Paul Dirac 1902-1984
 Matter / Anti-Matter

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First there are a few things that must be understood before we can explain Anti-Matter.

1. There is no such thing as Anti-Matter, but, there can be Anti-Protons, Positrons and their associated Quantum fields.

2. Matter - (Matter can not be created or destroyed, it is Conserved) - (Matter can not turn into pure energy, but, with its magnetism, it can create and store energy). (Matter has three dimensions, height, width and depth). There are two forms of matter.  First there is Primal Matter which is a sand formulation of tiny solid granules. Second there is Universal Particle Matter which are tiny spheres of Primal Matter, that are spinning. (UDMP's). The tiny spinning spheres create a polarized space to spin in. (a magnetic physical space).

3. Space - All of space has matter plus a polarized or non-polarized force. All 3, create space, height width depth. The space we know is the polarized one. It is called the Dark Matter Sea and is composed of UDMP's with their magnetic force. The space we don't know about is Non-polarized Space. This is the expanse of matter that have lost spin energy, and most of their magnetism. This is called Primal Space. There are no UDMP's. 

4. The Anti-Matter phenomena can only happen in the Dark Matter Sea / Universe.

5. In the logical universe, the tiny spinning spheres of matter, are called Universal Particles and are the only kind of matter that make Protons, Neutrons and Electrons. All Protons have the same internal spin energy, (majority cw closed loops). All electrons have the same internal spin energy, (majority ccw closed loops). And all neutrons have the same internal spin energy, (equal cw and ccw closed loops). Now, and only now, are we ready to explain the Anti-Matter phenomena.


Anti-Matter - Structure
       and its Energy

Encyclopedia - 58 - Matter-Anti -  The reverse internal spin energy of the Proton, Electron and Quantum Fields. Once a Protons Torus Structure spin energy is reversed, it effects all surrounding spherical matter and structures. Reversal of the Proton inner spin energy is possible by manipulating its external rotation. This creates the phenomena of Anti-Matter, but, matter is still just regular matter. The only difference is, the proton and its quantum fields now have opposite spin energy.

The Logical Universe predicts that at the fundamental level there is no such thing as Anti-Matter. Matter is Matter and has the same characteristics and interaction with magnetism and its energy throughout the Universe. It is the internal rotational energy of the Proton and Electron structure that is responsible for the so-called Anti-Matter phenomena. Actual Anti-Matter would have to have an Anti-Proton, subsequent Quantum Fields, and a Positron. Bear in mind that Anti-Matter so far as we can tell is man-made and has never been found in nature.

The way rotational and counter-rotational fields of universal particles react to each other is not any different than the way they do now. They rotate in all directions and get bigger and smaller. There is nothing anti about that.

Now we get into the theoretical. Suppose you force a Proton to rotate backward at just the right speed. This could conceivably reverse the internal individual universal particle rotation, thus creating an Anti-Proton. That would start a chain of events if the environment were supportive. Next, Quantum fields would develop, and then a Positron would form. TLU believes that's exactly how it happens. The internal rotational energy of the Proton is what determines the Anti-Matter phenomena, not Matter.

The conclusion is, at the basic level there is no such thing as Anti-Matter, but there can be Anti-Protons, Positrons and their subsequent Quantum Fields. Also, all Protons, Anti-Protons and Positrons are Horn Torus Structure's. 



Proton - (partial structure) Each universal particle is rotating cw,
and so is the whole body. The sum of rotation is cw.


Anti-Proton - (partial structure) Each universal particle is rotating ccw,
and so is the whole body. The sum of rotation is ccw.

Anti-Proton - If a sea of negative protons developed after the Big Bang and time progressed normally, we would have a Universe with a different rotational theme. It could be called an Anti-Universe.

Anti-Matter in theory is cutting edge technology. It is mind-boggling to know that it is possible to manipulate the spin movement of sub, subatomic particles thus reversing the internal energy of the Proton. What a great time to be a scientist.

It seems it is theoretically possible to create Anti-Matter, but the energy to do it is astronomical. Then when you have it and expose it to the rest of the Universe, it would inevitably disintegrate only releasing the amount of energy it has stored. It is likely that the Anti-Proton would not lose its SML but revert back to an internal clockwise structure. This process would undoubtedly reconfigure Quantum Fields and rebuilding would have to occur. That means there would be a temporary loss of some compression and an energy release may take place, but not colossal. The matter that remains would still be universal particles but with different rotational energy.

So as you can see, Matter and Anti-Matter does not produce an extreme energy discharge when they meet, or, a catastrophic annihilation of space, as theorized in Books, Movies and TV. Anti-Matter is regular matter but with a different rotational theme. Universal Particles are spheres of Primal Matter / Space and can spin in all directions. When they do it creates a polarized magnetic distance along with the matter itself. There is no other kind of matter. *

 Conclusion - Anti-Matter is really Anti-magnetism of regular Matter!


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