Big Bang Hypothesis...
Energy Inflation
Matter Creation

Big Bang Standard Model - #  (a concept only)
Pure Energy - Creating / Matter / Mass /  Empty Space / Quarks etc. / Atoms / Planets, Stars, Galaxy's?  No, No, No!

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# Standard Model - (not supported by a Grand Unified Theory). 
An Explosion of a Singularity (pure energy) that creates Matter, and Matter creates Quarks Leptons and Bosons. These particles in turn, somehow combine and make Protons Neutrons and Electrons. All this happens in a spatial void of nothing. Next, the Protons Neutrons and Electrons, miraculously join their mass and energy to produce the elements of Hydrogen Helium and Lithium. We are not done yet. These elements can now somehow interact and create the first stars. WOW! I cant tell you how unlikely this string of events is. There are just too many unsubstantiated predictions and assumptions. It needs a lot more evidence to back it up. This is just not Science, it is a Belief without evidence. It isn't even a plausible fantasy. TLU comes to the rescue...

* The Logical Universe says the Universe can not be created from nothing, or a singularity of pure energy. This is because all of Existence is Matter, with its movement and the space that movement creates. This is Existence. without these two things there would be Nothing, Zero, Zip, Nada, and you cant create something from nothing. (b) What?  Come on... How did the universe get to where it is now? Ah Haaa... this is where we separate fantasy from logic. Remember we have to fit the explanation with all the criteria of TLU's Encyclopedia 12.

Space just before the Big Bang -
There is Primal Matter (Sand). There is Cold Primal Space because of Universal Particles that have lost Torus Lock, but not the weak spatial energy of small material movement. And then, there is an approaching Super Hot Spinning Universal Black Star (Entity) that has extreme gravity and is consuming matter and space. As the Entity devours more and more space it runs into the cold vast expanse of the Primal Universe. This in turn weakens and slows the Black Star. It has become mortally wounded and is about to loose all its potential energy. Gravity of the Entity is compromised and all the matter that has accumulated for billions of years, is no longer contained by a magnetic field. Because the Entity is still spinning but with no magnetic field, the Primal Space starts to heat up as primal matter and primal space collide with the colossus. The hot spinning matter grains and the cold material spatial force gets spun and compressed thus creating tiny individual, spinning, globular spheres. This is an extreme event and happens very fast because of the high energy level of the Black Star. It can be referred to as a big bang although there is no sound, but there is a colossal creation of an expanding magnetic spatial existence of particles. UDMP's.
(b) I am using the words Entity and Colossus because people need to get over the idea of an infinitely small point of super energy (a singularity). This violates all knowledge and understanding. It has been assumed that you can create something from nothing, or, from pure energy. That notion is Science Fiction and doesn't have the smallest, or the tiniest bit of validity. It violates all knowledge, accept for one very small mathematical equation, E=MC˛. TLU says this equation is not supported by known science, observations, relativity evolution or logic. In TLU theory, this is why mathematics is not the defining authority.   

Big Bang / Cosmic Inflation Transformation
The "Grand Unified Theory"
Big Event
Matter Transformation

Background Static
Universal Particle Spin Energy and
the Spatial Mass of the Universe

Big Bang - The Expansion of a colossal Super Black Star, which is spinning in a Primal Universe. A monolithic singularity has lost all of its binding magnetic force because of the invasion of the external Primal Universe. The perimeter of the stars outer field loses its magnetic attracting capacity and creates a different force of space surrounding the Star. It no longer has a gravitational attraction, it has a pushing expansion force. The star is still spinning so the sand is now being pushed and spun. This creates more space and very tiny, torus structures, with their own compressed pushing spatial force. (Universal Particles) - (UDMP's).

The Big Bang Sequence - (a) All Black Stars merge and create a Super Spinning "Universal Black Star." (b) Primal Matter of the cold once expanding universe, enters and destroys the magnetic containment of this Super Star. (c) All perimeter spherical particles of the Star no longer have the pulling magnetism of Gravity. With blinding speed, the Super Star responds with Anti-Gravity, and the once compacted perimeter UDMP's expand, thus creating mass, but not more matter. It is a compressed magnetic spatial force between the Black Star, and Primal Space that's expanding, not the matter. (d) Because the Black Star is still spinning, it transfers this energy to all the expanding particles and the leftover primal matter. This in turn, forces the primitive matter into a spherical torus form with spin energy. (e) At this moment in time, all UDMP's are spinning and have super compression, but, are expanding the space they spin in. This does not produce more heat, it does the opposite, it decreases heat because of expansion. (f) As the Super Black Star inflates and decays, its inner Polygons get closer to the perimeter. This causes them to become spherical again. They also absorb spinning compressed magnetic energy from the expanding Black Star, and the Anti-Gravity force continues. (g) Eventually the Black Star and Primal Space for the most part will disappear, and a newly configured Universe springs into being. All that's left to do is make Protons.

TLU - Where is the Production of Heat in the Big Bang?  Solution, there is lots of heat but it is not extreme, and, it is cooling. It was hotter before the Big Bang. This is because there is a point where magnetic wave oscillations of the singularity stop increasing pull, and start pushing. After the Big Bang happened, the super star produced a vast pushing force and a smaller, pulling force because the universal particles were still spinning. The Big Bang heat is a product of pulling and pushing streaming spherical matter. The original containment field of the Super Star produced more pulling less pushing of the streams, thus more heat. When primal matter stopped this function, it released the compression of the Super Star and this created a vastly stronger pushing, and a weaker pulling force. There was lots of heat, but not extreme, or the strongest, and it was cooling as the expansion progressed. The original compacted state of the Universal Super Star, produced a set amount of thermal radiation. When it lost the magnetic pulling force, it lost its ability to attract thus loosing some of its Heat. * (Heat is a quantized pulling current, pushing wave).

Conclusion - The Universe didn't explode with extreme Heat and Light, but rather it emerged from a Compressed, Black Universal Star. I know that this is not what you want to hear, but in science, you must go with the evidence and not add your preferences no matter how popular they might be. Here at TLU, we didn't try to fit the Universe with old established theory's, we tried to fit everything together instead.


The Big Bang
Transformation of a Universe

 First Gravity then Anti-Gravity. Next comes Non-Polarized then Polarized Space

Expanded Thinking - TLU's Theory of the Universe is radically different from what you have been told, but, it has tons of evidence to back it up. On the other hand, the "Standard Model" of the big expansion must be classified as a concept. This is because it has weak, to very little proof that supports the event.

To start off, lets talk about Primal Matter. (Primal Sand). This Matter is a state of substance that can't be created or destroyed, and, is at the first level of measureable existence. Each tiny granule is irregular, solid, and with no internal energy. Another form of Primal Matter are the Universal Particles. These particles are made out of the primal sand. The particles are released and or created when a spinning Universal Black Star loses its gravity, and explosively expands. This is an Anti-Gravity event and is what creates more Universal Particles from the Primal Sand.
The Big Bang is not an explosion of pure energy in Space, it is the transformation of Space itself. In The Logical Universe, Matter can not be created or destroyed, so it is assumed that before the Big Bang there was Matter. In the beginning as we theorize, there is a destruction of a magnetic containment field of a Universal Black Star, thus releasing all its internal energy of compacted particles. This is an extreme energetic occurrence and produces all the polarized spatial force of the Cosmos. The event does not create a Universe, it merges and transforms one. This is because Matter is a constant, but, it is the unbelievable tiny space in and between all body's or particles, that is created. Primal Space and a Spinning Black Star Expansion is what is needed to transform the primal universe into a Dark Matter Polarized Universe. In Polarized Space the force is N S Pole Magnetic, and is a separate entity from the weak magnetic force of Primal Space. * The Logical Universe says, you can not have a N S pole magnetic spatial force without spinning particle matter in a spatial medium. This is what creates the changeable height width depth of magnetism, along with the space of matter.

Gravity has nothing to do with expansion. Scientists could never adequately explain Gravity the force, or how it works, because of the theorized emptiness of space. TLU on the other hand has met the challenge head on, and has put together a powerful explanation of this force, and guess what? It fits precisely into the theory, and, with no conflicts or contradictions. How Gravity exists and works now has substantial evidence to back it up.
(b) In science, one revelation leads to another, and when you put two and two together, you find astonishing things. (c) If there is a gravitational force that pulls, there most certainly would be a force that pushes. This is because the Universe in the beginning expanded, and, is still expanding.

Anti-Gravity has become a real thing. The unmistakable proof of universal expansion, leads us to conclude that there is another force that has eluded scientists for ever. This is because they never could understand how Gravity attracts in a vacuum of space, or, how the Universe could expand in a void, or, how light waves travel thru nothing, or, how magnetic waves propagate thru an expanse of emptiness. The vacuum of space doesn't fit, and will never fit. There is undeniable proof that space is a fluid medium. (b) No one was willing to go against Einstein's theory's, or "Bravely go where no one has gone before," only TLU has accepted this challenge... (c) Proclamation: Space is a medium of Matter and spinning vibrating polarized force, with no emptiness, Black Holes, Worm Holes, or just Pure Energy. It is, the essence of existence. Gasp, Oh No...  Yes, it is space that's created, not matter. And finally the glue that unites everything, Matter plus the fluctuating spatial force of magnetism, is what produces the ever changing Spatial Mass of the Universe!

Conclusion - There most certainly is another physical process of nature that has been ignored for ever, but, it is just as powerful and commonplace as Gravity. Without a doubt, the Universe can not exist without it... It is the powerful force of Anti-Gravity. See Encyclopedia 42.

One More thing about Big Bang Heat - A property of push pull streaming spin energy of spherical Matter. If universal particles spin faster as they contract, it increases heat, (alternating pulling force). If universal particles spin slower as they contract, like in a compression event, the heat energy diminishes. Now, if universal particles expand with decreasing spin energy, there is a slowing pulling magnetic force, so there is diminishing heat. And finally, if universal particles are already spinning, and, are gradually slowing down, they lose their heat. These energy's are directly linked with the phenomena of a spatial magnetic force, Gravity, Anti-Gravity and the Big Inflation Bang. So in the Big Bang, there is lots of heat because of spin energy, but it is cooling from the get-go. More - See Proto-Universe event 2.

Density Mass Index
DMI - The evolving ever changing Density Mass Index of Space
UDMP's - (Universal Dark Matter Particles)
(Universal Dark Matter Particle Space / Sea) - (polarized space)
Primal Matter,
Primal Space - (no UDMP's) - (non-polarized space)

The following table is meant only to show relativity and progression. It may not be mathematically precise.
a -
The amount of Primal Matter and it's Non-Polarized Primal Space.
b - The amount of UDMP's and their Polarized Space. - (The Dark Matter Sea)
line - 1-4 The creation and liberation of UDMP's, thus creating more Polarized Space.
line - 10-13 The creation of Primal Space with a decrease of UDMP's / thus decreasing Polarized Space.

      a    b
1 -
15 / 85 - Big Bang - A Universal Black Star Expansion / Anti-Gravity / A force that creates UDMP's and expands existing ones.
2 - 
10 / 90 - Decreasing Primal Space, more Universal Particles. Anti-Gravity increases UDMPS.
3 - 05 / 95 - Decreasing Primal Space, more Universal Particles. Anti-Gravity increases UDMPS.
4 - 01 / 99 - Decreasing Primal Space, more Universal Particles. Anti-Gravity increases UDMPS.
5 - 00 / 100 - Primal Space gone, Primal Universe gone. Anti-Gravity is still increasing Dark Matter Space, but no more Black Star.
6 - 00 / 100 - Light enters the Universe - Now, Everything Changes.
7 -
00 / 100 - Magnetic Fields form Strings - Strings form Protons, and Oceans of Protons create the first stage of Gravity.
8 - 00 / 100 - Gravity, Anti-Gravity and Spontaneous Fusion, Produce the first Hydrogen Stars, Quasars and Black Stars.
9 - 00 / 100 - Evolving Heavier Stars, Galaxy's, Planets, and Black Stars, but some Big Bang inflation is still Cooling and Expanding.
10 - 01 / 99 - Primal Space Creation, Galaxy Mergers and Monster Black Stars.
11 - 05 / 95 - More Primal Space, and a rapid deflation of UDMPS.
12 -
10 / 90 - A faster increase in Primal Space, Monster Black Stars merge, and UDMPS loses Torus Chaining.
13 -
15 / 85 - Primal Universe overpowers the containment of the Singular Black Star. Bang... Gravity gone, Liberation Expansion of the Black Star, and UDMPS creation. (an Anti-Gravity event).

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