Ismail al-Jazari  1136 - 1206
         Time... A Measure of Speed and Distance

* Is Space-Time or Space / Time a physical link? No... It is an Energy link.
* Is Space-Magnetism or Magnetic / Space a physical link? Yes... both have height width depth.

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Time - Time is a measure of the progressing movement energy of Matter and its Magnetic Space. (The Evolving, Reconfiguration of Matter, Space and its Energy). Time is also a discrete entity, but, not a physical existence of height width or depth. (a) There are two dimensions of time. The first is Local Time, with its unique start and stop points for measurement. (b) Times second dimension is Universal Time. It is measured by using the Big Bang and the Now Point for reference. Both dimensions associate Time with Earths orbit or spin.

This by far is the most complicated and controversial phenomena to explain because it is based on two separate things that work together, Energy and Matter. There are many interpretations and applications of movement, therefore it gets complex. I'll try and explain it the best way I can, how the Logical Universe views this phenomenon.

Lets talk about Time. Time can not be calculated without movement. This is because it is a different type of measurement. It doesn't measure height, width or depth, it measures speed and distance. This means you can have matter and no movement, but, you can not have speed and distance without substance. This also means that you can have Matter without Energy, but, you must have Matter to establish Energy. To carry it one step further, Energy is not the essential ingredient of the Universe, it is its substance (Matter).

Now that we have laid a foundation for understanding, we can establish Times true nature.
Time has two dimensions. First, there is Local Time, with its unique start and stop points for measurement. Then there is Universal Time, which begins with the Big Bang and ends at the present, (Now Point) where ever that may be. Both dimensions associate movement with Earths orbit or spin. The movement of Matter in both dimensions are different, and you must include all dimensional points when calculating or theorizing the passage of time. Mathematics has omitted Universal Time in its formulas, and that is just not logical. That's why the Twin Paradox is such a dilemma. (b) In this scenario, identical twins because of circumstance, become locally separated. This means their now points of time also get separated. After a long journey thru space and different destinations, they decide to reunite. Logic: Unknown to them, they must match their now points. If this happens and they both have enough time left and are not too old, the twins can meet. TLU predicts - They are still the same age, but are equally older. It's the time and distance traveled for both, and the matching now points, that has aged the twins not the changing speed and distance of Time. Sorry Einstein and Time Travelers, it takes time to rematch their Now Points. You can not undo the original, steady, progressing speed and distance of all individual moving points in the whole Universe. "Time Marches On."

Don't over-think Time

The Now Point - In The Logical Universe we see Time as a measurement and not as an event that can be trans-versed. When you look up at the stars, you are looking at light that has reached your Now Point. Metaphorically you are looking into the past, but, there is a problem with this perception. The light waves that have reached your specific place in space are not old light. The light you are looking at is in the present and so are you, but you are, looking at a snapshot of a past Now Point. The Stars that created the light are presently in their individual Now Points but you can’t see them. That’s because their light must travel thru space to get to you. There is a vast distance between you and the Stars, and along the way, there is an infinite number of Now Points.

Another way of thinking about time and light wave travel. Suppose there was a massive earthquake in Hawaii. This in turn, produced a Tsunami which traveled to the west coast of California. If in California you were walking on the beach and saw this wave, you would not be thinking you are looking back in time, you would immediately think about the present, and get the heck out of there. After the wave passes you may be concerned about what caused the wave, but that’s not the perceived event. Its obvious everything that has or will happen can only be experienced now.

We know that it takes time to travel through space because we have deduced this concept by observations and using the relativity of mathematics. What we have not considered is that time is a discrete entity and not a physical existence of height width depth. It is a measurement of the progressing movement of matter plus it's spatial force, and was discovered by logic. The universe doesn't know anything about time. It Moves, Expands, Contracts and Evolves. It does all these things in the Now, not in the Past or Future.

Albert Einstein

Einstein was obsessed with time.  Because of his early work in a Swiss patent office, he dealt with a lot of applications for timekeeping mechanisms. TLU believes that this caused an overexposure to time relevancy. This in turn, led to a misinterpretation of the concept of Now, and the "Now Point." The second mistake Einstein made, was, he linked space and time together (Space-Time) thus creating a single Entity. TLU did not do this because it considers time to be only a measurement and not a physical existence of height width depth.  On the other hand, space does get linked, not with time, but with magnetism. (Space-Magnetism, or the better sounding, Magnetic Space). The reason for this is, both matter and the additional space that is created by the movement of matter, are inseparable. They both have height width and depth. (Matter plus Spin Energy creates polarized magnetism). This magnetism has a north and south pole with a one way spatial magnetic flow thru a center axes of the spinning matter. This magnetic space is the basic force for creating distance and movement in the Cosmos, and can be measured as Time. Time on the other hand is not a physical force, it is a perception. It is a measurement of movement and distance, not the height width and depth of Matter / Space. 

Because of Einstein's illogical joining space with time, mathematics predicts with certainty that time travel is possible, but in TLU theory, it is not. Space, Polarized Space and Matter, are different dimensions but are physically linked. Time on the other hand, is only a measurement, and not a height width depth existence. It would be nonsense to say, Apple Light Year, but, it would be correct, if you said Apple and it's Magnetism. This is because both matter and magnetism together, is what creates Mass. So the conclusion is, time travel may be possible in story books, computer simulations and the movies, but not in a Unified Theory. (TLU).

Conclusion – Yes, Time is a measurement and can change with Speed. Yes, Speed is a measurement and can change with Time, but, Matter is not a measurement although it can be measured, it is a substance. It always exists in the now, never past or future. The past and future are perceptions and not height width or depth. Matter is not a perception it is a substance. So, mixing the two realities, one perceived and one actual, won't work.

The other conclusions are, (1) Matter creates space. (2) Spinning matter creates space to spin in. (3) Spinning Matter creates a north and south pole with a one-way magnetic spatial force. (4) Magnetic Spatial force is a physical existence, Time is not, it has no Height Width and Depth.

Finally, Atomic Clocks - Contrary to popular thinking, atomic clocks don't keep perfect time. When you put one on a plane and whirl it around the Earth then return home, time seems to have changed ever so slightly. TLU predicts evidence does not support this. It is timekeeping of the clock that has changed not the evolution of Time. Gravitational, Magnetic and Density Fields disrupts the decay and oscillations of atoms, not Time. It doesn't make any difference how fast or slow the clock is moving, it is where in space and the differing energy fields the clock encounters that makes the difference.  Satellites are also subject to this phenomena.  Also, it has been observed that some stationary and moving atomic clocks, suffer from the same fluctuating atomic decay rates during high sunspot activity that has bombarded earth's magnetic field. So, atomic timekeeping although extremely accurate, is not precise.

All of the Universe is a Mixture of Matter
Plus a Magnetic Non-Polarized / Polarized Spatial For

There is Matter with Energy. (movement),
 There is Matter with no Energy and Matter with Potential Energy.
Only Matter Plus a Moving Spatial Force, can Create Time.
This is because
Time is a Measure of the Progressing Movement Energy of Matter.

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