Cosmic Collisions
Sub Sub Atomic Particles

Splitting the Atom


Neutron Stars

Black Stars / Holes


  Colliding Particles and Body's What Happens                    Outcome - Result

What you get are the well known sub, sub particles of Quarks - Leptons - Bosons - Hadrons and Fermions (QLBHF particles).


These particles are Free Radicles and are not the Building Blocks of the Cosmos. They are splinters of the Horn Torus structures that make PENN particles. (PENN particles are, Proton - Electron - Neutron - Neutrino).
2 Neutrons

When a Neutron meets a Proton, energy is key. lower energy between each, will allow them to bond if conditions are just right. Extreme energy collisions could destroy them and create QLBHF particles.
(2) This is so so important, because if this event was not possible we wouldn't have any atoms or a Universe as we know it. We are so lucky that Neutrons and Protons bond.
3 Neutrons

This is what can create an atomic explosion. (Atomic or Neutron bomb) When Neutrons split the nucleus of an atom it changes the number of atomic nuclei and density of quantum fields. This in turn produces multiple pressure waves in these fields, along with an excess of UDMP's. The fields that are compressed because of increased pressure, is what produces the high energy of Light Heat and Radiation that we all have observed. (Bang).
(3) Not only can an atomic splitting create devastating explosions, it is responsible for nuclear reactors that supply electricity for millions of people and keep them warm and safe. 



When atoms are close together and their quantum fields are compatible, they magnetically bond to form all the molecules of the universe.
(4) This is another basic event that without it, we can not survive. This is because there would be no air, water or earth.
5 Planet

This can be a catastrophic energy release depending on the size of the Asteroid. Dark Energy will destroy the asteroid and cause an explosion if the speed is fast enough. The explosion magnitude is proportional to the Asteroid's DMI
It is theorized that an Asteroid / Earth encounter ended the Dinosaurs existence. Although no one was around to record the event, the collision was most likely the cause. This is because of an Iridium layer that was discovered throughout the world. Iridium is common with meteor impacts. Both events were linked with the same geological timing as a crater that suddenly formed off the Yucatan Peninsula.,
6 Planet

This also is not good. it is the same scenario as the asteroid. Invading Comets can explode above ground or upon contact, thus creating enormous damage. An extremely large one could cause an extinction event.
I don't know if you remember when a comet hit Jupiter. It was a spectacular event and shows off the vulnerability of planets. The energy released was enormous and was recorded live from Earth. Wow.
7 Sun

An astroid or comet collides with the sun, is the least problematic of the high energy encounter's in the solar system. This is because the Sun is so Vast the energetic encounters would be smothered by the sun, unless, something real big came into the system. Like a Neutron Star. Then, watch out.
(7) Our beloved sun not only warms us up and supply's energy for life, it also keeps us safe from rogue Asteroids and Comets from space. It is like a giant Solar System cleaner.
8 Star

Now it gets interesting. In a binary system of  a White Dwarf and a large regular star, the White Dwarf can steel plasma from the larger one. When the Dwarf reaches the right density, the gravity ripping currents from space can cause a Nova explosion. Star Star collisions are rare, and have countless results that depend on size spin and density.
(8) On a cosmic scale this would be a relatively slow encounter because of gravity and centrifugal forces. Binary stars can be similar or quite different. One can dominate the other and  their existence can be short lived or go on for billions of years. They can merge or share plasma, it all depends on the closeness and size. They usually are born at the same time. That being said, there are just to many variables to predict an outcome, each system is unique. They can merge, separate, or tear apart, it all depends on circumstance. 
9 Galaxy

This is a beautiful dance that gravity creates between Black Stars and their many companions. Galaxy's come in multiple formulations, big, small, Millions or, Billions of stars. When they do come together, star and  matter collisions are extremely rare because of the huge distance between all body's. Catastrophic explosions because of collisions are rare. It usually takes many passes before a Galactic merger can occur.
This is a major part of Universal Consolidation. In the beginning, as time progressed, Galaxy's moved further apart. Now, some of them have started to merge. This is because there Black Stars are much stronger and bigger. As the Cosmos looses energy and magnetism, the Black Stars will have more pulling power, and all of space will stop expanding. Each structure in the Universe will be forced to seek out the closest Gravitational point. There is only one cause of this phenomena, it is the existence and pulling power of Black Stars, not Black Holes.
10 Neutron Star
Asteroid - Comet
Planet - Star

Now we come to the very dense high stored energy of the Neutron Star. Energy's from here on are going to get huge. When Asteroid's, Comets, Planets, Stars encounter a Neutron Star the Gravity is so strong they break up, but, not to the Universal Particle level. Debris that is left behind is flung back out into space because Neutron Stars are a closed system, and don't absorb matter. These encounters are most likely to create some of the X and Gamma radiation that we have observed. This is because of the high level of the ripping magnetic currents of Gravity.
(10) If Asteroids, Comets or Stars are caught in the Gravity pull of a Neutron Star, their fate is sealed. This is because Neutron stars possess a gravity level 3. When they encounter this force, as they get close, a tearing effect is introduced. Depending the DMI of the approaching structure's, will determine how long they will live. The Neutron Stars can produce X, and Gama rays, also an Accretion Disk and Polar Jet.
11 Neutron Star
Neutron Star

When Neutron Stars encounter each other, contrary to popular belief there is no catastrophic energy release. This is because, just like magnets, they merge and don't break up. The remarkable thing about Neutron Stars are, they have no internal Protons or Electrons. And finally, at the basic level of the stars interior, it is the energy of spinning Universal Particles that has created the 3rd stage of gravity. That's why approaching body's break up, but not to the Sub Sub Sub atomic level. (the level of Universal Particles).
(11) The takeaway from this encounter is, Neutron stars are closed systems and don't consume matter from space. They have 3rd level gravity and cause large disturbances in there environment, and are a force to be reckoned with. I certainly would not want to visit one. Now for something that few people know about or have theorized about. They set the stage for even greater energetic events.
12 Neutron Star
Black Star

Because Neutron stars have 3rd level Gravity and Black Stars have 4th level Gravity, the hand writing is on the wall. There most certainly would be a catastrophic encounter. The Neutron Star can get much closer to the black one. When this happens it gets quickly torn apart. X and Gamma Rays, Heat, Light, and high Energy pulse Torus and Ring fields are a certainty.
(12) If a Neutron star meets up with a Black one, oh boy, hang on to your hats or space ship. This is the biggest energy release in Dark Matter space. The Neutron Star will be ripped apart to the UDMP level. Accretion Disk, X and Gamma rays are produced, along with a polar jet, but wait... Just when you think this is the ultimate catastrophe, there is more to come.
13 Black Star

Black Stars are common throughout the Universe. There are Staller and Galactic ones. When they encounter any objects with less gravity, the approaching body is doomed. This is because Black Stars have a level 4 gravitational ripping force. They tear apart these body's to the UDMP level and consume the material. This in turn increases the Black Star size and pulling power. Of course the dismantling and consumption releases enormous amounts of energy that once belonged to the approaching structure. .
(13) The result of dismantling a Stellar Body by an encounter with a Black Star, produces an Accretion Disk, an area void of light, and a Polar Jet. Also there is the very fast vibrations of X and Gama Rays. This is because of magnetism and its pulling, pushing spin energy as the structures of Universal Particles get separated. Only Universal Particles are left behind and are pulled into the Black Star. The Black Star is now bigger and has increased its potential energy. Wow Wow Wow, how come I never heard of this before? It is because there is a stalemate produced by the Standard Model, and a misunderstanding of observable science, relativity, evolution, mathematics and logic.
14 Black Star
Black Star
When Black Stars encounter each other, contrary to popular belief, there will be no mind numbing explosion. Just like Neutron Stars, both have the same Density Mass Index and 4th level Gravity, so they can only merge. (14) A Black Star running into another one, is not the horrifying event that people envision. It is a high energy encounter, but with a relatively low disturbance of surrounding space. In fact there was more energy being spent before the encounter. Because they have the same DMI, and both are at gravity 4, they don't come apart they merge. This event has ben observed by the LIGO experiment. It seems a Black Star merger ends with a chirp, not a bang... What? Yes... Look it up.
15 Black Star
Primal Universe

We saved the best for last because it is the ultimate encounter. With the collapse of Dark Matter Space and its Energy, there are only two things left, Primal Space and a Universal Black Star. It is a certainty that both extremes will collide. When this happens the Universe changes. The Black Star looses all its Gravitational attraction and containment. It releases all its matter and stored energy and replaces it with Anti-Gravity. An expansion occurs, new particles are born, and a Pristine Universe is created. (it has no Gravity). 
(15) This is the Ultimate Energy release. It reforms the whole Universe. Primal Matter, Primal Space and the Primal Cosmos gets converted when forced to spin by a Black Star that has lost all its Gravity. You guessed it, this is the Big Bang. It creates pristine Dark Matter without any gravity. This means the Universe must start from scratch. There are no body's or structures, just the expanding multitudes of Dark Matter Particles. (UDMPS). It is the End with a new Beginning...

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