It requires only two energy's of Dark Matter to create the phenomena Dark Energy. This is because the UDMP's don't permanently expand or contract. (spin and pushing lateral movement). If the Dark Energy pushing force is extreme and streaming, it can tear apart magnetic bonds. (Bang).

28 - Energy / Potential  - The stored energy of magnetic compression. (a) Potential Energy is produced by spherical particles in magnetic lock, or, a changing potential force while being compressed. When the lock is broken or compression is reversed, Potential energy becomes the Active Energy of Anti-Gravity. Potential Energy is a static force of an energy lock, but when compressing particles or space is active, there is no lock, it is Active Potential Energy. (b) Static Potential Energy is formed by other tiny spherical matter particles, from Protons and Electrons, Quantum Fields, or Dark Matter, all the way up to Black Stars. The "Big Bang" was produced by the release of potential energy from a Colossal Black Star. (c) Finally, in the cold cold Dark Matter Sea, as Universal Particles lose energy, they lose their Torus lock. This produces Anti-Gravity and increases space. This is because Primal Matter is no longer torus chained, and space expands between tiny grains of matter. No more N / S pole one way magnetic flow. (The final Density Mass Index of Primal Space) - (minimal potential energy).  

29 - Energy / Relative - The increasing or decreasing distance of Primal Matter Particles, or, Spherical Matter Particles, or, Multitudes of Particles because of the distance from the center of the Universe. A Proton's locked potential energy and gravitational attraction, increases as the Universe expands).

30 - Evolution - The changing status of Matter and Space caused by the progression of Time.

31 - Existence - 1st is the Physical Universe. The Universe of Matter and Spatial Magnetism. 2nd is the Universe of Cognition. (Energy, Space, Time, PENN particles, Evolution, Life, Death, a Beginning, a Conclusion, an Afterlife and God). The second existence is divided in two. A Universe with overwhelming physical, evolutionary and relative evidence (facts). And finally, a Universe with a perceived understanding. This final Universe involves all learned realities and beliefs of the conscious mind, past and present.

31.3 - Existence / Physical - (must qualify as a fact, with height width and depth of space). Matter has a physical existence, height width and depth. Magnetism has a physical existence, height width and depth. Time on the other hand, is a measurement of speed and distance, no height width or depth. So Time is not space itself (space-time), it is the knowledge of a spatial movement. It is a product of Matter, Energy and Evolution. It exists in the realm of a physical universe, but lives as knowledge of the conscious mind. More, see encyclopedia 72.5

31.5 - Fact - (Fact or Fiction) - (4 qualifications for a fact) - (1 physical, 2 observational, 3 evolutionary and 4, relative evidence). When deciding what is fact or fiction, you must consider all known evidence both Pro and Con, then assign a credibility level, (see Encyclopedia V, or, Encyclopedia 40.5). Do not let other people make these decisions for you, even if they have a high level of respectability. Be a Critical Thinker. If you still can't decide, ask more questions and do more research, but don't use the phrase, (it is assumed), use the phrase (it is unknown). This is because assume adds a bias, that influences the outcome. A fact, must meet the overwhelming four qualifications. (Example - A Black Hole does not qualify as a fact of existence, but, Matter and Magnetism do).

31.7 - Fermions - (part of the QLBHF community) - A class of sub sub-atomic particles. Theorized to be part of the Proton and Neutron. See Particle Evolution Page.

32 - Fire - Broken bonds of oxygen quantum fields expand and break the bonds of other elements in quantum field entanglements. (a catalyst). This produces a pressure wave that compacts Universal Particles of lesser potential energy. The compression of these particles, in turn, increases their pulling spinning force. This is what produces more Heat, Light and Gravity. Because magnetic bonds have permanently been broken, the newly compressed spinning particles gradually slow, and the Universe gets ever so slightly, cooler and bigger.

33 - Fission, Atomic - This reaction occurs when Protons, and or Neutrons separate from an atomic core in different combinations because of high energy collisions or decay. This energy release is usually followed by a temporary compression of surrounding material space, then an increase in overall volume of space. (first more heat, then diminishing heat and more space). In the case of spontaneous fission, caused by uninterrupted decay of atoms, the heat continues as long as there is a supply of atoms that are in close proximity, and are also in a decay mode. Just like balls on a pool table that collide with each other, thus supporting a chain reaction. The distance between decaying atoms is crucial for spontaneity

34 - Fission, Sub-Atomic - This type of fission occurs when individual Protons, Neutrons, Electrons or Neutrinos are in high energy collisions that break apart magnetic Torus bonds of their structures, thus creating Quarks, Leptons and Bosons etc. This energy release is usually followed by a temporary compression of surrounding material space, then an increase in overall space. (first more heat, then diminishing heat and more space).

35 - Fission Particles - (Quarks, Leptons, Bosons, Hadrons and Fermions) - (QLBHF's) - (a) These are sub, subatomic particles that are created in collisions or force separation of basic structural matter, like protons neutrons and electrons. (b) Fission Particles are unstable at birth but evolve balance or dissolve into higher entropy. (c) Fission Particles are not the fundamental structures of the Cosmos, there is one more step to go before the core building block of the Universe is found. This would be the Universal Particle. (d) Slamming Protons, Neutrons or Electrons together in a collider, also creates fission particles. (QLBHF's). These particles are also created when structures are ripped apart by encounters with a Black Star, or, in high energy ripping currents produced by Dark Energy. (More on the Fission Particle Page).

35.5 - Fluid Medium of Space - (a magnetic spatial force) - Space that is created by vibrating, moving, spinning, expanding, contracting matter with its changing spatial force. It can be either polarized or non-polarized depending on the presence of spinning energy. (the space of matter itself does not change, but the energetic spatial force does).

36 - Fundamental Forces - The 4 Fundamental Forces of the "Standard Model" are really 5. This would be Gravity, Anti-Gravity, Magnetism, the Strong and Weak Force. These forces all have only one cause, magnetism. That's right, magnetism is the Holy Grail of the Universe and is the unifying force that everyone has been looking for. Without it, there would be no Polarized Expanse, no Gravity, no Anti-Gravity, no Magnetism, no Strong or Weak Force. It is the glue that binds the Cosmos and the Logical Universe Theory. Magnetism is not exclusively metallic, all matter with active energy creates magnetism. For more information click on the 4 Fundamental Forces on the page bottoms, or, read the Preamble to TLU's Encyclopedia.

36.5 - Fusion / Nuclear - The bonding of Neutrons with Protons or Atomic Nuclei thus creating Elements and Isotopes. The joining of Quantum Fields thus creating compounds. There are different levels of spontaneous fusion. Please look for this information on the Thermodynamics page. Also, More about Fusion on the Sun-Spot page. 

36.7 - Fusion / Subatomic - * The conversion of the Proton into a Neutron. When a Proton is compressed with the right amount of magnetic pressure and orientation, the open ccw chained fields of the Proton structure, will force their way thru the center axes and magnetically fuse together, thus closing their loops. When this happens it changes the Proton into a Neutron and equalizes its electric charge. The Neutron now has no charge and is capable of moving about without the pull and push of polarized magnetism. (b) Once a Neutron is created it can never change back into a Proton. Its a one way street. * One last critical observation and prediction - (QLBHF) particles, don't somehow fuse together. This is because they haven't evolved by harmonious pairing of Dark Matter particles. They are not compatible with each other because, when they were created by collisions or decay, they closed their structures. Each particle is now an individual with non-compatibility. They can not, or do not merge together, thus creating another Proton. The Proton forming process is unique, and quite different in a Grand Unified Theory. See encyclopedia 65 or Particle Evolution Page fore More.

Encyclopedia II
Gamma Rays - Dark Matter

welcome (youtube videos)

* TLU Exclusive, with new supporting evidence.
Speculation with little or no scientific evidence.

 37 - Gamma-Rays - (waves) - Magnetic polarized wave oscillations of Universal Particles traveling in the Dark Matter medium. The wave energy is in the highest range of the Magnetic Spectrum. (wavelength less than 10 picometers). See Encyclopedia 82.3 for Alpha, Beta, Gamma Rays.

38 - Gamma-Ray Burst - (GRB's) The implosion of Neutron Star Material, thus causing compression of spherical matter to the Black Star level. This creates a huge energy disturbance in all Spin, Pressure and Magnetic realms of the adjacent and associated spherical matter. 

39 - G-force - (pulling current, pushing wave) "G" is known as a Gravitational force, but, Dark Matter can also push. This in turn is a different event(Anti-Gravity). So a "G-force" can be either pulling or pushing, both are similar but opposite and changes the size of the universal particles (Gravity shrinks the particles, Anti-Gravity expands them). This cant happen without the power of magnetism. So the conclusion is, G force is really, a magnetic Force.

39.2 - Globular Clusters (Matter) - (Universal Particles) - Tiny spheres of rotating Primal Sand that have their own closed Torus magnetic spin and flow, with a spatial force and central axis. There is no Hole.

39.5 - Globular Clusters (Stars) - Large rotating spheres of stars that have their own closed Torus magnetic field spin and flow, with a spatial force and central axis. They may or may not, have a Black Star as a single central nucleus. More evidence is needed.  

39.8 - Gluon - (part of the QLBHF community) - A theoretical sub sub-atomic particle in the Boson class (has the sticking force for the Proton and Neutron) - See Particle Evolution page.

39.9 - God - Does the Logical Universe support the belief in God or a God of the Universe? This surprising answer is yes, but there is more... Please check out the Universal God page for complete information.  

40 - Gold Foil Experiment - See Quantum Fields Page..

40.5 - (Golden Rule of Knowledge) - Gullible / Gullibility / Naiveté / Credible / Plausibility and Assume - These are very important words to be aware of in the Art of Science and Logic. When deciding what is factual and what is not, you must consider all evidence pro and con, then, and only then, form a conclusion. (Be a Critical Observer / Thinker). Don't rely on others to make these decisions for you, only consider their conclusions, then use their knowledge and compare it with what you know. Now, if you still cant decide, ask more questions, but don't ever, assume a fact of existence without overwhelming physical and relative evidence. This is because people will stop looking for answers, if the fact of existence has ben adopted with no proof. Unknown, can be a correct and better answer... If you use the Credibility / Probability Table in the Encyclopedia V Segment, you have a better chance at a successful outcome of a perceived conclusion.

41 - Gravity (a pulling current in Polarized Space) - (Gravity is not Quantized Energy but Heat is) - (Gravity has 4 stages / levels) - (a) The First appearance of Gravity is caused by the energy difference between the Proton and Dark Matter Space. The difference is created by the evolution of Torus Magnetic Fields of the Big Bang, and the eventual bonding with magnetic lock, thus creating the Proton. Because the energy level of the proton is now set, as the Universe cools and expands, the proton develops more and more gravitational potential. (pulling power). (b) The Second Stage of Gravity is, the Proton Neutron bonding that happens in a Super Nova. This compresses some Protons into Neutrons and bonds them, which can create heavier elements with stronger gravitational attraction. (Elements heavier then Iron, have a Gravity level 2 magnetic attraction force, in the Dark Matter Sea). (c) The Third stage is, a stronger Super Nova that creates a dense Neutron Star, with a locked and closed super structure. It has superior Gravity attraction in the Dark Matter Medium, but, does not consume this material because the neutron super structure is closed. (d) The Fourth and last stage of Gravity is, the ultimate compression event of a Black Star creation. This rips apart all structure's of Neutrons and Protons thus leaving behind only Universal particles with extreme spin and magnetic force. This stage of Gravity has the ability to tear apart all approaching structures or atoms and leave behind only Universal Particles, with super spin energy. (The final attracting magnetic force). (Black Star Gravity)! More See Encyclopedia 88.

41.5 - Gravity the Function - (a pulling current of UDMP's). The shrinking and compacting of space because of Universal Particle spin and magnetism increasing, thus contracting each particle and pulling in more neighboring particles. It takes three active energy's, spin, contraction, and pulling lateral movement to create the phenomena Gravity. This in turn establishes cascading gravitational streaming currents of surrounding spherical particle matter. This means that Gravity's energy is Current energy, not Wave energy. There must be a real partnership of spherical Matter to pass on the pulling force. In space, it is the Dark Matter Sea. (b) When Gravity currents move thru atomic structures, they create a pulling force on these bodies, how much, is dependent on structural density, and the density of the current. More See Encyclopedia 88.

42 - Gravity-Anti - (a pushing expanding wave of UDMP's). The expansion of Universal Particles and magnetic space caused by decreasing spin and magnetism. (getting colder). (b) The instant failure of Atomic Nuclei, and their Magnetic Field Lock, causing a violent expanding spatial force in Quantum fields, which in turn causes a compression of adjacent particles in space with less potential energy. (Bang). The expansion energy temporarily compacts space and particles of the area. This event produces more  heat light and magnetic force. As the energy dissipates so does Anti-Gravity. (c) # The next physical process of Anti-Gravity is found in an active star. This is where a massive sphere of hydrogen, and possibly other elements are in a spinning compressed state. It is currently theorized that the core is compacting, and has just the right force to fuse and create Helium or possibly other elements. Oh boy, this is only a concept and more evidence is needed. (d) * The problem with core fusion is, it has not been adequately explained. There must be mobility and flexibility of Protons and their Quantum fields for conversion and fusion to occur. (e) TLU predicts; there is overwhelming evidence that points to a stars compacted core, the push of Anti-Gravity, and a relaxed more pliable outer band, is what creates the environment for fusion. In the outer bands is where the protons have the ability to move, compress, create and change magnetic quantum fields. (f) So the conclusion is, it is the stars outer bands where Proton conversion and Fusion happens, not the core.

  (g) Finally, If the pulling force of gravity becomes equal with other surrounding particles, but all particles continue to lose energy and slow, gravity will morph into a spatial pushing force. (pure Anti-Gravity). (h) There is a point where even this pushing force stops. It is the place where all energy is minimal and UDMP's lose their torus lock. This in turn eliminates gravity currents and the polarized force. It has become the cold cold outer expanse of Primal Space. Remember Matter can not be created or destroyed, but it can change its configuration. It is theorized that at Absolute Zero there would be no energy, but, TLU says Absolute Zero is impossible to reach. This is because the tiny grains of primal matter in this cold space, would still have movement. (vibrating, pushing and bumping grains of primal sand). This in turn creates the physical spatial force of non-polar magnetism. Space now consists of Primal Sand, and a very weak spatial force. See Encyclopedia 78 for more information about Primal Space.

43 - Gravitational Streaming Currents - The communal alignment and movement of Universal Particles in a fluid medium. The current is caused by the higher and lower densities of UDMP's. The individual current streams can compact, thus increasing overall density, which in turn, increases gravitational strength. When the Gravity streams spread out, it has the opposite effect.

44 - Gravitational Lensing - (Dark Matter Lensing) - When Gravity causes an increase in the density of space, light and magnetic Waves traveling through the field bend. The lensing effect is due to the differing density and the magnetic pulling force of Dark Matter. it is not the warping of Space-Time. This is a simple refraction phenomena.

44.4 - H2O - H2O is commonly known as water. It takes 2 Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom joined together, to create one molecule of water. Now for something a little different, Hydrogen-2, is an isotope of Hydrogen, and is called Deuterium. When 2 Deuterium atoms are joined with one Oxygen atom (D2O) , it is called Heavy Water. The nucleus of a single Deuterium atom has one Proton and one Neutron, with an orbiting Electron. The nucleus of Hydrogen has one Proton, no Neutron with an orbiting Electron. Now for the big reveal, An H2O molecule (water) has 10 Protons - 8 Neutrons and 10 electrons. A D2O molecule, (heavy water) has 10 Protons - 10 Neutrons and 10 Electrons. As you can see heavy water has a higher Density Mass Index (DMI). Because Hydrogen and Oxygen are relatively light elements, the bonding magnetic strength of Protons to Neutrons is not super strong, so converting Protons into Neutrons by using pressure is not easy, but can be done. Pressure is how all Neutrons are created. (by squeezing Protons). There are no exceptions.

44.5 - Hadrons - (part of the QLBHF community) -This class of particles is thought to have evolved from the sub sub-atomic particles of Quarks and Fermions. The most stable of these quark composite body's are the Hadrons of Protons and Neutrons. TLU does not support this concept because, in the "Grand Unified Theory" Protons and Neutrons are not made from fission particles, they are made from evolutionary particles. (UDMP's).  See Particle Evolution Page.

44.6 # H-Bomb / Hydrogen Bomb / A Thermonuclear Fusion Explosion Device. Is the H-Bomb really a thermonuclear fusion device? TLU says No... This is because the fusion result does not explain the full catastrophic energy release of an H-Bomb. In an H-Bomb, the theorized fusible material is Lithium-deuteride (a hydride) It has lots and lots of lightly paired Protons and Neutrons, along with their Quantum Fields. It is speculated that when this mixture is subjected to high heat energy of an atomic explosion, the Lithium-hydride will fuse into Helium and Tritium, thus releasing copious amounts of energy, along with the fission energy of the Uranium / Plutonium structure. TLU says that this scenario is too convoluted to work, and the yield would be too low. There must be a much better explanation. (b) * When you set off an atomic explosion in a Bomb with Lithium-hydride as an enhancement, the pressure wave will compact the LiH so violently that all Protons in the hydride get converted into Neutrons. This in turn, removes all magnetic lock for all quantum fields and they catastrophically expand, with their new and old embedded Neutrons. The number of protons has vanished and the multitudes of neutrons are set in extreme motion. This causes them to slam into other nuclei, thus creating even more and more lighter elements and releasing more quantum lock. This is why the H-bomb has such a huge energy release. It involves many, many more elements and quantum fields than just creating Helium and Tritium. (unique to TLU theory, remember that Neutrons are created by squeezing Protons until their ccw fields close their loops. Once this happens they can not change back). Conclusion - The explosion of an atomic bomb is what creates a pressure wave that squeezes the Lithium-hydride and converts all of its Protons into Neutrons. The increased number of Neutrons go on a rampage and slam into other atomic nuclei thus releasing more energy. It is not a Thermonuclear Fusion Phenomena, it is a Fission one. There is more information on the Fission Page... * A personal note - The Hydrogen Bomb doesn't really fuse Hydrogen into Helium or Tritium, but, it does make tons of Neutrons. So, it most certainly should be known as a Neutron Bomb. Fusion and quantum field expansion is not the dominant force, it is fission and quantum expansion, that creates the catastrophic explosion.

45 - Heat - (OCWS) - (Heat is oscillating pull current / push wave streams) - (Heat is Quantized Energy). A combination of pulling, pushing, or, pushing pulling oscillating current / wave energy streaming in the Dark Matter Medium. The push pull frequency is just below the Light Spectrum. There are 3 stages of heat. One, Absolute Hot, two, Absolute Cold, and three, is the middle of the two extremes, Thermal Balance. The 3rd level is still pulling and pushing and there is heat, but it has Thermal Equilibrium. (a) The first one we will talk about is absolute hot. This heat energy is the oscillating maximum pulling, minimum pushing magnetic Gravity of the Big Bang Super Star. There is no hotter energy in the Universe. (b) The second extreme is the oscillating maximum pushing, minimum pulling magnetic energy of Anti-Gravity in the cold getting colder Universe. Near absolute Zero material spatial magnetism weakens and Torus field energy degrades into Primal Sand. (c) And finally, the last stage of heat energy is, Thermal Balance. This is the point at which the hot gravitational energy of the Big Bang Super Star stops and the expansion energy of Anti-Gravity starts. As the Big Bang Super Star decays so does thermal balance of heat energy. As you can see by this explanation, there is lots of heat but it is not the predicted heat of the Standard Model, it is the predicted heat of The Logical Universe. Magnetic, and the pulling current, pushing wave force of heat gets weaker as the Universe expands. The exact values have not been calculated yet because, this is a brand new theory of heat and expansion. The theory has been in development for 15 years and finally complies with all we know, It has no known conflicts and is not a vague play with words. It is an exact explanation. There is more about heat on the Thermodynamics page or Encyclopedia 89.

46. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle (a Mathematical Probability Theory) - See Light page.

46.5  # Higgs Boson - (part of the QLBHF community) - A theoretical sub sub-atomic field of Space. A large field of substance responsible for giving mass to other elementary particles. Predicted by the mathematics of the Standard Model, but, not supported in a Grand Unified Theory.

46.6  * Hydrogen - There are 2 forms of this Element. The first one is Primal Hydrogen. It is responsible for the first generation of stars, and, basic Hydrogen Fusion. It has one Proton, Quantum Fields and one Electron. There is no Neutron. The second form of this element is, Regular Hydrogen. It has one Proton, one Neutron with Quantum fields and one Electron. It is an Isotope of Primal Hydrogen. Primal Hydrogen is the one and only Primal Element. Now the tricky part, Regular Hydrogen can not start a spontaneous fusion reaction. This is because you can not compress a core proton if there is a neutron present, the neutron will interfere with core compression. Therefore, spontaneous fusion can only start with multitudes of Primal Hydrogen atoms without neutrons, in a specific state of compression and orientation, like in the Tokamak Reactor, and not, in the total confinement of a compressed space. There must be fluidity, like in a stars outer Hydrogen / Helium Plasma fields.

46.7 # Hydrogen Bomb - see H Bomb encyclopedia 44.6

47 - Inertia - (physics) The tendency of a body to maintain its state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force. Much more on the Dark Matter, Anti-Gravity, Dark Energy page.

47.5 - Intelligence - Intelligence is not just the number of things you know about, it is how they all relate and work together.

48 - Interferometry - (a) The science of interfering wave energies. There are two types of wave energy, magnetic and pressure. (b) Magnetic waves are polarizing wave energy of Universal Particles in the medium of Dark Matter.  (c) Light waves are pressure wave energy of Universal Particles in the medium of Dark Matter. (d) Sound Waves are also pressure wave energy. They can travel thru Dark Matter, Molecular or Structural Particle Matter. (e) All these wave streams can interfere with each other when they meet, if their frequency's match up. This is because of their magnetic properties. In-step, same frequency waves intersecting, will increase amplitude. 180 degree out of step same frequency waves, intersecting, will decrease or even null amplitude. There are countless variations of this phenomena and it is called interferometry.

48.2 - Ion / Ionized - An Ion is an atom or group of atoms with an imbalance of an electrical charge. (positive or negative). The number of protons for each element is set, but the number of electrons to protons can change. One proton no electron in quantum fields, the atom has a positive charge. One proton and one electron, the atom has a neutral charge. Two electrons and one proton, the atom has a negative charge, etc. etc. This ratio can be scaled up thru the Periodic Table.

48.3 - Isotope - One or more atoms with the same atomic number, (number of protons), but with different numbers of Neutrons. Example: Uranium 238 is the isotopic number of Uranium, which has a set number of Protons (92), and 146 Neutrons. Uranium 235 has a set number of protons (92) and 143 Neutrons. One more example: Plutonium 239 has a set number of protons (94) and 145 Neutrons. To get the number of Neutrons subtract the number of Protons, or atomic number, from the mass number of the element. The mass of the element changes when Neutrons are added or subtracted, but, the number of protons don't. If the number of Protons change, it becomes a different element.

48.5 - Kaon - (part of the QLBHF community) - A theoretical, sub sub-atomic, unstable Meson of the Hadron class of particles.  

48.7 -  Knowledge / Intelligence / Consciousness - Knowledge is what you know / Intelligence is putting it all together / Consciousness is Who, What, and Ware you are. (Being, non-Being). Bare in mind, all of these perceptions have various degrees of  intellect. The Physics - An Information System of existence. It is instantly accessible from different forms of inquiries. Inactive - If the physical bonding to all intelligence and knowledge of the system fails, but the knowledge base is still available, there will be no Consciousness  until the connection is restored. 

49 - Lasers - Laser light is not Molecular Energy, it is Dark Matter Streaming Wave Energy. Laser light is a specific frequency and is caused by atoms vibrating universal particles in lockstep, at a particular wave length, thus creating push-pull light energy streams in Dark Matter. When the laser frequency waves are in phase, (inside the laser) the amplitude of these waves is increased when bounced from precisely aligned reflecting barrier to reflecting barrier. (the reflecting barriers are semi transparent). In other words, the originating wave gets a boost in power. (amplified). (b)This also creates sub-waves. These sub-waves are also amplified, not because of the placement of the reflecting barriers, but because of the increase power of the primary laser wave. They have a different lower frequency so they are not effected by the placement of the reflecting barriers. (c) When these streams exit the laser, the frequency strength will not be amplified any more because there are no precisely aligned reflecting barriers. They will just be able to pass this streaming energy from particle to particle. (d) Now it gets interesting, If you split the laser primary streams into two different groups, and align them 180 degrees out of phase and intersect their beams, their amplitude of the streams cancel, and you have only the sub-waves of the laser. This is an essential quality in building an interferometer.

49.5 - Leptons - (part of the QLBHF community) - (Standard Model Theory) - (a class of sub-atomic particles - Electron, Muon, Neutrino's) - See Particle Evolution Page.

49.7 - Life - Biological and Artificial Life - TLU maintains that life can only begin when A Biological learning system, or Silicone base learning system, gets separated from the reproduction network and can function on its own. * The beating heart of a fetus is only made possible by the biology of the mother. If the mother dies the fetus can not function. The fetus doesn't die, it just stops growing. So it makes no sense that, while you are creating a structure of knowledge and intelligence, it is alive. This is because it would have no consciousness. (it is incomplete, it is not independent or unique). For an in-depth discussion, see the Life and Death or Artificial / Biological Intelligence pages

50 - Light - (OPWS) - (Oscillating Pressure Wave Streams) - Light is not Photon Particle Energy, It is Pressure Wave Streams in Dark Matter. Light can not travel in a so-called vacuum of space. This is because there would be no support for wave energy to move from particle to particle in a true vacuum / void. The misconceived expanse of nothing can not support wave energy, but, a medium of Dark Matter does. The Universal Particle Sea is a vehicle for pressure, sound, light, heat, and magnetic wave energy. More See Encyclopedia 90.

51 - Light Speed - (Wave Energy) - (299,792,458 meters per-second) - This speed has been calculated for the current Density of Dark Matter. In the Logical Universe, as you metaphorically travel back in time, the density of Dark Matter increases, thus increasing the Speed of Light. Because the rate of increase is so slow, it was assumed that the speed of light was fixed, but TLU says it is not. This is because light travels thru a medium and not a void. (b) The rate at which light speed changes has not been determined yet. TLU predicts the speed of light and the density of Dark Matter Space are most certainly linked. (c) Finally, the speed of light is still a big mystery for the "Standard Model" because everybody thought it was traveling thru empty space. Therefore it is logical to assume that light travels at a fixed rate. The Logical Universe Theory does not accept this belief because, light is not traveling thru a vacuum, void, or empty space. It is traveling thru a Sea of tiny spherical spinning particles that transfers the energy from particle to particle in a stream. (d) * The speed of light has nothing to do with the expanding universe. This is because polarized magnetic space can be created much faster than light speed. There can be Light only in the medium of Polarized Space. It can not be created, or pass thru nothing. More See Encyclopedia 90, or the James Webb Telescope page.

52 - LIGO - Laser / Interferometry / Gravitational / Observatory. See Interferometry page..

53 - Liquid Hydrogen - The compressing and cooling of Hydrogen Atoms, thus creating a liquid. See the Quantum Fields page. 

53.3 - Lithium-deuteride is an inorganic compound with the formula LiH. This alkali metal hydride is a colorless solid, although commercial samples are grey. It has lots of Protons and Neutrons in a loose bonded state, which in turn, leaves them vulnerable to manipulation.

53.5 - TLU Logic - The link between physical and non-physical knowledge / existence. * There are two logical Universal Truths / Realities. There is the Physical Universe (a Universe of height width depth with matter and energy) and a Universe of Consciousness. (an awareness of all things physical and not physical). Example, the Sun exists in Both Realities, the physical Universe and the Universe of knowledge. God on the other hand, only exists in one, the universe of knowledge / belief / consciousness. This is because of the power of thought. All living creatures with a central nervous system have awareness. Some have evolved to a point of reason and reckoning. If this creature dies so does the nervous system and all accumulated reason and understanding, unless it has ben passed on to other creatures with a similar structure. This passage of knowledge is not a physical transfer, it is a perceived understanding from one being to another. A teacher to student transfer of knowledge / belief and consciousness, but not the facts of physical existence. The knowledge of a Physical Existence does not include the word belief. The fact of a Physical existence has to be accompanied by undeniable proof.

54 - Magnetism - (A physical medium of space and no matter) - It has height width and depth and can be polarized or non-polarized. It also can be metallic or non-metallic, Quantum fields determine that. (a) Magnetism has two forms, pole and non-pole magnetism. It is a physical spatial force that is created by the movement of Primal Matter. There is no matter in the magnetic space it creates, but it does exist as an addition to material space. This spatial force creates volume so particles of matter can move, vibrate, or spin. At the very basic level of existence, there is minimal energy, and lots of Primal Space, but, No Pole-Magnetism. (spinning mass). (b) When magnetism encounters overwhelming external forces, it can align its associated matter into Torus formations, and be forced to spin. This in turn creates a spinning structure, with a magnetic North / South pole, an axis, and a one way magnetic spatial flow thru the center. The Matter and associated spatial force, has become a "Universal Particle." (Dark Matter Particle / UDMP).


(c) In the Dark Matter Universe, multitudes of these universal particles never actually touch, this is because space has no emptiness, it has only matter and a magnetic force. The repelling attracting properties of north and south poles, and adjacent particles in different planes, keeps the particles from physically touching. This physical process of isolation, creates a Sea of free, independent, Universal Particles. There is no vast expanse of nothing, or holes of nothing, it is continuous material plus a spatial force. (d) So the conclusion is, in Primal Space, just plain matter creates volume but it is fixed, and doesn't change. On the other hand, the movement of matter also creates space, and it is not fixed. It can expand and contract its spatial force because of flexing energy. (e) And finally, if primal matter and its spatial force, encounters a fast spinning Black Star, it will produce spinning universal particles with north and south poles, an axes, along with a magnetic flowing force. This is the fundamental ingredient for a Polarized Universal Space (the Dark Matter Sea). (f) One final observation about Magnetism. Because Magnetism is created by matter with active energy, it can not be categorized as a Static Force. it is indeed an active magnetic, physical, spatial force. It has height width and depth. 

55 - Magnetic Fields - When Universal Particles spin they create north and south poles for each rotating particle. If there is no spin energy, there is no N pole or S pole and no Pole Magnetism or Pole Magnetic Fields. This means that Magnetism and Magnetic Fields are not a static force like some people think, it is really a Magnetic Force with a physical spatial distance. When poles of these spinning fields align pole to pole to pole, they are called Torus Fields. (strings with a combined one direction magnetic flow). When Spinning Universal Particles align in circular fields because of a spinning nucleus or body, they are called Magnetic Ring Fields. Both Torus and Ring fields have an attraction repulsion capability. It is the orbital magnetic force of Ring Fields, that creates the Gravity, that binds Atoms, Planets, Moons, Stars and Galaxy's together. You can find more information of Magnetic Force and Magnetic Fields in Encyclopedia 18 and 19.

55.3 - Magnetic Fields of Earth - See Encyclopedia V - Interpreting and Understanding.

55.5 - Magnetic Flow - Spinning Universal Dark Matter Particles, (UDMP's) produce an axis with a one way magnetic spatial flow thru its center. This is not necessarily a physical movement of Primal Matter, or Structured Matter, but, it is a physical magnetic spatial force that is created by north and south poles. (Polarized Space). All spinning structures creates this force. One pole emits flowing magnetic energy, the other pole attracts the flowing magnetic energy. Remember magnetic energy is not matter, but it may, or may not have matter in the flow. This magnetic flowing spatial force is produced by spinning structure movement. * If electrons are flowing in the magnetic medium, it is called an electromagnetic flow, if not it's just called a magnetic stream / flow or a polarized magnetic, spatial force. (similar to High and Low pressure weather patterns and multiple Jet Streams).

56 - Mass - Matter creates Space, Magnetism creates Space, and Matter plus magnetism creates Mass. (The Expanse of Space). (a) All the matter of the Universe seems to be constant, but, Energy and Mass are not. Universal Particles and Primal Matter can change their formulation but not the amount of Matter. The sum of matter remains the same. It is Mass that can change. The volume of space can vary when Universal Particles spin, expand and contract. (b) How can these particles expand or contract you ask? It is because in each spinning spherical mass there is a formulation of matter that is magnetically locked, but, not physically. In-between each tiny grain of solid matter, there is a magnetic zone. When the spherical particle mass of primal matter spins, it has the ability to produce and inflate, or deflate these zones. What? Yes... (c) Solid particle matter obviously would not be able to expand or contract, but, if there is a magnetic force in-between each tiny grain of Primal Matter, there is no such restriction. Solid matter is a barrier for space creation, but, Magnetism is not, it is a physical transparent force. Therefor, at the sub, and sub atomic level there is a phenomena that nobody has thought of, it is the ability of matter to increase its presence, but, not its substance. (d) Conclusion, spinning spherical body's, (universal particles) can create a spatial zone because of magnetism, but stationary solid matter cant. The volume for solid matter remains constant, thus matter is conserved. (e) This phenomena also applies to Protons Electrons and Neutrons. This is because they are magnetically bonded and closed, but not physically. (f) Finally, Mass can and does change in the Universal Particles of the Dark Matter Sea. This is what increases and decreases the pulling, pushing power of Gravity / Anti-Gravity. (g) Proclamation - All Mass of the Universe is a mixture of Matter and Magnetism, with no Voids or Black Holes, big or small.

57 - Matter - Matter can not be created or destroyed, it is conserved. Matter has three dimensions, height, width and depth. There are two forms of matter, Primal Matter (sand) and Spherical Matter (universal particles). Matter is one of two things that produces all of Existence. (matter + magnetism). (b) You can not create Matter from Energy, it is just the opposite. This means that Matter had to have existed before the Big Bang. Because of its infallibility, it means that matter does not increase or decrease because of energy. Energy is movement and is not Matter. To carry it one step further, active energy can not exist by itself, it takes movement of matter to create energy. (c) There are two forms of Matter. The first one is Primal Matter (sand). This matter is defined as basic existence and is at the end of measurable space. Each minuscule piece is irregular and solid and has no internal energy. Now for something remarkable about this Primal Sand. TLU predicts that it can be force molded into spinning spheres, thus giving it polarized energy. (Universal Particles with flexible spin, and expanding contracting capability). This physical process becomes very important when explaining the Big Bang, and the Mass of the Universe. The volume of space that each spherical sand structure occupies, changes with the energy of the environment. When they spin, it creates a magnetic flowing force in, and between the spheres. Slow spin, relaxes the force widening the space, fast spin, enhances the force decreasing the space. This flexing of magnetic space, along with matter, is what creates the vast expanse of the Cosmos. (Dark Matter Sea). (d) Conclusion - Can you create Matter (substance)? Answer - No! Can you create Nothing? Answer - No! Can you create Something / Anything? Answer - Yes!  What? "Polarized Magnetic Space." This is all of the observable Universe. * Now for a part of the Cosmos that nobody has thought of until now. This is the existence of Primal Matter, Primal Space and a Primal Universe, which has magnetism, but is not Polarized.

58 - Matter / Anti - The reverse internal spin energy of the Proton, Electron and Quantum Fields. Once a Protons Torus Structure spin energy is reversed, it effects all surrounding spherical matter and structures. Reversal of the Proton inner spin energy is possible by manipulating its external rotation. This creates the phenomena of Anti-Matter, but, matter is still just regular matter. The only difference is, the proton and its surrounding particles now have opposite spin energy. (Anti-Proton). This phenomena also occurs with the Electron, but, not the Neutron. (Electron / Positron) 

59 - Matter / Dark - "A Unified Construction of all Material Existence" - (UDMP / UDMPS). (Universal Dark Matter Particle / Sea). All of Existence is Matter, plus Primal Space and Magnetic Space. Primal Space is composed of a sand configuration of matter. The sand consists of extremely small solid particle grains. They have no communal dependency, and little spatial force because of weak limited movement, but, the overall space is vast. This is because there is more space between each particle grain. (b) Universal Particles on the other hand, are structures of Primal Matter / Space, that have been molded into a spherical shape by a super spinning Universal Black Star. This in turn is what creates polarized spatial magnetism, in, and between the Universal Particles. This space can expand and contract with energy changes. (c) In TLU, Universal Particles are the Dark Matter Medium that separates Planets, Stars and Galaxy's. It also is the medium that separates Protons, Quantum Fields, and Electrons. In fact, Universal Particles are the very tiny body's that make up the Protons, Neutrons and Electrons. So as you can see by now, at the Galaxy level, there must be huge numbers of these tiny Dark Matter Particles. (d) In TLU we tried to think of the biggest number you can imagine. The only thing that comes to mind, is the Googol Plex. (10 googol). (Carl Sagan first visualized this number). In any case, the number of Universal Particles in the open expanse of space is astounding. (e) TLU predicts, these multitudes of Universal Particles is what streams Light, Heat, Magnetism and Gravity, and not the packet wave energy that the Standard Model predicts. That is so, so not scientific, or credible. (f) Ah, the wonder of Dark Matter. It is what connects the whole Universe and its energy, all of it, with no known contradictions or conflicts. A simple explanation, it fits!

  (g) Finally, many people will consider this Theory unbelievable because it doesn't agree with Einstein or the Standard Model of Mathematics. TLU responds, we have tons of relative evidence and the power of structure to back it up. (h) There is Microwave background radiation, and heat uniformity from all corners of the Universe. There is also the gravitational attraction between all body's everywhere. Next, there is the unmistakable total expansion of a once compacted Universe. And lastly, there is the ability for light and magnetic waves to travel from anywhere to anywhere. That is our proof. It takes Matter and the pulling pushing force of magnetism to unify the whole Cosmos. If any one thing is out of place and doesn't fit, it all falls apart. So far as I can tell, there are no holes in the theory, or in The Logical Universe, but, there are very big holes in other theory's.


Encyclopedia III
Matter, Primal - Streaming Energy

welcome (youtube videos)

* TLU Exclusive, with new supporting evidence.
Speculation with little or no scientific evidence.

60 - Matter-Primal - (Primal Sand) -  (a) Super tiny grains of matter with no internal movement, thus no internal energy. Individual primal matter grains can't expand or contract. Each minuscule piece is solid. This is the residue of failed Universal Particles of the extreme cold Universe. Because these tiny grains have no energy, they can quickly be reformed in such an instance as, The Creation Event. (b) Primal Sand and its minimal external space, next to a spinning Super Black Star, creates tiny magnetic spheres. (Universal Dark Matter Particles). UDMP's create Torus Strings and Chains, which in turn creates Protons, Protons Create Neutrons and Electrons, next are the Quantum Fields, and so on, and so on.

60.5 - Medium / Fluidity of Space - (A Material / Magnetic Spatial Force) Primal Matter + Primal Space + Polarized Space. Space is created by vibrating, moving, spinning, expanding, contracting matter and its energy. It can be either polarized or non-polarized, depending on the presence of spinning energy. 

60.7 - Mesons - (part of the QLBHF community) - A theoretical sub sub-atomic particle of the Hadron Class, with a Baryon number of 0.

61 - Michelson, Morley (experiment). The Aether of Space. See Michelson - Morley - Hubble page.

62 - Mono-poles - Are there mono-pole particles in the Logical Universe?  The answer is a qualified No, all Universal Particles have 2 poles. OK, are there Mono-pole Structures? sort of! This would be the Proton and Electron. (one pole is stronger than the other) These are the only mono-poles we know of. We don't consider the Anti-Proton, Positron or Quarks, Leptons and Bosons as evolutionary mono-poles, this is because these particles are not the basic evolving building blocks of the Universe.

62.5 - Mortality - When He, She or Entity dies, there is no access to a knowledge / intelligent / consciousness system, and Mortality becomes a Reality... There is no connectivity to the once active and alive knowledge storage base. In fact the system may no longer exist, or if it does, will not be able to function. Therefore there is no consciousness... I know, I know, this is not what humans believe or were told to believe or want to believe, but, don't despair, there is another Reality. The second reality is, the many knowledge Intelligent consciousness systems, that have been influenced by the now mortal one. (Data Base to Data Base - Teacher to Student - Mother to Daughter - Father to Son - Friend to Friend. God to Believer).  As long as this knowledge is intact, the Mortality of the missing consciousness will live on. Remembrance is a social learning process of the biological mind, and will endure. The knowledge base of God, Friends, Loved Ones, Humanity, will exist as long as there are books, pictures, music, videos of knowledge, intelligence, and the consciousness of Earth. 

63 - Movement of Matter - The phenomena of Matter with Active Energy that produces a Magnetic Spatial Force. (active energy = spin, expansion, contraction, or lateral movement. (This includes vibrating and oscillating).

63.5 - Muons - (part of the QLBHF community) - Similar to an Electron but with more Mass. It is considered to be in the Lepton class of particles. See Particle Evolution or Fission Particle Page.

64 - Neutrino - A neutrally charged structure of cw and ccw twine size looping magnetic fields passing through a center axis. Made by compressing an Electron. Once a Neutrino is created it can never change back into an Electron. Just like a Neutron, it has a Horn Torus configuration, but is much much smaller. (b) There are also Exotic Neutrinos. (Encyclopedia 35). These particles are not the same as Real Neutrinos. Exotic Neutrinos are created by the destruction of the Proton or Neutron in violent collisions. They have similar electrical properties and size, but are irregular and unstable. See Particle Evolution for more information.

65 - Neutron - A neutrally charged spherical structure of cw and ccw looping magnetic yarn size fields, passing through a center axis. Made by compressing a Proton. When proton conversion occurs, the tiny newly closed loops of the former proton, gather more DM particles from surrounding space and create a much stronger magnetic bond, thus expanding it to a new stable state. This is why the Neutron is slightly bigger than the Proton. It has added new DM particles to the now closed, Neutron Torus Strings. (b) Once a Neutron is created it can never change back into a Proton. It has a magnetically locked Horn Torus configuration. It is not electro-magnetically bonded. This is because electromagnetism involves Electrons, the Neutron is neutral and has no association with Electrons.  

65.5 - Neutron Bomb - Yes there really is a Neutron Bomb, it is the Hydrogen Bomb. The H Bomb doesn't fuse Hydrogen but it does make tons of Neutrons. The Hydrogen Bomb should really be renamed. Find out why on the Fission or Fusion Pages.

65.7 - Neutron Star -  # It is theorized, when a massive star looses fusion capabilities and has lots of heavier elements in its core, the compression caused by a Super-Nova Event, will compact all remaining Protons and possibly Electrons / Dark Matter Particles, into Neutrons and Neutrinos. The Core has disappeared and it now has an axis with super spin and super Magnetic Lock. The Stars Neutron / Neutrino configurations have not ben identified yet, but are confined because of an outer super compressed chained Ring Field. This means the Neutron Star is a closed structure, it cant add or subtract from its mass. It also means that incoming Dark Matter Structures and Particles from Space, are torn apart and ejected right back out into the Cosmos. And Finally, If these non-fusion, fast spinning, compact x-ray stars, meet each other, there will not be an explosion because they have the same Gravity, they can only merge like their Black cousins. On the other hand, if they do meet up with a Black Star, watch out. This would be a catastrophe. Why? Because Black Stars have superior Gravity, and can instantly tear apart a Neutron Star. Not only that, but, because they both have high spin energy, excessive QLBHF particles, enormous Light, Heat and Magnetic Disturbances, would occur thru-out a large area of space. More about Neutron Stars on the Star Death Page...

66 - Nothing - Physics - (No Matter, No Magnetic Space). TLU - Nothing does not have height width and depth, so it can not be a vast expanse. You can not expand or compress nothing.  Can you create nothing? No!  Is the Universe basically a vast expanse of nothing? No!  Can you create holes of nothing in space? No!  Is there nothing at the end of the Universe? Yes! (b) Conclusion - Matter, can not be created or destroyed. Nothing, can not be created or destroyed. So what made the vast expanse of Space? Answer - Matter + Active / Potential Energy + A Polarized / Non-Polarized Spatial Force. The Vast Expanse of the Observable Universe was created by an inflating super spinning Black Star, with the lions share of matter and energy, that transformed Primal Space into Dark Matter Space. It is only Primal Space that is surrounded by nothing. (c) Don't be fooled into believing that there is a vast expanse of nothing. Nothing does not physically exist. (it is, not any thing, it is, nothing at all).

67 - Now Point - A present moment of evolution for a specific point in the Universe, wherever that may be.

68 - Nuclear Force - (strong / weak) - Strong - The strength of bonded closed looping magnetic torus strings. (Protons, Electrons, Neutrons, Neutrinos). Weak - The magnetic bonding of the Neutrons internal spinning ccw looping fields, to the Protons internal spinning ccw non-looping fields. (b) In an atomic nucleus where the bonding weak force takes place, neither the Proton or Neutron have individual external spin energy, they are both stationary. Now, it is the nucleus that spins.

68.3 - Oscillating Current Wave Streams in a medium (OCWS) - A property of spinning, pulling or pushing, streaming flow of spherical matter. (Gravity, Anti-Gravity, Heat). All have a Magnetic component.

68.5 - Oscillating Magnetic Waves Streams in a medium (OMWS) - (Radio, TV, X, Gamma). All have a Magnetic component.

68.7 - Oscillating Pressure Waves Streams in a medium (OPWS) - (Sound, Light). All have a magnetic component. 

69 - Omni-plane Waves - Wave energy that streams in multiple planes of streams in a medium. See Waves / Omni-plane Streams. (Encyclopedia 104 - 105).

70 - Particle / Universal - (Dark Matter particle / UDMP) - A single tiny horn torus structure of Primal Sand, locked in a spherical shape by spin, and a magnetic one way spatial force. If the particle has no spin, there would be no gravity or polarized magnetic spatial force. but it still can have compression because of containment, like in a Black Star. (more, See Encyclopedia 102).

71 - Particles / Fission - Quarks, Leptons, Bosons, Hadrons and Fermions (QLBHF's) - Particles that have been created by collisions or forced separation of fundamental structures, like the Proton, Electron, Neutron or Neutrinos (PENN). PENN particles are the only things that can create fission particles. This is because fission particles do not naturally evolve by harmonious paring, they are non-evolutionary structures.  

71.5 - PENN particles - Proton, Electron, Neutron and Neutrino: These are the second, third, forth, and fifth basic evolutionary particles. They are the creations of Universal Particle Torus Chains. See Particle Evolution Page.

72  # Photons - (part of the QLBHF community) - Photons as theorized by the "Standard Model" are not supported in TLU theory. On the other hand, if you slice a light stream into small segments, the pulses will behave like streaming particles of light, but, they are not. They are pulsed light wave energy's. To add more confusion, because they are pulses of particles, they could also be categorized as, particle light energy. Here at TLU, we just call them light waves.

72.5 - Physical Existence - Two properties - (1 height width depth) - (2nd is movement). Both have an existence but are not the same physical entity. This is because you can have matter without movement, but, you can't have movement without matter. (b) The Height, Width, Depth and Energy of Space. (matter + magnetism) - Matter has height width and depth. Magnetism has height, width, depth and can be polarized or non-polarized...  All Physical Existence is  (1) A spatial expanse of matter and non-polarized magnetism. (2) Tiny spinning particle spheres of matter and polarized magnetism. (3) Quantum Strings of particle spheres. (4) PENN particles. (5) Atomic Nuclei (6) Quantum Ring / Torus Fields (7) Multiple Elements and Quantum Fields in SML. (8) Body's (9) Planets (10) Stars (11) Galaxy's (12) Black Stars...  Prediction - Space is a medium of matter, magnetism, particles, body's and energy, with no holes or emptiness. The Vast Expanse of Nothing is an Oxymoron. Empty Space is an Oxymoron and both don't exist.

73 - Pioneer Anomaly - See the Gravity Page. (heading * Dark Matter Medium).

73.5 - Pion - (part of the QLBHF community) - A theoretical sub sub-atomic Meson type of Hadron involved with holding the atomic nucleus together. 

74 - Plane Filtration - A filter or structure that separates streaming wave energy into different planes. (vertical - horizontal - oblique). Usually known as an optical polarized filter. The problem with this naming is, optical polarizing filters have nothing to do with the polarization of streaming wave energy, but antennas do. The Optical Polarized filter is really a Plane Filter. See Encyclopedia 104.

75 - Plasma - A high energy state of matter at the subatomic level where the nucleus of an atom is in tact, but a good portion or all of the Quantum Ring Fields, along with their Electrons are missing, leaving a wealth of high energy UDMP's. The Ring fields have been torn apart by local high sweeping energies leaving no magnetic corridors for orbiting electrons. (b) The surface of a star is a good example of plasma. There are lots of magnetic fields and Torus Strings but they are not organized into complete individual atomic structures.

76 - Polarization - (Polarized Space) - (Pole-Magnetism) - (Pole-Magnetic fields). Spinning Dark Matter particles in space that create a polarized magnetic force. Space and its individual particles that have north and south poles. This creates a one way magnetic spatial flow in and around each particle, which in turn, influences the Dark Matter spatial medium. (Gravity - Anti-Gravity - Refraction - etc.)

76.3 - Polarized Filters - (a) Real Polarizing filters are Antennas. These are basic filters that effect frequency and push pull of the streaming polarized magnetic force thru space. (b) Optical polarized filters do not effect the frequency and magnetic orientation of particle streams. The optical polarized filter has been misnamed. This is because of the misunderstanding between optical and magnetic streaming energy. Real optical filters that have an effect on light streams are "Plane Filters." (Optical Plane Filters). These filters cause the tiny light streams to bunch up and separate in different planes. (Horizontal, Vertical or Oblique). This in turn does not effect the frequency or spatial magnetic force of the streams, or the information the streams contain. Its just like running light streams thru a Comb. Optical polarizing devices are good at modifying light in different planes, thus allowing more light or little light to emit from the back side of the filter. It is dependent on the physical orientation of the filter itself. polarization of the  stream is not effected. (b) conclusion - Polarizing filters are Antennas that deal with frequency and magnetic polarization of streams. Optical Plane filters deal with the bunching up and separation of light streams in different planes. More information about Optical Plane Filters, See the Light Page or encyclopedia 104.

76.5 - Polar Jet - (a magnetic / Dark Matter flow). There is only one polar jet complex emanating from galactic body's or structures, like Neutron stars, Pulsars and Black Stars. This phenomena at the basic level, is none other than the force of magnetic space, produced by spinning body's like atoms and magnets. When you scale up this phenomena, it creates a North and South Pole and chaining of UDMP's in space. This also produces a one way magnetic spatial flow that can be observed if the particles in the flow vibrate in the light spectrum. * (b) Now for an observation and prediction that complies with all we know. TLU question, so why do so-called "Black Holes" in the center of some galaxy's have a jet that emanates for quite a distance in space? Answer, they don't. Black Holes if they exist, would not be able to create this phenomena. This is because particles can not go in, and come out from the same hole, because of its theorized ultimate gravity. On the other hand, Black Stars are not subject to this belief. This is because Black Stars spin, and create an enormous gravitational attraction, with a one way flow, in, out and around its body. Why? Because Black Stars are spinning in a medium and not Empty Space. (c) One more thing; don't forget that the medium of space is also subject to the Density Mass Index. (the high spin attraction force of Gravity and the opposite spin force of Anti-Gravity). This accounts for the increase gravity and decreasing spatial mass of the Black Star, and, the decreasing gravity but increasing spatial mass of the polar jet. (d) Conclusion: Polar Jets of Black Holes are a Concept with little or no evidence, but, Polar jets of Neutron Stars, Pulsars, Quasars and Black Stars are a certainty. This prediction fits precisely with the Logical Universe Theory and there are no known conflicts. 

77 - * Polygons - These structures are unique to the Logical Universe and are found only in the interior of Black Stars. Polygons are distorted Universal Particles with a different kind of potential energy. They have little or no spatial zones, in, or between body's and are stationary with no active energy, but, they have different potential energy. This is because the structure that they are part of, is spinning, but the internal matter is not. This in turn, gives each one an active and potential force when they are set free. 

78 - Primal - (Matter) - (Space) - (Universe) - (DMI). TLU Exclusive - Primal Matter is defined by TLU as a sand particle formulation with minimal space and energy. This is because the particles have high entropy and no community form. The space they create is by moving, bumping into each other and or vibrating. Primal Matter is the product of Universal Particle decay, in the cold cold Universe. (b) Primal Space - In the extreme cold of outer space, Universal Particles lose energy. At a certain level they also lose magnetic Torus Chaining and can no longer hold their form. When this happens they come apart and degrade into what we call Primal Matter. Universal Particles are no more and what's left is what we call Primal Space. This Space, is just the physical properties of Primal Matter and a Minimal Spatial Force. It is important to understand that the total volume of space has now decompressed to its final level, with almost no energy but not quite. The total volume of this part of the Universe is now the presence of the sand grains, and the minimal, magnetic spatial energy of movement between each tiny granule. It still is not an empty void, with the physical expanse of sand. This means there are no UDMP's, no Polarized Space no Energy Streams, no Gravity and no Anti-Gravity. It is, Primal Matter plus a weak Spatial Force. That's All...


(c) When the volume of Primal Space gets next to a spinning Super Black Star, it overpowers the stars magnetic containment field, and instantly causes the star to replace Gravity, with Anti-Gravity. Now, the Super Black Star in turn, overcomes Primal Space. Because the Big Bang Black Star is spinning, it pushes against the primal space and creates super, tiny, spinning, compressed globs of space with torus aligned primal matter inside. This in turn, is what produces the fundamental building block of the Dark Matter Sea, the Universal Particle. The particles that are created join the particles that are released. All these Particles have enormous compression, spin, and an expansion force with a north and south pole for each and a one way magnetic flow thru their axes.

(d) The disappearance of the Primal Universe. Primal Matter has been compressed and spun, thus creating Universal Particles. Universal Particles from the Black Star join in, as the now combined space, matter, and energy expands. (e) Now, the Primal Universe is depleting, and so is the Big Bang Black Star, but a sea of universal particles is rapidly growing. TLU calls this, the Universal Dark Matter Particle Sea. (UDMPS). It is the foundation of a new transformed universe. (f) Eventually, the Primal Universe will be minimized, and the Dark Matter Sea will max out. When this happens, the logical conclusion is, the expansion will stop, and the Universe becomes static. TLU says we haven't reached this point yet but are getting close. In the mean time, the Universe has been very busy making Protons Neutrons Electrons, Planets Stars Galaxy's and Black Stars. It does all this creation while the Universe is expanding. (g) As with all things, the expansion will not last forever. This is because in the cold cold Universe, Primal Matter is again being created. On the other hand, Black Stars are merging. Oh My, I bet I know what's going to happen next. Primal Space Expands and Black Stars Gobble up the rest. Yes, that's exactly what's happening says TLU. There is no other road or way out of this prediction that I'm aware of. New observations of Space, Matter, Energy, and Time, now have better and more precise definitions. So What if they don't agree with the Standard Model. They agree with the Cosmos and there is no magical thinking. It is more important to fit everything together, not to fit it with 100 year old theory's. This new thinking has become, the "Unified Model of  the Universe."

78.5 - Proto-magnetism - Just like Electro-magnetism, it is a specific type of magnetic force. Proto-magnetism involves the proton and its magnetic properties, like quantum fields etc. Proto-magnetism is responsible for creating the electron.

79 - Proton - A Positive charged structure of looping cw, and ccw torus fields. Only the cw fields loop thru a center axis and close their magnetically chained particles. This is what gives the proton a positive charge. The Proton is made from the looping energies of the Big Bang. It is a Horn Torus Structure. (a) The Proton has both Active and Potential Energy. The amount of potential energy has been set at the precise moment of Synergetic Magnetic Lock (SML) in Evolutionary Time. As space expands further, the Proton will develop more and more gravitational potential, relative to the expanding environment. (b) The sum of the proton's individual Yarn size torus fields are spinning cw, which in turn causes the whole proton structure also to rotate cw, but, at a slower rate. Typically the Proton rotation direction is fixed because of its inner spin energy, but, if the environment demands, it can reverse this movement. When this happens it can turn the proton into an anti-proton. It all depends on the degree of compression and the persistence of force in the environment. (c) Finally, The Proton is made of Torus, closed spinning looping fields, with non-closed fields in-between. Because the Proton as a whole, is spinning in the Dark Matter Medium, it not only creates outer torus fields at the poles, but it also produces Ring Fields at its equator. These fields encircle the proton in multiple stacked planes, in, above and below its equator. (d) In one of the outer Ring Fields is where you will find the electron. This is because the Electron can't orbit in torus fields, it is the ring fields that provide an orbital path.

79.3 - Quarks, Leptons, Bosons, Hadrons and Fermions (QLBHF's).  Fission sub sub atomic particles that are created in collisions or separations of basic particles. (Protons, Neutrons and Electrons). They are essential for the "Standard Model" to work, but, are not supported by a Grand Unified Theory. This is because they haven't been created by the evolutionary pairing of Universal Particles.    

79.5  # "Quantum Entanglement" (Spooky Action at a Distance) - Quantum Entanglement is a bizarre, counter-intuitive phenomenon that explains how two subatomic particles can be intimately linked to each other, even if separated by billions of light-years in space. Despite their vast separation, a change induced in one, will affect the other. (b) This claim is not creditable because the experimental evidence to verify this theory, uses optical polarizing filters. Optical Polarizing filters are misnamed and do not effect streaming polarized energy. The so-called Polarizing filters actually separate out streams in specific planes, and have nothing to do with the polarized energy of the streams. (c) Changes in space over distance, is a magnetic spatial phenomena. When a primary particle magnetic force is streamed, it does effect the stream, but, a vast distance between two individual particles, can not physically connect them. (d) So the conclusion is, the Logical Universe, or the Grand Unified Theory, does not support this concept. Creditability level 2. This is because Polarizing filters are really just antennas.

80 -
Quantum Fields -
(Dark Matter interacting fields) * It is the spinning nucleus of an atom and its vibrating magnetic energy, that creates Quantum Fields. (Ring and Torus). This is because of the unique proton neutron count for each element. This in turn creates proprietary spacing and magnetic stepping energy fields in the space surrounding the nucleus. (a) Rotating and Spinning Body's in Dark Matter are the things that create Quantum Fields. At the basic level there is the Proton. When it spins in Dark Matter, it produces swirling particle strings that radiate outward from the structure. (Quantum Fields). There are two types of these fields, Torus with axis chains, and Ringed fields with a nucleus. Both the Torus and Ring fields have magnetic spin, as well as magnetic flow energy. Torus fields are produced by the spinning motion of a structure's poles, that radiate outward from each pole. Ring fields are produced by the magnetic pull of a body's spinning radius. The spinning radius creates swirling Dark Matter String Fields that spin outward, and form Stacked Ring Planes. (b) An Electron is also a spinning body, and resides orbiting in the Ring Fields of Protons and Atoms, but, has few if any quantum fields because it is in fast orbital motion in the Protons Ring Structure.

80.5 - Quantum Field Entanglement - There are two types of Quantum Fields, Torus and Ring. The first one to develop is Torus. These fields are produced when Universal particles align pole to pole to pole. This creates strings of particles with spin energy and flow energy. Spin is twisting movement of individual particles in the chain, and flow energy is the magnetic directional movement of the chain. The fields are capable of adding particles to the string either by extending the chain or intermixing the particles in line, that is, if the particles have the same flow and spin speed energy. (see Magnet Graphic Encyclopedia V). (b)
The other quantum entanglement phenomena occurs with Ring Fields. These fields are created when atomic nuclei spin. This creates stacked concentric rings of Universal Particles in different planes, that get weaker as they spread out from the nucleus. (c) Now it gets interesting. As you know atoms can magnetically lock together. It is the intermingling of the Atoms Ring fields of each atom that makes this happen. The stacked fields slide between each other and at some point will magnetically bond. This enhances the atomic properties if the atoms are the same, or, it can change their characteristics if they are dis-similar. (Elements, Compounds).

  (d) * An important entanglement feature exclusive to TLU - The atomic Ring Fields of atoms can bond together even if one or more atoms are upside-down. This means the nucleus of individual atoms doesn't necessarily have to spin in the same direction. When this happens, it effects their individual external Quantum Torus Field formations. Same direction spinning of atomic nuclei will enhance the external torus fields and strengths between atoms. Dis-similar atomic nucleus spin energy will null this effect. (e) When Torus Fields merge, (compact, inter-twine), it significantly increases their magnetic pulling pushing power. This is because of the numbers of Universal Particles that are involved is greatly enhanced. (torus field flow increasing, contracting with more universal particles per-area thus more pulling force). That's why magnetism is such a strong force and overrides Gravity. As particles or magnetic structures get closer together, magnetic density increases, this increases the pulling force. (more see Magnetism / Magnetic force page).

81 -
Quantum Ring Fields - Ring fields are produced by a magnetic pull of a body's spinning radius in a Dark Matter Medium. Protons, Atomic Nuclei, Electrons, Moons, Planets Stars and Galaxy's all produce these fields because of their spin energy. The ring fields are made of Universal Particles that are magnetically interacting. There are multiple graduating rings in each plane that get weaker in magnetic strength, as you move outward from the core. Each of these multiple ring fields in a single plane has both magnetic spin and flow energy. (b) Because the spinning parent body is round, each ring plane would get smaller as you move toward the poles. This is what produces the different rotational and counter-rotational stacked plane energy. (c) In-between the stacked plane fields is where you find the orbiting electron. (d) Now it gets interesting. when atoms bond together it is the intermixing of each of the atoms stacked rings that make the bond. (like merging two combs). When this happens the orbiting electrons can share orbits with other atoms and change the now combined magnetic characteristics. (e) Quantum Ring fields bond easier if their intervals and magnetic steps are similar, like merging two same comb teeth together. As atomic ring fields become unmatched, like the ring fields of very different atoms, it gets harder and harder for them to closely merge and share electrons. This is what creates an insulator between a copper wire, plastic, and both of their individual quantum fields. (f) Magnetic Ring Fields also apply to larger body's, like Planets Atmospheres, Saturn's Ring Fields, and Galaxy's. For more info See Encyclopedia 18.

82 - Quantum Torus Fields - pole to pole to pole bonded fields. - Strings / Twine / Yarn / Ropes and Beyond - (a) Yes these are all magnetic fields. The magnetic alignment of Universal Particles in a string because of the same north / south pole attracting force. An abundance of strings can make Twine, and Twine can make Yarn, which have the same magnetic properties. In other words, strings will interact, but, can occupy a larger number of particles and create more space and longer chains with the same attraction repulsion force as a single string. This step by step process is necessary to explain the size of the Proton. (b) It is impossible to have just single Universal Particle Strings and create a Proton, the individual particle size is just too small, and, the magnetic force would be too weak. It is likely that Yarn size magnetic fields made the Proton not single closed looping Strings. (c) The closed Torus fields of the Proton are looping, bonded magnetic daisy chains of Universal Particles. These particles loop thru a center axis and gives the Proton a Horn Torus structure. Because of this configuration, the name of the individual strings should be called Torus Fields, and, that's why we call them that. (d) The closed fields of the Proton all have the same spin energy, cw. On the other hand, the closed Torus fields of the Electron are ccw. And finally, the Neutron and Neutrino also have torus fields, but, both cw and ccw are locked and loop thru a center axis. This is what gives the proton, electron, and neutron their respective charges. (e) Larger spinning structure's like an atomic nuclei, will also create pole bonded Torus Fields. In other words all rotating body's no matter how big or small, because they are surrounded by Dark Matter, their spinning poles will produce these kinds of fields. The whirling energy streams of Dark Matter is directly related to a central spinning body. Now it gets interesting, the Torus Fields once produced and extended, will bend inward because of the magnetic attraction of the parent body or field. This phenomena is what creates an inward bending formation for the bonded chains in Dark Matter, and is how the proton came into being.

82.2 - Quarks - (part of the QLBHF community) - (Standard Model Theory) - (a class of sub sub-atomic particles of the Proton Neutron) - (Building Blocks of Protons and Neutrons). See Particle Evolution Page. 

82.3 - Rays / Alpha, Beta, Gamma - 1. Alpha Rays are streaming Helium Nuclei. They were used in the Gold Foil experiment. 2. Beta Rays are streaming electrons like in a Cathode Ray Tube. 3. Gamma Rays are not particle streams like the other Rays. They are the highest frequency of magnetic waves. Wave length less than 10 picometers. 

82.4 - Reality's - Universal Truths - There are two Universal Realities / Truths. There is the Physical Universe (a Universe of height width depth with matter and energy) and a Universe of Consciousness. (an awareness of all things physical and not physical). Example, the Sun exists in Both Realities, the physical Universe and the Universe of knowledge. God on the other hand, only exists in one, the universe of knowledge / belief / consciousness. This is because of the power of thought. All living creatures with a central nervous system have awareness. Some have evolved to a point of reason and reckoning. If this creature dies so does the nervous system and all accumulated reason and understanding, unless it has ben passed on to other creatures with a similar structure. This passage of knowledge is not a physical transfer, it is a perceived understanding from one being to another. A teacher to student transfer of knowledge / belief and consciousness, but not the facts of physical existence. The knowledge of a Physical Existence does not include the word belief. The fact of a Physical existence has to be accompanied by un-deniable proof. More - See the Artificial Intelligence page (AI)

82.5 - Ring fields - Circular, Stacked Quantum Ring Fields that encircle an atomic nucleus or body's, like Planets Stars and Galaxy's. Basic Quantum Ring fields do not form in the Universal Medium because they need a gravitational center, but, Quantum Torus Fields do. See Encyclopedia 81 or 18.

82.7 - SML - Synergetic Magnetic Lock - When Universal Particles, Atoms or Body's are locked in a specific formation by the forces of magnetism, it is called a SML state. Moderate energy changes won't break this magnetic bond, but powerful Gravitational and Dark Matter streaming currents can. More at Encyclopedia 97.

83 - Sound Waves - (OPWS) - Oscillating pressure, no pole shift wave energy of the sound spectrum streaming through a medium. Dark Matter, Molecular and Structural Matter are all capable of passing sound wave energy. More See Encyclopedia 92.

84 - Sound Year - A new term that represents the speed of sound traveling through the medium of Dark Matter for one year. It is doubtful that it is the same as a Light Year. This is because the density of space decreases with the expansion and passage of time, but, not at the same rate as light speed. The exact speed of this new term has not been calculated yet.

85 - Space  - 2 Dimensions - (Primal / Dark Matter Space)  * (There can not be a Vast Expanse of Nothing). This is because an expanse has height, width and depth, it is a physical existence. (Nothing is nothing, not any thing, nothing at all, and definitely, nothing is not a vast expanse). The vast expanse of space, is matter, plus its magnetic spatial force. (Matter + Magnetism). 1. Primal Space is Magnetic Space without Polar Magnetism. 2. Dark Matter Space is Polarized Space. (Material and Polarized Magnetism) - Active Energy equals vibrating, spin, lateral, expanding, contracting movement. Potential Energy equals the amount of Compressed Space. (a) These conditions create all of Space and its power. There are no Black Holes big or small in the Logical Universe Theory. Existence is a mixture of Matter and polarized / non-polarized distance. (Mass). (b) All of the Dark Matter Sea, (polarized space / universe) are spinning Universal Particle Matter, and their subsequent force fields. In other words, every one of these particle spheres has companionship, with a magnetic separation in and between particles. (c) The Mass of Space can increase and decrease because of the size of the particle spheres, and the Magnetic Zone in and between them. This is because there is no matter in a polarized magnetic medium. They are two discrete entities. (d) When the spheres spin faster, magnetic space decreases but force increases, when they spin slower magnetic space increases but force decreases. This in turn, contracts and expands the Mass in and between these spinning spheres, but, not their matter. (e) All Universal Particles react this way to spin energy. This includes Structures, because structures are made from the very same particles of Dark Matter Space.

  (f) Enter the relevance of time. Space and Time have little in common. This is because Time is only a measurement and not the height width of space. So the notion of joined Space-Time is nonsense. On the other hand, Space does link up. It is combined with matter and a polarized force. A magnetic spatial force cant exist without matter, but matter does create space all by itself. So yes space is linked, but not with time, it is linked with magnetism. (spatial magnetism, or the better sounding, Magnetic Space) - (It has a changing height, width and depth). Matter and a polarized spatial force, are associated with spin energy, and together, they produce all the Mass of the Dark Matter Universe. (g) Space-time is the big mistake of the "Standard Model." The prediction of Space-Time has had a long run, but it should really be filed away along with millions of other failed concepts. Sorry Space-Timers, we must go with the evidence and not bias the Universe with popular beliefs. (credibility level 2). The Universe is not about who is right, it's about what is right. Time is the measurement of movement, and not the physical properties of matter and space.

Before we finish, there is one more important aspect of Space that has to be defined. The universe we know is the Polarized Universe with its Gravity (decreasing space between celestial body's) along with Anti-Gravity (increasing space between celestial body's). How can those two things exist together? What is going on with the Cosmos, and how did it get to exist the way it is now? TLU and Logic has come up with a solution and there is no fantasy, magic or a wizard that created something from nothing. want to know the answer? Ok here it is. (i) The Universe exists in two parts. One is Matter, and the other is Magnetism. Both have height width and depth but only one has always existed, that is matter. (matter can't be created or destroyed). The other is magnetism. This is a spatial force that is created by the movement of matter, and, all movement creates a magnetic spatial force. Now for the tricky part, magnetism can be polarized or non-polarized, metallic and non-metallic. It can also expand and contract without changing the amount of matter. What? Yes... So there is a part of the Universe that has matter and no polarization. We will call this existence the Primal Universe. Now All that's left to do, is link the two together. This is where the Big Bang comes into existence. We must link Matter, Gravity, (shrinking space) with Anti-Gravity (expanding space) but keep the amount of Matter the same. Sound impossible? No... Encyclopedia 5, or the Big Bang page has the answer. There most certainly was Primal Matter with Primal Space, and a Primal Universe of Matter and Energy. Don't fall for that idea that Super Energy smaller than an atom, created all Matter and Energy of the Universe. It is Matter that created Space, and a Universe with Gravity and Anti-Gravity. There is no other known solution that meets all criteria of Encyclopedia 12. TLU would have liked to fit this resolve with Einstein's "Universal Theory of Relativity" but alas, there is no possible way to make that happen... Sorry Einstein...

86 - Spectra Lines - All Atoms vibrate because of nucleus spin and the electrons zipping around in orbits. Lighter elements easley vibrate in the light wave spectrum. These vibrations would be unique for each element. When these elements are forced tighter together, their quantum ring fields slip past each other and displace electrons. The electrons in turn jump orbits, which causes a temporary anomaly in the atoms vibration. The atomic quantum fields can move both ways, either tighter together, or further apart, depending on the environment. An increase in compression creates Absorption Lines, a decrease in compression creates Emission Lines. (b) Now for the kicker, the individual colors and their spectra lines are not magnetic waves or photons created by the electron, they are, the absence of, or, pressure waves produced by interruptions of vibrating atoms in the Medium of Dark Matter.

86.5 - Speed of light - (Wave Energy) - (299,792,458 meters per-second) - This speed has been calculated for the current Density of Dark Matter. In the Logical Universe, as you metaphorically travel back in time, the density of Dark Matter increases, thus increasing the Speed of Light. Because the rate of increase is so slow, it was assumed that the speed of light was fixed, but TLU says it is not. This is because light travels thru a medium and not a void. (b) The rate at which light speed changes has not been determined yet. TLU predicts the speed of light and the density of Dark Matter Space are most certainly linked. (c) Finally, the speed of light is still a big mystery for the "Standard Model" because everybody thought it was traveling thru empty space. Therefore it is logical to assume that it travels at a fixed rate. The Logical Universe Theory does not accept this belief because, light is not traveling thru a vacuum, void, or empty space. It is traveling thru a Sea of tiny, spherical spinning particles that transfers the energy from particle to particle in a stream. (d) * The speed of light has nothing to do with the expanding universe. It is not the cause, it is the result. This is because polarized magnetic space can be created much faster than light speed. There is Light only in the medium of space, it can not be created or pass thru nothing. More See Encyclopedia 90, or the James Webb Telescope page.

87 - Streaming Energy in a Medium - (Particles / Waves).  There are basically two Universal Mediums that are capable of streaming particles and waves. That would be Molecular or Dark Matter Space. Streaming energy involves multitudes of molecules, or particles, and, each molecule / particle in the stream is unique. When a specific kind of energy is introduced, particles will respond in different ways. This would be, rapid push-pull energy, or, moving, pulling, pushing magnetic force, or both. There are basically 3 types. these are the OCWS, OPWS and OMWS streams. (oscillating current, oscillating pressure and oscillating magnetic wave streaming energy). Oscillating Magnetic Wave Streams are only supported in Dark Matter Space, not Molecular or Primal Space. As Streaming Energy travels thru a medium, the streams will separate weaken and spread out. This is what produces the phenomena of higher speed and intensity in the center of streams, and weaker slower intensity at the perimeter. It also is what creates the well known physical process of resolution.

Encyclopedia IV
Streaming - Gravity to the moon Zoozve

welcome (youtube videos)

* TLU Exclusive, with new supporting evidence.
Speculation with little or no scientific evidence.

88 - Streaming / Gravity - The Dark Matter Sea is the coolest largest medium in the Universe. This means the Universal Particles that make up the expanse, are much bigger and weaker than the Universal Particles of structures. The cool slower spinning particles of space, interact with the faster, smaller, hotter particles of structures. This is what produces a gravitational current in space. Because there are multitudes of particles involved, there are multitudes of streaming currents. The streaming density of all these moving particles, will increase as they are pulled in by the highly energetic particles of structures. Gravity will always be stronger, in and near the center of streams, and weaker as you approach the perimeter of the streaming energy. (b) Finally, the speed of Gravity is not a constant, it changes. This is because the particles of the medium get smaller with more spin, pulling force and density. 

89 - Streaming / Heat - Heat is the alternating faster, slower, pulling, pushing force of magnetic energy. In other words it is magnetically quantized. Heat energy resides in the part of the Pressure / Magnetic Spectrum, which is slower than light, but faster than sound. (a) In a medium of spinning Universal Particles, streaming heat energy is the frequency between a pulling current and a pushing wave. Gravity is a pulling current force of particles that increases heat energy. Anti-Gravity is a pushing wave force of particles that decreases heat energy. The heat energy is streamed just like light. (tiny Universal Particles passing heat energy from particle to particle). That's why, when you stand in sunlight, you feel warmer, or when you concentrate the energy stream with a magnifying glass, you can start a fire. (b) Heat will always be hotter in and near the center of streams, and weaker as you approach the perimeter of the streaming energy. It's all because of the Alternating Current and Wave properties of a magnetic streaming push pull force. (c) Can the Standard Model explain this phenomena? Absolutely not!

90 - Streaming / Light - Push pull pressure streams in the medium of Dark Matter. The Rods and Cones of the eye are capable of changing streaming Light Waves of dark matter particles into pulsing electrical energy. Nerve circuitry then passes the pulses to the brain for interpretation. (a) In Light wave transmission, a sea of spherical particle matter is presented with push-pull energy streams. The vibrating particle streams are much more efficient in a direct line to source, rather than an oblique or perpendicular plane. That's why you don't see the light from a distant star when you divert from a direct path. This is because push-pull energy passes more movement in line rather than perpendicular. This observation is subject to variables, like, intensity and distance of the source. Also, the density and elasticity of the medium contribute to the frequency, amplitude, and direction of the observed light (brightness, red-shift, and refraction). (b) Because Dark Matter Universal Particles are so small, for you to see light wave energy, it will surely have to involve not one, but multitudes of light streams, and streams of streams. (c) And finally, the speed of light is not a constant, it weakens and slows with distance as it spreads out its streams. (Red Shift). This is because the density of the medium can vary, thus modifying the elasticity of each of its particles. On the other hand, if light waves could travel thru empty space, it would be logical to assume that the speed would be fixed throughout the Universe. TLU says this is not the case, light is traveling thru the Dark Matter Sea. Streaming Waves are not supported by a vast expanse of empty space. Therefore, Photons, as theorized by the Standard Model, are nothing more than a concept without evidence; Creditability level 2. 

91 - Streaming / Radio Waves - Radio Waves are universal particle, oscillating, polarized stream energy traveling through the Dark Matter Sea. (rapid polarizing energy of a magnetic field) - (magnetic waves do not necessarily physically shift the poles of particles, but more likely temporally shift their polarized space). (a) Radio / Radar Waves travel thru Space just like Light, but are different in significant ways. Light Waves are predominately vibrating compression and expansion energy, that pushes and pulls on neighboring particles. This in turn, transfers energy from particle to particle, without physically moving the particles thru space. (b) Because Universal Particles all have spin energy, each particle has a north and south pole. As you know, north and south poles creates a polarized magnetic environment. (a magnetic spatial force with flow energy). (c) Radio Waves are nothing more than magnetic push pull polarizing energy. This force is not a pressure force that squeezes and relaxes the Universal Particles, but, it does pass polarizing energy from particle to particle. That's why the speed of  Magnetic Energy is just the same as Light. (d) Because of the multitudes of particles in the Dark Matter Sea, the energy of magnetism is streamed just like Light. The inner streams are stronger and more numerous, the outer streams are fewer and have less intensity. (weaker). (e) And finally the speed of magnetic waves is not a constant, it changes just like light. It weakens and slows with distance, as it spreads out its streams. (the Doppler Effect).

92 - Streaming / Sound - (pressure, Molecular and Dark Matter energy of the sound spectrum). (a) Everybody knows about sound waves, and how the ears intercept this energy, then pass it along to the brain so you can hear music, speech or noise. What I bet you don't know is, that sound also is present in space. Yes, planets, the sun, and exploding stuff, also make sound waves in space. You can't hear them because your ears only respond to vibrating molecular energy, not vibrating Universal Particle Energy. (b) Sound Waves are just like other streaming energy's. They all have differing transmission speeds, which depends on the status of the medium. In molecular space, the speed of sound is much slower than in planetary space. This is because the molecular medium of air, has a different density and elasticity than Dark Matter. (speed of sound in dry air at 20 °C = 343 meters per-second). Notice that the speed is not a constant. In other words, Sound, Light, Heat and Magnetic Wave energy is dependent on the density and elasticity of the Medium. This means as the space density changes, so does the speed of wave energy. Yes, sound waves in Dark Matter Space, also produce a Doppler effect, just like the sound waves in molecular space. Now for something unexpected. Sound waves in the Dark Matter medium, produce a different value of the Doppler effect, just like light and magnetic waves. * Oh My, did I just contradict Einstein? The answer is Yes!

93 - Strings / Magnetic - (Torus Structures) - The magnetic alignment of Universal Particles in a string, because of the opposite pole to pole attracting force. An abundance of strings can make Twine, and Twine can make Yarn, which have the same magnetic properties. In other words, strings will interact, but, can occupy a larger number of particles and more space with the same attraction repulsion phenomena as a single String. This step by step process is necessary to explain the size of the Proton. It is impossible to have just single universal particle strings and create a proton, the individual particle size is just too small. It is likely that Yarn size fields made the proton not single closed loop Strings. The string step by step process would also have an effect when forming both magnetic, and light wave streams.

94 - Strong Nuclear Force - In the Logical Universe, at the atomic level, the Strong Nuclear Force is the Closed, Bonded, Looping Torus Fields of the Proton, Electron, Neutron and Neutrino. At the Stellar level, it is the locked magnetic chains of a Black Star. Because their bonded universal particle chains have extreme spin energy, it is thousands even millions of times stronger than the pulling or pushing power of Gravity / Anti-Gravity. Conclusion, "The Strong Nuclear force" is not the force that sticks the Proton / Neutrons together, it is the closed looping fields of these particles that keep them intact, or, it can be the looping magnetic chains of a Black Star.  

94.5 - * Scale of the Atom, the Atomic Scale - Atom, a unique structure of Hydrogen, Helium, Silicone, Iron etc. + their energetic spatial force. (1) Sub-Atomic structures, Protons, Electrons, Neutrons and Quantum Fields, + their energetic spatial force. (2) Sub, Sub-Atomic Structures, Quarks Leptons and Bosons, + their energetic spatial force. (3) Sub, Sub, Sub - atomic structures, Universal Particles, + their energetic spatial force. (4) Sub, Sub, Sub, Sub-atomic structures, Primal Matter (sand grains) + their energetic spatial force.

95 - Sun Spots - Cooler, more concentrated, inner stellar Hydrogen exposure. See the Fusion page.

96 - Supersymmetry - Universal Particles are super-symmetric and are capable of producing all forms of energy. Each may not have precisely the same amount of Primal Matter grains, but they do average out with the same mass. This is because a spinning black star expanding, and Primal matter interactions, are uniform. More, see Fission Particles / Accelerators.

97 - Synergetic Magnetic Lock. (SML) - An interdependent grouping of universal particles or matter locked in a specific configuration by the forces of Magnetism. There are two sub-groups, closed fields and open fields. (a) Closed looping structure's which do not add or subtract universal particles. (Neutron, Neutrino). (b) Structures with open and closed fields. This would be the Proton and Electron. Both can add or remove particles from their non-closed fields, but, not the closed ones. (c) Then there are the fully open structures, that can add and subtract universal particles to further balance energies. This happens in bodies like, Atoms, Quantum fields, Compounds, Molecules, Composite Structures, Stars and Galaxy's. (d) Last are the Black Stars, they can only add to their mass, or merge. This is because of the 4th stage of Gravity. This super strong pulling force won't allow any particles to escape. (e) Conclusion - Even though structures do add and subtract universal particles, they don't lose their SML under a wide range of conditions, but, they will brake their lock when encountering violent collisions, or, an extreme Gravitational Ripping Force, or, a powerful Dark Energy Stream. In the case of a Universal Class Black Star, it too will fail, if and when it encounters the Primal Universe.   

98 - Thermodynamics - The Three laws concerning Heat and all its aspects. This complexity is explained in easy to understand detail on the Heat Page.

99 - Time - Time is not the measurement of a static state of height width and depth (Matter) it's a measure of the progressing movement energy of Matter and its magnetic spatial force. (The Evolving, Reconfiguration of Matter, Space and its Energy). Time is also a discrete entity, but, not the height width of space. Encyclopedia 31.3 has more. (b) There are two dimensions of time. The first is Local Time, with its unique start and stop points for measurement. (c) Times second dimension is Universal Time. It is measured by using the Big Bang and the Now Point for reference. The Now Point is a specific point in space, that moves with expanding distance. It is relative to all other moving now points, where ever they may be. Both dimensions associate Time with Earths orbit or spin.

99.5 - Time Locked State - UDMP's and PENN particles, (Proton, Electron, Neutron and Neutrino). Time locked state is a strong magnetic force that prevents structural configuration changes to occur with moderate shifts in the environment. It is Time Sensitive. (As time advances, and space cools, DM lock weakens, but structural integrity is not broken. If there are no energetic encounters and space continues to cool, DM lock will eventually fail, and Primal Space is created. PENN particles are also in a time locked state. As the Universe expands these particles will develop more relative gravity. This is because, the smaller Universal Particles of these structures have more magnetic strength then the DM particles of space.

99.7 - Tokamak Reactor - An experimental device to explore Hydrogen Fusion. First conceived and built in the USSR 1954 - It is a Horn Torus structure with a magnetic manipulation of Hydrogen Plasma, to control and manage a Fusion Reaction. So far the results are promising, but, there is the very big problem of heat, melting the structure. (TLU suggestion - Drastically reduce the amount of streaming hydrogen plasma, thus reducing the number of fusion reactions). I know I know, its just a thought, but I can't help it, Its Logical... Don't think bigger or more is better. Hydrogen fusion takes place in one of the smallest areas of the Universe.

100 - Torus Fields - Bonded UDMP's in a string. See Quantum Torus Fields. (Encyclopedia 82).

100.5 - "The Standard Model" - (TSM) - Wikipedia - The Standard Model of particle physics is the theory describing three of the four known fundamental forces (electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions – excluding gravity). This concept was developed in stages throughout the latter half of the 20th century, through the work of many scientists worldwide, (1) with the current formulation being finalized in the mid-1970s upon experimental confirmation of the existence of quarks. Since then, proof of the top quark (1995), the tau neutrino (2000), and the Higgs boson (2012) have added further credence to the Standard Model. In addition, the Standard Model has predicted various properties of weak neutral currents and the W and Z bosons with great accuracy. # We classify the Standard Model as a concept, with only weak probability. There are just to many unanswered questions about creation, evolution and relativity. TLU gives the Sandard Model a Creditability level 3 at best.

101 - Twin Paradox - This paradox concludes that time travel is possible using the Standard Model. TLU, time travel is a concept with no credible evidence. See the Time page.

101.5 - (UDMP) - Universal Dark Matter Particle - (UDMPS) - Universal Dark Matter Particle Sea / Space.  (DM particles) - (DM Space) has the same meaning.

101.7 - Universe / Dark Matter Universe / Primal Universe - "The Dark Matter Universe" is the one we all know, and has at it's basic level, a sea of spinning Universal Particles that creates a polarized magnetic force, which in turn, creates all the phenomena of body's and energies that we recognize. The Dark Matter Universe has Light, Heat, Gravity, Anti-Gravity, Magnetic Waves, Planets, Stars and Galaxy's. (b) The Primal Universe is the one we don't know. It is actually the real fundamental level of matter and energy. This would be Primal Particles that create a weak spatial force, because of their movement. These particles can vibrate, move about, and bump into each other, thus creating basic non-polarized space. The space that they create is small, weak and with little energy, but, given the size of the particles that are responsible for creating this distance, the overall space is really large. The tiny matter grains are not grouped together, but are spread out thus creating a uniform, nonpolarized, spatial mass. This Primal Space is responsible for creating the real Cosmos that we know. (c) How does this happen you ask? It is really quite simple. As the Universal Particles of Dark Matter Space because of extreme cold, lose torus lock, Primal Space gets closer and closer to a Colossal Super Spinning Black Star. When this happens, the matter of the Primal Universe and its spatial force, gets caught in a high energy environment, and is spun and squeezed. The Primal Universe Mass, is reformed into tightly packed spinning torus structures with compressed space. This event happens because of the encounter with the super charged particles of the former, fast spinning Black Star. This new environment of space now has multitudes of spinning particles with compression, and a north south magnetic flow between particles. The Former Black Star catastrophically expands and the former Primal Universe Decays. No Universe is being created, no matter is being created, but the universe we know and love, springs into being with Highest Entropy. A Complete Transformation.

102 - Universal Particles - "A Unified Construction of all Material Existence " - (UDMP's). Tiny torus spheres of rotating Primal Matter that have their own, closed magnetic spin and flow, with a spatial force and central axis. There is no hole of nothing. (a) These particles are made and or released from the energies of the Big Bang. They are the smallest spheres of matter. (they are uniform, indivisible particles) - (they can not travel independently) - (they are the smallest part of the Dark Matter Sea or the smallest part of a structure). (b) All Universal Particles because of their spherical shape can contract and expand, thus creating or dissipating Polarized Space. This is because they are not solid, they are made of millions of Non-Structured Primal Matter grains that were molded into a torus spherical formation. They are transparent to the creation or dissipation of magnetic zones, which in turn, increases or decreases their Mass. (c) It is the universal particles spin energy that creates contraction, and a pulling force, that keeps their structure together. (d) Universal particles although much bigger than the small grains of primal matter that creates these spheres, are still tiny. These little body's and their space, can vibrate slow or very fast, thus covering a vast range of frequencies. This in turn passes push pull energy from particle to particle in the universal particle sea. (Sound, Infrared, Visible and Ultraviolet Wave Energy).

  (e) All Universal Particles because of rotating energy, produce other phenomena. Faster particle spin gives rise to smaller particle, increasing heat, gravity and stronger magnetism. Slower spin equals, cooling energy, larger particle, less gravity and weaker magnetism. (f) When universal particles spin they also create a north and south pole for each body, along with a single magnetic axis flow. Opposing spin and speed between two different particle poles, causes a repelling force between their poles and their bodies. Same direction spin and speed between two different particle poles, creates an attracting force between their poles and bodies. When an attracting force is present, it can magnetically bond the particles together in a pole to pole to pole configuration. The poles don't physically touch because of a magnetic isolation space created by neighboring particles. Bonded universal particle fields form the looping magnetic chains that create Protons. Next, the Electric Charge of Protons forms Quantum Fields, and lastly, Atoms now evolve thus creating all of the Universe we see. (g) Finally, non-bonded universal particles can temporarily shift their magnetic fields while rotating, thus passing polarizing energy from particle to particle. (AM, Shortwave, TV, FM, Radar, X, and Gamma Waves).

102.3  * Universal Truths - There are two universal truths / realities. There is the Physical Universe (a Universe of height width depth with matter and energy) and a Universe of Consciousness. (an awareness of all things physical and not physical). Example, the Sun exists in Both Realities, the physical Universe and the Universe of knowledge. God on the other hand, only exists in one, the universe of knowledge / belief / consciousness. This is because of the power of thought. All living creatures with a central nervous system have awareness. Some have evolved to a point of reason and reckoning. If this creature dies so does the nervous system and all accumulated reason and understanding, unless it has ben passed on to other creatures with a similar structure. This passage of knowledge is not a physical transfer, it is a perceived understanding from one being to another. A teacher to student transfer of knowledge / belief and consciousness, but not the facts of physical existence. The knowledge of a Physical Existence does not include the word belief. The fact of a Physical existence has to be accompanied by un-deniable proof.

102.5 - Vacuum of Space - Can you create a vacuum of space under water? No. Can you create a vacuum of space above water? No. Can you create a vacuum of Space in Space? No. If Space was a true vacuum, Light, Gravity and Radio Waves are not possible. This is because they all need a medium to propagate. When you create a vacuum above water, but not in space, you are creating a vacuum of air, a void of air, not a vacuum of space. Space is still filled with Universal Particles with their magnetic spatial force. * Now here is an observation that explains a lot. For years and years it was assumed that the vast expanse of space, for the most part was empty. This in turn led to the prediction that light speed had to be a constant. Nothing can travel faster than light because it was traveling thru emptiness. TLU has just shed a new light on that concept. Light is traveling thru a magnetic spatial force, created by spinning Universal Particles.

103 - Void - A Void of all things can not be created or destroyed. Space is not an expanse of nothing, Void is the absence of any one thing, or all things. So a True Void is nothing, but, a Void of any one thing is not. (a) At the end of the Dark Matter and Primal Universe, Matter and Energy stop. At this point, there is Nothing, no Galaxy's, Stars or Planets, no light, Gravity, Matter or Energy. No height, width and depth of an Expanse. A True Void is nothing. Ok now what? (b) Logic says there is a line between existence and nothing. Existence without matter can not be created, and, Void of all things can not be created. So how does a Universe exist and expand you ask? The answer is simple. All you have to do is produce Mass. Mass is quite different in the logical universe. It is not precisely the amount of matter in structures, and, it is not precisely the amount of magnetic space. It is a combination of both. Because magnetism is not Matter and is a force, it acts like a misconceived expanse of nothing, but it is not. It has its own height width and depth. Matter and a magnetic force are two separate things that are linked, but are not the same physical process. (c) Conclusion, Space is a combination of Matter, and a Spatial Force created by Movement and Magnetism. There is no such thing as a void, or empty space with Black Holes. True Space is the spatial distance of Primal Matter, plus Primal Space, or, Universal Dark Matter particles, plus a Polarized Spatial Force.

103.3 - Water / H2O - H2O is a molecule of water. D2O is 2 isotopes of Hydrogen and 1 regular Oxygen atom. (heavy water). How come water expands when it freezes? The expansion of frozen water happens when the atoms form a crystalline structure, this requires a little more space.

103.5 - Waves / Bow - Because Dark Matter Space is not empty and is a material / magnetic medium, Body's traveling thru the fluid mass would obviously create waves, just like in Air and Water. See the Gravity Page / Eddy Currents.

104 - Waves / Omni-plane Streams and Polarizing Filters - If a Light Bulb, Laser, Sun or Star is the source of light energy in space, it will produce millions, possibly billions, or even trillions of individual light streams. It all depends on the distance of the observer. Closer to the source, trillions of streams, further out billions, further still millions etc. etc. This is because light waves are push pull wave energy passing thru a medium of very tiny Universal Dark Matter particles. When they spread out, the number of streams per area decreases. As you know wave energy also exists for air and water, but, Dark Matter Wave Energy is the base for light waves. (b) Now it gets interesting. Because of the number of streams per area in space is huge, it becomes a stream of streams. (multiple planes of streams - Horizontal Vertical Oblique). These are Omni-Plane streaming Light waves. Because light waves use UDMP's to transmit their energy, the light streams have a small magnetic component. This means you can make small changes in the streams by introducing foreign magnetism. (the mechanics and properties of the single - double - multiple slit experiment) - (or an optical filter). (c) Now this is where it gets complicated. An Optical Filter can be either Plastic or Glass. The filter has microscopic, in line, stacked barriers to restrict light wave movement, and transparent non-restricting barrier planes in-between, just like a microscopic venetian blind. This type of filter does not effect polarized energy from DM particle to DM particle, but, it does effect the trajectory of the streaming light waves. It Bunches them up or separates them in a single plane (vertical horizontal or oblique) just like it was explained on the light wave page. Now for the kicker. (d) These optical filters have been called Polarizing Filters, but as you can see, this is not correct. This is because they don't effect polarizing energy transmission from particle to particle, the filter only pulls on the light streams. Therefore the filter should be called, an "Optical Plane Filter."  True Polarizing Filters are really Antennas. They have a pulling pushing effect on dark matter, and do pass on magnetic energy from particle to particle in the Dark Matter Sea.

105 - Waves / Secondary - These waves are created when Omni-Plane push-pull wave energy streams, encounter obstructions, and or, interact with other streams. This is because of the traveling streams magnetic component. The non-effected wave streams continue on with the original frequency and rate of transmission, but, the ones that encounter obstructions, or other streams, are separated and diverted off course. This in turn creates a lower recovery rate from the original wave stream, and a separated trajectory. You can notice this effect in the famous Double Slit Experiment. (the Light Page). (b) Secondary Waves are also produced in Lasers. This happens when the primary and secondary reflecting barriers of the laser present a magnetic snagging of the primary wave streams. This in turn, creates the different push pull sub-waves. The placement of the reflecting barriers, amplifies the primary laser waves, but, not the secondary ones. This is because the secondary waves have a different lower frequency. On the other hand, these secondary waves do get amplified. This is because of the increased power of the Primary Waves. (c) After the primary streams exit the laser, they are magnified and in lock-step. Now if you separate the primary streams, then align them 180 degrees out of phase, the amplitude frequency of these streams cancel each other out, thus allowing sub-waves to continue on. These sub-waves can now be modulated, and the modulations can be detected. The sub-waves of the laser have become, Secondary Waves.

106 - Waves / Streams, only occur in a medium -  See Encyclopedia 87.

107 - Weak Nuclear Force - In the Logical Universe the Weak Nuclear Force is the bonding of Protons and Neutrons together in the core of atoms. This happens because of the ccw spin energy of the Protons non-looping magnetic fields, are capable of sticking together with the neutrons closed looping ccw fields. The Neutrons closed fields won't break apart but the protons ccw fields can be pulled or pushed out. This happens when the nucleus of an atom is struck by a rogue Neutron, or, a continuous wobbling of the atomic core of the Atom. Also, the Inner Proton Neutron parings have more strength than outer Proton Neutron parings. This is because of the more and less relative interaction of each of the Protons and Neutrons. (b) In an atomic nucleus where the bonding weak force takes place, neither the proton or neutron have external spin energy, they are both stationary, except now they have combined spin energy. (c) There is another bonding force of protons to neutrons, or, neutrons to neutrons. This is the spinning proximity of their poles. If both proton or neutron poles are close, and are spinning in relative unison, there will be an attracting force between. This would be a rare event because the neutron usually doesn't have significant spin energy, but, in a fast spinning Neutron Star, things are quite different. (d) Conclusion, the "Strong Nuclear Force" is not the force that binds Protons and Neutrons together, that is actually the Weak Force. The Strong Force is really the hard Torus bonded closed looping strings of the Protons, Electrons, Neutrons and Neutrinos, or the Torus Magnetic chains of a Black Star.

108 - Weight - Weight of a structure is determined by the amount of gravitational pull. Since Gravity is a one way multiple streaming current of Dark Matter, structural weight can only be ascertained by the amount of resistance presented to the Dark Matter flowing through, and or, around its body. In other words, the transparency and amount of streaming Gravitational Currents a structure encounters will determine its weight. Don't forget that the density of the streaming Gravity Current also effects the weight of a structure. 

109 - X-Rays - (streaming magnetic waves in the Universal Medium) - Super spinning, polarized, magnetic wave oscillations of Universal Particles in the high end of the Magnetic Spectrum (wavelength .01 to 10 nanometers).

110 - Zeta-rays - New rays, which have been named "Zeta rays" by Professor Harkins, they are very short and are thought to be due to electrons knocked out of atoms through which the flying alpha particle speeds. He also considers it possible that they may be due to electrons picked up by the alpha particle and then discharged from it. TLU does not support this concept.

111 - Zoozve - A newly discovered, small, irregular orbiting moon of Venus.

Encyclopedia V Interpreting and Understanding
There is Polarized Space and Non-Polarized Space
There are - Quantum Torus Fields and Quantum Ring Fields
* TLU exclusive
(DM) - Dark Matter
(DMI) Density Mass Index
(Q Fields) -- Quantum Fields
(SML) Synergetic Magnetic Lock
(UDMP)  Universal Dark Matter Particle
(cw - ccw)
Clockwise and Counter-Clockwise
# TLU Speculation with weak evidence
(UDMPS)  --  Universal Dark Matter Particle Space
(PENN) - Proton - Electron - Neutron and Neutrino Particles
(QLBHF) - Quarks - Leptons - Bosons - Hadrons and Fermion Particles

welcome (youtube videos)


* Q Fields - Strings, Twine, Yarn, Ropes, Chains, indicate intertwining of Quantum Fields. Both Torus and Ring fields create this inter-woven phenomena.

*  All Protons have a Horn Torus structure. The internal and external spin energy of the closed loops is cw. The non-closed loops internal and external are ccw. All Electrons also have the same Horn Torus structure, but, internal and external spin is opposite. (closed loops ccw, open loops cw). The Electron also is much smaller.

*  Neutrons and Neutrinos are also Horn Torus structures. This time both cw and ccw chained magnetic fields loop thru a center axis. The Neutrino is tiny compared to the Neutron, and neither one has a charge. They are neutral.  


Earth and its Gravity - Iron Magnetic N and S Poles

Moon and its Gravity - DM magnetic flow - Centrifugal Force
(No planetary iron N and S poles)

1 - TLU -  Earth's Magnetic Fields - The terms clockwise and counter-clockwise / North pole and South pole, are relative and assigned. This is to avoid confusion. Originally, It makes no difference which one is which. It is only important when one is assigned, that all others follow a specific sequence. The Universal Particle is the root cause of all polarized energy of the Cosmos. * (b) Now for something very profound. The Earth rotates ccw and its internal iron magnetic flow, is from South to North. Earth's external magnetic flow, is from North to South. What? Yes. To add more craziness, remember the Earth periodically reverses its magnetic poles, but, its rotation remains the same. This seams to contradict universal magnetic laws. Confused? Oh My... * (c) Yes the magnetic poles of Earth periodically reverse, but, the non-iron ones don't. Remember each element of the Cosmos has its own torus quantum magnetic fields with different intervals and strengths. When you add them all together, the many are what creates Earth's magnetic fields. Iron is just one of these fields, and is subject to the orientation of the fluid iron core of the planet. If the communal rotation of the fluid iron nuclei reverse their spin energy, (go upside down) it will effect the external iron Torus fields of the planet. Other non-metallic outer fields are not effected, and their magnetic properties remain the same. So the Earth still has its original spin energy, and most of the external magnetic fields, but, the Iron fields are reversed. This is new thinking because it was assumed that all magnetism was metallic. As you can see it is not. When the Iron Magnetism reverses, the Earth keeps its stability and all of its external magnetic fields, accept one... An important fact to remember is, Magnetism is not exclusively metallic, in fact, most of the magnetism of the universe is not metallic. 

2 - The Moon's Magnetic Fields - Contrary to popular thinking the Moon doesn't have a Magnetic North or South pole, but it does have some Iron. The absence of the  poles is because the Moon has little, if any liquid Iron in its core and doesn't spin on its axis. It is theorized, that the Moon was created by a catastrophic collision that ripped part of earth's surface off, and flung it into space. So Iron core material in the debris was limited. As things settled down, the moon coalesced in one of earths Ring Planes. Because the Moon's perceived rotation is gravitationally locked with its orbit, it doesn't generate Ring or Torus fields but it does have its own unique Gravity. The pole magnetism of its iron atoms is local and not organized on a planetary scale. * Now here's the kicker, it is the Gravity of Earth, and its Dark Matter pull, traveling around and thru the Moon, and the off center push of Centrifugal Force from Earth, that locks the Moon's orbital path, attraction, pole and spin. (just like whirling a tennis ball on a magnetic string)... What? That's Right... This is the only solution of the magnetic puzzle that fits with all we know. The Moon's orbit and orientation has little to do with its outer magnetic quantum fields. It is Dark Matter currents and centrifugal forces from Earth, that creates and influences how the Moon behaves. Now, you can understand why only one side of the Moon is visible for Earth-lings, but, Sun-lings can see all sides of the Moon even though it doesn't spin on its axis. (it rotates on a common axis dominated by Earth).

Philosopher in Meditation
- Rembrandt - Louvre Paris -
Nothing / Matter / Magnetism
Non-Polarized and Polarized Space

The 3 Biggest Questions in Physics / Universe

Can you create Matter from Nothing? No!
Can you create Nothing from Something? No!

Then how do you create a Universe? Answer - You can't, but, you can transform one.


First understand that matter can not be created or destroyed, so, there had to be matter / mass before the Big Bang. We will call this matter and its mass, the Primal Universe. This Universe has Tiny bits of matter, and the small distance that the tiny bits create by moving around and banging into each other. We will call this space, Primal Space. It is not the kind of space that polarized magnets produce. this is because the tiny bits of matter in this space are not organized or spinning yet. (b) Another part of the Universe, is the Dark Matter Universe / Polarized Universe. As you probably already know, the Dark Matter Universe is expanding and loosing energy. It is also creating Black Stars. How these things evolve and Transform one another is the Holy Grail of the Logical Universe Theory. It is not very complicated, and complies with all we know, but it is a bit complex. I don't believe that mathematics would ever be able to arrive at TLU's conclusions without the power of logic. See if you agree. (c) If you have an open mind, and are not totally committed to what you were told to believe, we have a Big Bang Surprise. You are in for quite a ride.

1 - Void is nothing and Matter is a Physical Existence. (Void - no Height Width Depth) - (Matter - has Height Width Depth).
2 - Energy Active and Potential, is the movement or stored movement of structures, with no, little, or lots of magnetic space.
3 - Spin creates polarized magnetism. (a one way attracting - repelling - contracting - expanding - spatial force).
4 - Density is the amount of Matter bodies have.
5 - Mass is the amount of magnetic space, plus, the amount of matter that body's have. Both have a distinct Height, Width, Depth. (DMI).
6 - The space that matter creates never changes, but, the space that magnetism creates, does.

What is the Root Cause of  Space
 Expanding - Contracting - Pulling - Pushing?

1 - Primal Matter - (Sand Configuration) - (Tiny solid matter grains) - (No internal particle energy).
     (there is external Magnetism because of particle movement, but no unified spin energy that creates polarized space).

2 - Primal Space - (small energy) - (Primal Matter + A non-polarized spatial force) - (No Universal Particles).
3 - Primal Universe - A vast expanse of Primal Matter / Primal Space. (No Torus Structures) -
     (No Light, Heat, Gravity or Magnetic Waves, but a weak spatial force between particles).

4 - Spinning Universal Particles are created from Primal Matter and Primal Space that interacts with a Universal Black Star.
5 - Spinning Particle and Structures, create a polarized magnetic spatial force and a Dark Matter Medium.
6 - Magnetism - A Fluid Spatial Force. (it has height width and depth) - (Non-Polarized or Polarized).
7 - Electromagnetism - A magnetic force that involves Electrons / Electricity.
8 - Electromagnetic Flow - Alternating / Direct Current of Electrons in a Magnetic Flow. 
9 - Dark Matter Sea - (Primal Matter / UDMP's / Structures / Planets / Stars / Galaxy's and their Magnetic Spatial Force).

* The answer to the question is, Matter and the Flexible Spatial Force of Magnetism....


Transformation and Expansion of a Universe
 "Big Bang"

  1 - All Black Stars merge and create a Spinning "Monolithic Singularity." (Universal Class Black Star).

2 -
The Primal Universe overpowers the magnetic containment of The Universal Black Star.

3 -
All perimeter spherical particles of the Star no longer have pulling magnetism. This triggers a pushing Anti-Gravity force. With blinding speed, the Super Star expands thus creating Mass. (matter plus a polarized magnetic space).

4 -
Because the Black Star is still spinning, it transfers this energy to all the expanding particles, and the now overpowered Primal Space. This in turn, forces primal space and its matter into tiny spherical forms with compressed spin energy.

5 -
At this moment in time, all new and old universal particles are spinning with super compression, but, are expanding. This does not produce more heat, it does the opposite, it decreases heat because of expansion. There was more heat before the Big Bang. 

6 -
As the Black Star inflates and decays, its inner Polygons get closer to the perimeter. This causes them to become spherical again. They also absorb spin energy and a compressed spatial force from Primal Space. There is no Gravity any where, just extreme Anti-Gravity.

7 -
Eventually the Black Star and Primal Space will disappear, as newly configured energy and matter evolve. A pristine Universe has been created and has its highest entropy. This means everything that is to be created, has to start from scratch. TLU says the first order of things to do, is to make Torus Magnetic Strings.

Now Just for fun
Lets Reverse the Inflation Sequence  

  If you could magically travel to the center of the Big Bang, you would not see the central black region as depicted in the graphic. This is because the Big Bang expands in all planes and all directions at once. Now, if the Dark Matter particles you encounter on your journey are vibrating in the light spectrum, you would pass thru progressing, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Violet fields. As Space becomes more and more compact, you encounter the production of Protons but no light. Next comes Magnetic Fields, then a drastic increase in Universal Particle Density. And finally, you would be over-powered and consumed by the extreme pushing force of Anti-Gravity. (the Creation of Mass).  



Density Mass Index
DMI - The evolving ever changing Density Mass Index of Space
UDMP's - (Universal Dark Matter Particles)

UDMPS - (Universal Dark Matter Particle Space / Sea) - (polarized space)
Primal Matter, Primal Space - (no UDMP's) - (non-polarized space)

The following table is meant only to show relativity and progression.
It may not be mathematically precise.

a -
The amount of Primal Matter and it's Non-Polarized Primal Space.
b - The amount of UDMP's and their Polarized Space. - (The Dark Matter Sea)
line - 1-4 The creation and liberation of UDMP's, thus creating more Polarized Space.
line - 10-13 The creation of Primal Space with a decrease of UDMP's / thus decreasing Polarized Space.

      a     b
1 -
15 / 85 - Big Bang - A Universal Black Star Expansion / Anti-Gravity / A force that creates UDMP's and expands existing ones.
2 - 
10 / 90 - Decreasing Primal Space, more Universal Particles. Anti-Gravity increases UDMPS.
3 - 05 / 95 - Decreasing Primal Space, more Universal Particles. Anti-Gravity increases UDMPS.
4 - 01 / 99 - Decreasing Primal Space, more Universal Particles. Anti-Gravity increases UDMPS.
5 - 00 / 100 - Primal Space gone, Primal Universe gone. Anti-Gravity is still increasing Dark Matter Space, but no more Black Star.
6 - 00 / 100 - Light enters the Universe - Now, Everything Changes.
7 -
00 / 100 - Magnetic Fields form Strings - Strings form Protons, and Oceans of Protons create the first stage of Gravity.
8 - 00 / 100 - Gravity, Anti-Gravity and Spontaneous Fusion, Produce the first Hydrogen Stars, Quasars and Black Stars.
9 - 00 / 100 - Evolving Heavier Stars, Galaxy's, Planets, and Black Stars, but some Big Bang inflation is still Cooling and Expanding.
10 - 01 / 99 - Primal Space Creation, Galaxy Mergers and Monster Black Stars.
11 - 05 / 95 - More Primal Space, and a rapid deflation of UDMPS.
12 -
10 / 90 - A faster increase in Primal Space, Monster Black Stars merge, and UDMPS loses Torus Chaining.
13 -
15 / 85 - Primal Universe overpowers the containment of the Singular Black Star. Bang... Gravity gone, Liberation Expansion of the Black Star, and UDMPS creation. (an Anti-Gravity event).

Energy and Behavior of Universal Particles in the Medium of Dark Matter / Structures

1 - The Gravity of a Black Star - Surface Particles of a Black Star pull in Dark Matter particles from space, align and consume them. This creates a Magnetic Containment Field of, (increasing spin) - (less mass) - (more density) -  (strongest magnetic force) - (more Gravity) - (more heat) - (more potential energy) in this particle space.

2 - A Black Star internal Particle Structure Produces - (accelerating internal compression) - (decreasing spin) - (less mass) - (more density) - (less magnetic force) - (less Gravity) - (less heat) - (extreme potential energy) in this particle space.

3 - A Black Star Core - (Polygon Structures of former Universal Particles) - (no spin) - (lowest mass) -  (highest density) - (no magnetic force) - (no Gravity) - (no heat) - (highest potential energy) in this particle space.  

4 - Big Bang - Gravity of a Universal Black Star stops. (SML failure) Anti-Gravity takes over. The creation and expansion of Universal Dark Matter Particle Space begins. Perimeter Black Star Particles now have, * (highest magnetic spatial compression) - (highest spin) - (increasing mass) - (decreasing density) - (decreasing magnetic force) -  (decreasing heat) - (decreasing potential energy) in this particle space. 

5 - First Stage of Gravity in Dark Matter Space - (Protons pull on the expanding Polarized Space). Smaller particles of the Proton pull on the larger particles of space. This in turn, creates currents in the medium. The particles in the current increase their spin with (less mass) - (higher density) - (more magnetic force) - (more gravity) - (more heat) - (more potential energy) as they travel to the pulling source. (Proton clouds / Stars etc.)

6 - A First Generation Star - (a) Perimeter Protons of a rotating Star pull on UDMP's from space creating currents. (b) The Star internal Particles are compressed so much, they have less pull and more push. (c) A First Generation Star and all Stars, have a zone where Universal Particles Pull and Push Equally. (stable mass) - (stable density).  As evolution progresses, mass stability and mass density will eventually change in the stars Neutral, Gravity Anti-Gravity particle space. (A Main Sequence Star).

7 - Fire, Explosions - A loss of magnetic lock that produces an Anti-Gravity Pressure Wave in Quantum Space. - This temporally compresses neighboring particles with less potential energy which produces (higher spin) - (less mass) - (more density) - (more magnetic force) - (more Gravity) - (more heat) - (more potential energy) for each particle that gets compressed, then the opposite happens when they quickly relax. The particles that produced the pressure wave experience the reverse effect.  

8 - The Decay of Energy in outer Dark Matter Space / Getting Colder - Anti-Gravity expansion force in DM Space cause particles to lose Torus Chaining thus creating Primal Space. Expanding UDMP's produce a pushing wave force which creates, (decreasing spin) - (more mass) - (less density) - (less magnetic force) - (less heat) - (less potential energy) - (lowest Density and greatest Mass of the Universe, but not an empty or vast expanse of nothing). All Space still has Primal Matter and Non-Polarized Magnetism.

9 - Where is the Production of Heat in the Big Bang?  Solution, there is lots of heat but it is not extreme, and it is cooling. This is because there is a point where magnetic (current - wave, push pull oscillations) of streaming heat equalizes. Heat energy is like Gravity, it is not infinite and will not runaway with itself. There was more magnetic pulling before the Black Star lost its Gravity. Now there is greater magnetic pushing. As the Universe expands the level of equalized heat gets weaker. (streaming, pulling current / pushing wave oscillations).


Attraction / Repulsion force of Universal Particles and Magnets

(Torus Fields Spin and Flow) - (Flow is a Physical Spatial Force, with or without particle matter in the flow)





     1 - End arrows indicate spin direction, Center arrow indicates flow direction. Notice both magnets are identical.
     2 - North Pole to North Pole repels, and opposite spin direction repels. Flow direction is opposite in both magnets.
     3 - South Pole to South Pole repels, and opposite spin direction repels. Flow direction is opposite in both magnets.
     4 - North Pole to South Pole attracts, and same spin direction attracts. Flow direction is the same for both magnets.
     5 - South Pole to North Pole attracts, and same spin direction attracts. Flow direction is the same for both magnets. 

Spinning Universal particles create a North and South pole for each, but, this is misleading. It is incorrect to say opposites attract, and same poles repel. This is because the poles spin energy direction is not the same when you flip one of them upside-down in relation to other particles, but their names are the same. It is the spin energy of the Universal Particles and a one way polarized force, that creates the repelling, attracting ability. So, we do use the north to north pole repelling metaphor to explain the attraction repelling force, but, with a caveat. Be aware that orientation can change, but the name and flow remains the same. This may be confusing to some people because of relative opposites, and physical opposites. This dilemma could be solved by using  high and low pressure streaming forces to explain spin and flow, but, who wants to rewrite the dictionary. Besides, this may be even more confusing to some people. So, same direction, or opposite direction, of pole to pole particle spin and flow, is the way to go. (same spin / flow energy direction attracts, opposite spin / flow repels). This will always be correct.

Johannes Kepler - 1571 - 1630
German Mathematician

There are XII Dimensions in

"A Grand Unified Theory"


  Active Energy - 4 dimensions (Spin, Lateral, Expanding and Contracting movement, which includes vibrating and oscillating). 1 - Spin Energy is associated with Gravity, Heat, and Magnetism. 2 - Lateral Energy is associated with Gravity, Dark Energy, Distance, Speed and requires a communal relationship of particles.  3 - Expanding Space is associated with Anti-Gravity, failure of Quantum field lock and Big Bang. (the release of compressed mass). 4 - Contraction Energy is associated with Gravity, Compression, Black Stars. (a) Rapid vibrating and oscillating energy (3 and 4) is what creates Sound, Light and Magnetic Waves.

Potential Energy -
1 dimension - (The stored energy of compression). 1 - Universal Particles, Protons, Electrons, Quantum Fields, Planets, Stars, Galaxy's and Black Stars, all have stored energy because of compression.
When the Potential Energy of Universal Particles lose their magnetic lock (SML), Potential Energy becomes the Active Energy of Expansion. (Only the spatial force of Magnetism can be compressed, not Matter). 

3 dimensions - (Height, Width and Depth). This includes spherical and tiny solid granules, Universal Particles and Primal Matter. The total amount of matter and its existence is fixed. It can not be created or destroyed, or expand and contract. Only Magnetism can do all those things.

Space - 2 dimensions - (Primal / Dark Matter Space)  1 - Primal Space is Magnetic Space without Polar Magnetism. 2 - Dark Matter Space is Magnetic Polarized Space. This is what creates active expanding, contracting, pulling pushing distance. (the force in, and between particles and bodies of matter because of a flowing magnetic spatial force). It is a Physical Existence. Magnetism creates its own space of height width and depth. * Unlike matter, this space is not fixed, it changes with the amount of active material energy.

- 2 dimensions - (Time is not the physical existence of height width or depth, it is a measure of speed and distance).
1 - The first dimension is Local Time, with its unique start and stop points for measurement. 2 - Times second dimension is Universal Time. It is measured by using the Big Bang and the Now Point for reference, where ever that may be.  Both dimensions associate Time with Earths orbit or spin.



OCWS - OMWS - OPWS - Encyclopedia 68.3 to 68.7

Oscillating / Currents / Magnetic Force / Pressure Wave Streams of Dark Matter

  Gravity - (current) - A magnetic pulling force of Universal Particles streaming in, thru and around Body's and Structures
- (wave) - A pushing, magnetic expansion spatial force, in the Dark Matter Medium
/ Quantum fields / Structures
Dark Energy - (current) - A magnetic pushing force of Universal Particles, streaming in, thru and around Body's and Structures
Heat -
(combination current / wave) - An alternating pulling current, pushing magnetic wave energy, streaming in the Dark Matter Medium
Sound - (waves) - Relative slow oscillations of pressure waves, capable of streaming in Molecular and Dark Matter.
Light -
(waves) - Very fast vibrating pressure waves, streaming in the Dark Matter Medium
Radio - (waves) -  Vibrating  polarized magnetic waves, streaming in the Dark Matter Medium.
X Rays - (waves) - Extremely fast vibrating polarized magnetic waves, streaming in the Dark Matter Medium
Gamma Rays - (waves) - Fastest vibrating polarized magnetic waves, streaming in the Dark Matter Medium


                            Streaming Light Waves

Why are these images so different? What is really going on with Light Waves?

Simply put - the Light Streams that Hubble has been able to gather are far less per-area than the Light Streams from the Horizon Space Craft. So, the closer you get to the light source, there are more streams, which produces more resolution.


Waves / Streams - Wave energy is the push-pull of molecules or particles of matter, which transfers energy without physically relocating the molecules or particles in space. There are two types of wave energy, Polarized Magnetic and Pressure.

1 - Wave Streams always separate and spread out from source in the Dark Matter Sea. The center is always brighter, louder, or
more intense with higher resolution than the perimeter particle wave streams, unless focused.

2 -
Because the Dark Matter Medium of Space, is composed of super small Universal Particles, the streaming of light waves would involve astounding numbers of UDMP's. This in turn, would increase the volume and density of streams as you approach the light source, or, decrease volume and density of the streams as you move away. (there are streams of streaming wave energy in all planes) - (horizontal - vertical - oblique). Fore exceptions, see encyclopedia 104.


Galileo - 1564 - 1642
Jean Leon Huens - National Geographic
The Rules
and Laws of Nature / TLU

SN 1987a

Not in alphabetical order!

1 - Primal Matter - Tiny Sand Grains. This is the part of the Universe that can't be created or destroyed. it is existence itself. It is conserved. Energy on the other hand, can be created and eliminated. It is not conserved.

2 - Creation of Primal Space - Matter grains + the energy of movement. This space is created by the tiny sand grains moving around and bumping into each other. It creates space when they do this. The space is non-polarized space. In other words it doesn't have any spinning groups of primal matter.

3 - Creation of Universal Particles and their properties (UDMPs) - (Big Bang) - The Primal Universe Space runs into a Universal Spinning Black Star. This is what creates Dark Matter Particles and their Polarized Magnetic Force / Space.

4 - Creation of Torus Strings - In the expanding Dark Matter Universe, UDMP's create Torus Strings of magnetically bonded particles. The strings spin cw and ccw, grow longer and thicker in the Dark Matter medium, thus creating yarn sized chains of woven Torus Strings.

5 - Creation of Protons - The Proton is a Horn Torus structure and is created when the cw Torus Chains loop around, and magnetically bond together. The cw chains are in the closed looping configuration, while the ccw chains have not closed their loops. This is what gives each Proton a Positive Charge. We are not done yet. Each Proton is interacting with other Protons and has created a magnetic invironment. The Proton because of its spin energy, has produced magnetic fields around it. This space encircles the proton and has both Torus chains and Ring Chains. The Ring Chains encircle the spinning proton and are in stacked closed horizontal Planes. The Torus fields are not necessarily closed, and have a quantum polar magnetic flow. This is what keeps the Protons apart.

6 - Creation of Spinning Proton Clouds - Protons are created in bunches because of slight variations in the universe expansion. As the universal expansion continues, the Magnetic Charge of grouped protons, influence each other, and produce a spinning phenomena of the whole bunch of created Protons. As the universe expands more, the spinning cloud spins faster and faster. This compresses the inner Protons of the cloud. The Compression will eventually overcome the repelling force of inner Protons and their magnetic fields. The cloud now has a Gravity potential at the perimeter, and Anti-Gravity (compression) in the core of the spinning cloud. 

7 - Fusion of Protons into Neutrons - Fusion cant happen in a super compressed invironment. Conditions must be just right for proton conversion, like in a gravity anti-gravity magnetic band. In the outer region of the spinning proton cloud, conditions are perfect for Proton Fusion. There is enough freedom for them to move as a whole, but their individual inner spin energy is being squeezed. At just the right magnetic orientation and pressure, the ccw loops will force their way thru the center axes of the spinning proton, and the ccw loops will close. This is how Protons become Neutrons. Now for an important observation. Once a Neutron is created it can never change back, it is a one way street. (Neutron - a Horn Torus structure with both cw and ccw closed loops)

8 - Fusion of Hydrogen into Helium, and their Quantum Ring and Torus Fields. Every time a Proton gets converted into a Neutron there is a release of quantum field lock of its fields. This produces a pressure wave and the free DM particles merge with other field particles. This is what creates the Light Heat and Radiation we all observe with a fusion reaction. 

9 - Fission - The splitting of atomic cores and quantum field lock. Un-stuck Neutrons are capable of doing this. When they collide with other atomic nuclei and have enough movement energy, the cores of the collided atomic nuclei will split, and their quantum field lock will fail. This releases yet another pressure wave of quantum fields and a large energy release takes place. If the cores of atoms are struck in unison, and the elemental Q fields are dense, the energy release can be catastrophic. (b) There is another release of Rogue Neutrons, this happens when spin energy of the cores of atoms are slowing down and become unstable. Some neutrons can separate their bond and fly off the spinning core. This changes quantum fields again, you guessed it, there is a release of energy.

10 - Creation of heavier Elements - This can only happen if you can increase the number of protons in a nucleus of an atom, and not just the number of Neutrons. If you increase only Neutrons, it just makes isotopes of the same element. It is the number of Protons that determines what the element is. Fusion conversion of protons makes neutrons, but, it is the number of protons that stick together with their neutron partners, that produces new elements. Finally, Spontaneous Fusion also creates elements, but, this sequence only works until you get to Iron, then fusion stops. This is because protons and neutrons can no longer stick together at this energy level, the spinning atomic nucleus has become too compact. To create more elements, you must have higher compression energies. This is what happens in a Super-Nova event.  

11 - Creation of Electrons - Electrons can not form in a super compressed invironment. Because Protons have a Positive Charge, as they spin they create an unbalanced quantum field structure which also has a positive charge. Nature doesn't like this, it seeks balance. The outer magnetic ring fields of the spinning proton are just fluid enough, to drag along a large clump of DM particles. These particles begin spinning as they are pulled, and create Torus strings. Torus strings intertwine, and looping occurs in the outer Q fields of the proton. This time, ccw strings close their loops and cw strings are squeezed out. A new Horn Torus particle has sprung into existence, and this is the incredible result, it has a equalizing negative charge. (this is the Electron).  Oh My... How come nobody has thought of this before? Answer... they were too busy with mathematics, and ignored Logic... That in a nut-shell explains the birth of an Electron. Nature is now happy and has its balance. The atom has now become a locked stable structure, and the Universe has another tool to build with.

12 -
Gravity - Gravity flows in, through and around Structural Matter in the medium of polarized space.
(a) Because the particles of Dark Matter are super small and uniform, you only feel them as a gentle, pulling force. (b) The amount of pulling force that Dark Matter has on a structure depends on the structure's transparency, its speed, and the speed / density of gravitational streams. This translates to how much the structure will weigh. (c) Because gravity is a current, it would have a flow speed. (d) Gravitational Current Speed would be close to, or the same as, Escape Velocity (Earth 11.2 kilometers per second, 25,053 mph) - (Moon 2.38 kilometers per second, 5,324 mph). (e) Magnetic structural lock usually overrides the pull of Gravitational Currents, but not in the case of a Black Star's pulling force, or the high energy of Fusion and Fission.

13 -
Galileo - A log and a feather in a Dark Matter Gravity Current only, will accelerate and travel at the same rate. Just like a log and a feather in a river current. TLU says this is still controversial. What about a planet and a feather? It doesn't scale up. The Logical Universe has an answer, it's because Space is not empty and body's have different gravitational strengths and transparencies. Therefore, on a large scale, structures with more Mass will accelerate slower than structures with less Mass, but, when the secondary Dark Energy streams are equal, they will accelerate and or travel at the same rate.

14 - When things Burn or Blow-Up in the Logical Universe - (a) Gravity Currents are what causes magnetic bonding of structures to fail, thus creating a pressure wave. (small to extreme, depending on the number and potential energy of universal particles). (b) If surrounding particles of a failed structure have less potential energy, these are the particles that get compressed. (c) If surrounding particles of a failed structure have more potential energy, the former structure particles are the ones that get compressed. (d) Increasing compression energy of spherical particle matter creates more Spin, Heat, Light, Gravity and Magnetic force. Extreme compression creates extreme Heat, Light, Gravity, and Magnetic force. (e) Expansion Energy of spherical particles has the opposite effect.
(f) * Atom Bomb -
If you violently compress U-235 or Plutonium with an explosive device, you can create a massive critical fission state of Uranium or Plutonium Nuclei. Because of the drastic increase of Neutrons hitting the cores of these elements, it will cause the atomic structures to split apart in unison and loose quantum field magnetic lock. When this happens it creates a massive pressure field that compacts other elements that have Mass with less strength. This is what produces the intense light heat and destruction we all observe.

(g) * Neutron Bomb -
If you have an atom bomb and enrich it with a Lithium-deuteride component, then detonate the bomb, it will convert all the protons in the Lithium complex into more Neutrons with extreme energy. (Lithium-deuteride, encyclopedia 53.3). These Neutrons along with the ones that already exist, will be able to destroy many many more atomic nuclei all at once. The quantum field pressure waves are now catastrophic, and the splitting of atomic nuclei, not only involves the atoms of the bomb, but the split ones as well. This atomic reaction was first conceived as a Thermonuclear Hydrogen Fusion device, but as you can see, the dynamics of hydrogen fusion simply doesn't add up. Fusion is a much slower process than Fission, and would produce less energy. So the conclusion is, The Hydrogen Bomb is really a Neutron Bomb.
Isotopes of Hydrogen


- Matter and the unique space it has, can not be created or destroyed!

16 -
Energy is mostly conserved because Matter is conserved, but, Energy can be increased or eliminated. Matter can not.

17 - The four States of Matter. There is matter without energy, matter with potential energy, matter with movement energy, or a combination of potential and movement energy.

18 - Existence - Matter plus a polarized / non-polarized spatial force. These are three separate entity's, that when combined, form Existence. Matter is solid Primal Matter Grains, or spinning spheres of these grains. Magnetism is a spatial force that is produced by matter with active energy. Primal Space is basic existence, but, without the North South pole phenomena. It is Spinning Matter that creates these poles. (b) When the particles are grouped together and spun, they create a north and south pole, with an axis, and a one way directional magnetic flow. Tiny Universal Particles cant spin unless they produce space to spin in. (c) The polarized force of north and south poles isolates each spinning body and prevents them from physically touching. This is how more space is created. This pole magnetic spatial force can expand, contract, pull, push and flow. (d) The conclusion, matter plus movement creates space. Structures with spin energy, create a polar fluid space, with the expanding, contracting, pulling pushing ability of magnetism. This is what all of existence is, the Mass of the Universe. "All there is, and all there will ever be." (Carl Sagan).

19 -
There are basically two forms of Matter, (1) Primal Matter - Tiny solid granules, no structure. (2) Spherical structures of primal matter that are spun and compressed. Made out of Primal Space and a Super spinning Black Star.

20 -
The Building Blocks of the Universe are, Primal Matter, Universal Particles, Protons, Electrons, Neutrons, Atoms, Molecules, Compounds, Composite Structures and Black Stars.

21 - 
The phenomena of Energy and Matter are, Time, Gravity, Anti-Gravity, Dark Energy, Hot, Cold, Spatial Expansion, Contraction, Magnetism, Magnetic fields, Quantum fields, Electric Charge, Sound, Light and Magnetic Waves.

22 -
All Protons have the same internal, external spinning energy. All Electrons have the same internal, external spinning energy. The most important fact is, the Protons and Electrons are energetic opposites. The only exception to this rule is found in the Anti-Matter Phenomena. 

23 -
All spinning bodies can and do, create Magnetic Torus fields, along with Ring fields in a Dark Matter Medium. There are a few exceptions. Single spinning UDMP's cant produce Ring fields. This is because ring fields has to have a nucleus for UDMP's to spin around. Now something interesting - If Neutrons and Neutrino's could spin, they could produce Ring fields but they don't normally have this energy. This is because they are balanced. There is an exception to this prediction. If Neutron Stars have multitudes of bonded neutrons in a spinning environment, they would most certainly have Gravity / Magnetism. This theoretically happens with a Neutron Star.

24 -
Can you create Nothing, Empty Space? Answer - No!  Can you create Matter? Answer - No!  Can you create Something / Anything? Answer - Yes!  What?  "A Magnetic Spatial Force."

25 - Criteria for a "Level Six Theory" - All Definitions as well as hypothesized states of Matter and Energy, must conform to the following statements. (1) It must be compatible with known science, (no fantasy). (2) accepted observations. (3) evolution - (compatibility). (4) relativity - (compatibility). (5) mathematics - (solvability). (6) logic - a foundation of apparent validity, It must make perfect sense.

26 * Light, Magnetic Waves, Heat, Gravity and Anti-Gravity can not travel or function between Planets Stars and Galaxy's, if space is mostly a vast empty expanse with no matter or magnetic force. Therefore it is a certainty, that all of space is a medium, with the physical space of matter and magnetism, It is not empty space, it is, The Dark Matter Sea.

27 * After the Big Bang happened, it was Anti-Gravity that created and expanded the Mass of the Universe, and there was no Gravity. The first stage of known Gravity occurs with the formation of the Proton. This is because the universal expansion continued on, but the locked energy state of the Proton didn't. 

28 * The Atomic Scale. Initially there is the Atom, a unique structure of Hydrogen, Helium, Silicone, Iron etc. + their energetic (magnetic) spatial force. (1) Sub-Atomic structures, Protons, Electrons, Neutrons and Quantum Fields, + their energetic (magnetic) spatial force. (2) Sub, Sub-Atomic Structures, Quarks Leptons and Bosons, + their energetic spatial force. (3) Sub, Sub, Sub- atomic structures, Universal Particles, + their energetic spatial force. (4) Sub, Sub, Sub, Sub-atomic structures, Primal Matter (sand grains) + their energetic spatial force. (a) This brings us to the point where we have to add up all the matter and all the energy of the Universe. When you do this, remember that matter is not energy but it can create energy. As you can see by now the amount of energy, active and potential is extreme, but, it is not 90 Billion units of speed and distance. (90 Billion is the number of light speed squared). (b) In the early Universe the amount of active and potential energy is extreme, with enormous density and small space, which is expanding faster than light. The total amount of matter is not expanding. (c) The speed of light has nothing to do with expanding the Universe. It is the consequence not the creation. On the other hand, the speed of light is very important if you want to know how far apart Planets Stars and Galaxy's are. Final observation, the speed of light is not, and can not be a constant. This is because in the beginning there was never an expanse of nothing. Light will not travel thru a theorized spatial nothing, but, as the density of the universe changes, light waves traveling in the universal medium can, and will change.

The Logical Universe
Levels of Credibility / Probability
Partnered with Encyclopedia 40.5 (Golden Rule of Knowledge)
1 - Speculation - An idea expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence.
2 -
Belief - An idea in which confidence is placed.
3 -
Hypothesis - A tentative insight into the natural world. A concept that is not yet verified, but if true, would explain certain facts or phenomena.
4 -
Theory - An explanation of some aspect of the natural order of things, that has substantial, empirical evidence for confirmation.
5 -
Highest Probability - Overwhelming evidence from a vast majority, but not all sources, to prove a point, or, an existence.
6 -
Fact - A concept whose truth can be proven by overwhelming evidence from all known sources.
7 -
Reality - What is, and will ever be. A Fact of existence proven by all known and unknown sources.


Level 1-3 Probability of Beliefs, Speculations and Hypothesized Reality's
This is a list
of things and events that are not supported by Science or Logic

  1 - Stellar and Galactic Black Holes, or, Worm Holes
2 - The Creation of Matter
3 - The Warping of Space
4 - Runaway Gravitational Collapse
5 - Gravity Waves
6 - The Vast Expanse of Empty Space
7 - Time Travel
8 - Stellar Core Fusion
9 -  Photons - Energy Packets
10 - Same particle being in two different places at the same time
11 - The Evolution of Quarks, Leptons and Bosons that created the Cosmos
12 - "Quantum Entanglement" (Spooky Action at a Distance)
13 - Teleportation
14 - The Conservation of Energy
15 -
The Seemingly Never Ending level of Heat
16 - Singularity - An infinitely small point of super energy only, that exploded and created the Universe
17 - Hydrogen Bomb - A Thermonuclear device with a catastrophic energy release
18 - The Fabric of Space-Time
19 - Light Speed Constant
20 - Gravitational Constant - Magnetic Constant

  This list was conceived to make the "Standard Model" work, but not for "A Grand Unified Theory."
 We don't need these things to explain Matter, Energy, Gravity, Magnetism, Evolution, Space and Time.



  Cosmic Evolution

                Nicolaus Copernicus - 1473 - 1543
Jean Matejko - Collegium Novum, Jagiellonian University, Poland

  1 - Release of all stored energy of a Super Black Star / Creation of Mass (Big Inflation Bang).
2 - Conversion of Primal Matter into Polarized Space with more Universal Particles.
3 - Creation of Polar Magnetic Torus String Fields.
4 - Proton formation. As Inflation continues it is the locked Proton energy level, that's responsible for the first stage of Gravity.
5 - Quantum Ring Field formation.
6 - Electron formation.
7 - Gravity / Anti-Gravity / Hydrogen Fusion.
8 - Creation of the Neutron.
9 - Birth of Stars.
10 - Nuclear Fission - Elements and Black Star formation.
11 - Galaxy and Solar System formations.
12 - Evolution of Life and Death. Expansion continues.
13 - Galaxy's merge and get bigger. Black Stars merge and get bigger. 
14 - Basic Primal Space creation. Dark Matter Space decreases, Primal Space / Primal Universe, increases.
15 - Primal Space invades the magnetic containment field of a Universal Class Black Star, destroying its outer field. (Big Bang). The Super Star no longer has Pulling Gravity, it has Pushing Anti-Gravity and high heat, but, cooling because of expansion. The Expanding Spinning Super Star, Converts Primal Space into compressed UDMP's, while releasing its own. This doesn't create a Universe, it transforms one. (Universal Dark Matter Particle Expansion - Primal Space Elimination).

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