Quantum Fields
Hans Geiger 1882-1945  -  Ernest Rutherford 1871-1937

Alpha Particle
 a positively charged Helium Nuclei

Gold Nucleus

Gold Foil Experiment - If you take a chunk of gold and put it between two strips of leather then pound it repeatedly with a mallet, the gold flattens horizontally and increases laterally. If you separate the flatten gold and place them between more leather strips then repeat the process over and over, you get progressively thinner and thinner strips of gold. It is possible to repeat this process until the gold is as thin as two atomic plains. Bear in mind you still have pure metallic gold and all its properties and quantum fields, with no space between atoms. Now if you shoot alpha particles (Helium Nuclei) at the Gold Foil, most will go right thru but, on rare occasions some will be deflected on different trajectories. In an extreme instance, a few will be bounced right back. What's going on? How is this happening?

It's all because of the large nucleus of gold and its vast Quantum Fields. The gold atomic core can deflect alpha particles but only on rare occasions when the particle is on a direct collision course with the nucleus. Most of the alpha particles miss the core and pass right thru the huge expanse of quantum fields. These fields are entangled but have little restriction for alpha particles. The particles are not traveling in a void. They are navigating thru a complex quantum field construction of universal particles and magnetic space.

Don't forget that Alpha Particles are much larger with more density, and composed of the very same particles that make Quantum Fields, (UDMP's). The alpha particles are SML Protons and Neutrons bonded together by magnetism. TLU believes that this experiment proves beyond any doubt the nucleus of an atom, the vastness of quantum fields and the opaque entanglement of linked gold atoms.

Final Question – If Alpha particles can zip thru Quantum fields why can't Light?  Great question, it is because of Quantum field SML and configuration of the Gold Atom. It does not pass vibrating wave energy of the light spectrum. 


Quantum Fields come in two flavors, Ring and Torus

Quantum Fields - (Dark Matter interacting fields) - Rotating and Spinning Body's in Dark Matter are the things that create Quantum Fields. At the basic level there is the Proton. When it spins in Dark Matter, it produces swirling particle strings that radiate outward from the structure. (Quantum Fields). There are two types of these fields, Torus strings with axis alignment, and Ringed fields with a nucleus. Both the Torus and Ring fields have spin energy as well as magnetic flow energy. Polar Torus fields are produced by the spinning motion of a structure's poles. It creates an inward and outward Magnetic Flow of these fields from each pole. Ring fields are produced by the magnetic pull of a body's spinning radius. The spinning radius creates swirling Dark Matter String Fields that spin outward, and form Stacked Ring Planes. (b) An Electron is also a spinning body, and resides orbiting in the Ring Fields of Protons and Atoms, but, has few if any quantum fields because it is in fast orbital motion in the Protons Ring Structure. (c) The Electron does not orbit in quantum Torus Fields, it is repelled by them. Finally, not only do outer ring fields present an orbital path for electrons, but, the electrons can, and do move between stacked outer planes of bonded atoms.

Torus Fields

(1) Metallic Quantum Torus Fields

(2) Black Stars and their Polar Torus Fields

(1) A Bar Magnet - If you think this is a bar magnet under a piece of paper with sprinkled iron filings on top, you are right. The lines that have formed on the paper have been called lines of flux, or Magnetic Flux Lines. TLU says, yes these are magnetic, but they are really UDMP torus strings, and, they are emanating from the Iron Bar underneath. How and why this happens has an explanation, but there is much much more going on than people realize. (a) First of all, we don't call them "Flux Lines." That's just too vague, and doesn't convey their true existence and function. TLU calls them " Quantum Metallic Torus String Fields". This is a more comprehensive description and better describes there existence and function. These Torus fields are so strong they radiate from their Iron Atoms for quite a distance in surrounding Dark Matter Space. (b) Now for something remarkable, your fingers can pass right thru these strong quantum fields and pick up the iron bar. What? How can this be? It is because the Torus magnetic field structure of Iron doesn't match up with the Torus magnetic field structure of your fingers, it passes right thru them with no magnetic interaction. Now if you had an Iron ring on, the quantum fields would definitely interact. This is because the field spacing is the same for the ring and the bar, but not your fingers. (c) We are not done yet... As you move your fingers closer to the bar, quantum fields in both the iron bar and your fingers consolidate and intensify. Eventually they will interact and you will be able to feel the bar and pick it up. You are not picking up the nuclei of iron, you are picking up its quantum fields, and the quantum fields are picking up the iron atoms of the bar. (d) This all happens because of the qualities of magnetism. Iron is not the only thing that creates magnetism, it is created by all spinning particles in the polarized medium of Dark Matter.

(2) Merging Black Stars - Lastly - (Torus Magnetic Fields and Black Stars). Look familiar? The extreme Magnetic Attraction force of UDMP's, in a Pole to Pole Torus Configuration. This is how Black Stars synchronize and merge without exploding. It is the same way magnets do, but not with metallic lines of flux, it is the ultimate pulling current of concentrated, Magnetic Universal Particles, in Dark Matter space. (Super Gravity).



Magnetic Ring Fields
A glass rod with a deficit of electrons in its Ring Fields
(the water is not physically touching the rod)

A glass rod (silicone) also has Quantum Fields. You don't notice them because they are weaker in Dark Matter, and don't interact with Iron filings.

Now it gets interesting. If you sweep away the glass rod's outer quantum ring fields and its electrons by rubbing it with a cloth or fir, then move it closer to the water stream, outer quantum magnetic force will attract the moving water and change its trajectory. On the other hand, if you move the Glass Rod to a very close proximity with Iron magnetized fields, there will be no attraction, repulsion force. This is because the magnetized torus fields of iron atoms, have distinct quantum intervals, and are in a different plane. The glass rod doesn't have any of these organized metallic torus fields with the right matching intervals and planes. (Its like trying to merge two combs, with different spacing of their teeth).

TLU predicts, at the sub, sub atomic level, if you move Silicone Atoms close enough to Iron Atoms, matching their ring planes, there will eventually be an attraction repulsion force. this is because the quantum magnetic intervals, intensify and consolidate as you get closer to an atomic nucleus. If you find just the right distance, they may form a weak bond, but, they won't be able to share electrons, even if quantum intervals can intermix. This is because the elements don't share the same quantum steps that accommodate electrons. I use Silicone to illustrate a concept, but, to be more accurate I should use Cobalt. This is because Cobalt Quantum Fields have similar ring field intervals with Iron, and, would lock closer together easily, and be able to share electrons. On the other hand, The glass rod of Silicon has fewer, wider intervals of ring fields, thus creating much less of an attraction repulsion force, along with a miss-match of electron orbits.  (an Insulator). 


Fields of Copper and Magnetic Iron

Are you ready for this, it is another prediction of
TLU theory that fits with all we know. TLU is predicting; if you forcibly move magnetized Iron Torus Fields thru Copper Ring fields in a wire, you can displace the electrons from their orbits in the wire, thus creating a current of electrons between Copper Atoms. What? Say that again... That's right, it is the quantum magnetic force difference between the Iron Torus fields, (pole to pole chains) and Copper Ring fields, that makes this event happen. The displacement force can be either attraction or repulsion, depending on the movement of the iron torus fields. This in turn is what produces movement of the copper electrons. At the very basic level, it is the force of cw and ccw magnetic fields and their complex interactions that produces electricity.

As long as I have been alive, it has never to my knowledge, been adequately explained how electricity becomes a force.
TLU says, it is all possible because of Magnetism, Magnetic force and Torus / Ring fields. (the movement of magnetism). See what can happen when you use all the tools of Discovery, not just one. 



  Quantum Field Explanations
All Universal Particles, Protons, Electrons and Atomic Nuclei are Spinning
but there is one exception, not in the center of a Black Star.

top view, proton torus fields
 no ring fields

top view, spinning
torus proton
 with open torus fields

top view, single atomic plane
with center proton and quantum ring fields

top view, spinning proton torus structure

and layered quantum ring fields

top view, Two atoms bonding ring fields
(stacked together)

1. Quantum Fields - Rotating and Spinning magnetic Field Structures. There are two types, Torus fields with particle chains, and Ringed fields with a nucleus. Both the Torus and Ring structures can have spin energy as well as magnetic flow energy. A Proton is a closed Horn Torus Quantum Field Complex, but, because the whole structure spins, it creates Ring Fields as well. (b) An Electron is also a closed Horn Torus Structure and resides orbiting in the Ring Fields of Protons and Atoms, not in any of the protons Torus Fields.

2. Neutron / Proton Coupling - When the Proton and Neutron link together there is no more individual rotating going on, they become stationary. There is only internal energy of the two. (b) Now because they are magnetically linked and don't have individual spin energy, they spin together. What is remarkable about this is, Torus and Ring fields now form around the spinning duo. (atomic core spin, thus establishing quantum fields). 

3. Quantum Torus Fields - In the case of Protons, Electrons, Neutrons and Neutrinos, the closed Torus Fields are looping bonded magnetic Strings, Threads, Yarn size fields of Universal Particles, that loop thru a center axis. This gives it a Horn Torus structure, therefore, the name of the fields should be Torus Fields. (a) The internal closed Torus fields of the Proton, all have the same spin energy, cw. The closed Torus fields of the Electron spin ccw. The Neutron and Neutrino have both cw and ccw closed torus loops. This is what gives these particles their respective charges. (b) Structure's like the atomic nuclei also create torus fields because of their spin energy. In other words all spinning body's in polarized space, no matter how big or small, because they are surrounded by Dark Matter they produce whirling Torus Fields, open and closed with a magnetic flow. The fields rotational energy is directly related to the spinning poles of structures or body's that creates these fields. The Torus Fields once established and extended, will bend inward, seeking closure. This phenomena is what creates an axis point for the fields and not a nucleus. (c) * One more important fact about Torus Fields, they have a one way Magnetic flow. In other words they produce a polarized magnetic force.

4. Quantum Ring Fields - Ring fields are produced by a magnetic pull of a body's spinning radius in a Dark Matter Medium. This creates Eddy Currents in that medium. The ring fields are made of Universal Particles that are magnetically interacting. There are multiple graduating rings in stacked planes that get weaker in magnetic strength, as you move outward from the core. Each of these multiple ring fields in a single plane has both spin and magnetic flow energy. (b) Because the spinning parent body is round, each ring plane would get smaller as you move toward the poles. This is what produces the different rotational and counter-rotational stacked plane energy. (c) In-between the outer stacked ring fields is where you find the orbiting electron. (d) Now it gets interesting, when atoms bond together it is the intermixing of each of the atoms stacked ring fields that make the bond. (like merging two combs if they have the same or similar quantum intervals). When this happens the orbiting electrons can share orbits with other atoms, if the outer ring fields that host electrons, of each dissimilar atom, match up. This changes the magnetic properties of a now combined atomic molecule. (e) Lastly - Polarized Ring Fields also apply to larger body's, like Planets Atmospheres, Saturn's Ring Fields, Galaxy's and Black Stars.

5. Atomic Balance - When the Atoms core configuration, and inner core containment fields reach a mutual balance, the atom will become magnetically locked. This creates a specific blueprint for its Quantum Ring Fields. As the atomic core spins the intervals and compression energies of these fields will be unique for each element. The overall properties of quantum Ring fields remain the same, meaning they will still diminish in intervals and strength as they graduate outwards. The atom structure is magnetically locked with the core, but it can add to its external Ring and Torus fields when encountering more energies. In other words, it is not a closed system. The addition of energy causes more core contraction and gravity. This increases the number of quantum fields. The electrons then have to rebalance by jumping to different orbits.

6. Atomic Gravity - Universal Particles join the Atoms outer Quantum Ring Fields when the gravity of more spin energy attracts them. They are also influenced by magnetic energies and follow the atoms blueprint. With the addition of more spin contraction, (pulling energy of the core) compression of inner ring fields occur. Electrons jump orbits to balance the atomic structure further. When more spin energy is added to the atomic core it causes the atom to heat up. The outer fields will then increase their numbers of particles and expand, but, will gradually loosen their combined magnetic pull. This is because they occupy a much larger space. In other words they become more fluid (melting Iron).

7. Atomic Intermingling - (a) When same or similar elements are forced together by compression or Gravity, their outer ring quantum fields will slide in-between each other. (intermingle). At some point of penetration, they will become magnetically locked. When this happens, each element will share its blueprint of construction, and may, or may not share electrons. In the case of same elements, they would not change the elements properties, but, it would add volume and gravity. (b) The inner quantum fields of each atom are magnetically dedicated to the core configuration, but the weaker magnetism in outer quantum fields can modify themselves to accommodate different atoms. When this happens, Molecules and Compounds are born. Each new molecule or compound will have its unique blueprint and structure and will have its own characteristics. This is how water, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, sodium chloride, etc. are created.  (c) Lastly, Quantum Ring fields of same or similar elements can bond, even if some of the atoms are upside down. (different nucleus rotations). This will effect the formation and intensity of external Torus quantum fields of the bonded atoms, like in the phenomena of magnetized and non-magnetized iron.


8. * Hydrogen Fusion - (a) It is gravity that first attracts Hydrogen atoms together in a dense cloud. As the cloud becomes more compact, it will begin rotating. (b) When gravitational attraction continues, rotation will accelerate. When the rotation energy of the cloud reaches a certain threshold, internal gravity is overcome. This causes hydrogen atoms and their quantum fields of the interior to compress. Although the universal particles in the quantum fields still have spin energy, it is the force of compression that has taken over. The inner cloud atoms are still in a locked state so they have not lost quantum integrity. (c) The ring quantum fields of hydrogen atoms in the inner dense cloud, now have more potential and less active energy. This phenomenon will become the pushing force of Anti-Gravity. (d) The cloud has now become a layered structure with gravitational attraction at the perimeter, and, a compression force in the core. (e) There is a zone where gravity and anti-gravity are equal, this is the place where fusion of hydrogen can occur. 

(f) Capital (N), this represents a nucleus core field with one Neutron. Capital (P), this represents a core field with one Proton.  

(g) The anti-gravitational pressure of the Hydrogen ring quantum fields of the proto-star, runs into the high external incoming gravity from space. It is the proto-stars pushing force that increases pressure on is Hydrogen boundary protons. When the protons adjust into the right pole and plane orientation, the anti-gravity force of the proto-star, causes the counter rotational non-looping fields of some protons through their center axis, thus creating Neutrons. These neutrons are now surrounded by their weakening individual quantum fields.

(h) The weaker quantum field of each neutron, allows a close proximity proton to enter the area, but, it does not get converted because of the bigger relaxed no charge inner field. These nuclei are now configured (NP). The area has become bigger with a low, but increasingly positive charge, so the ring core field of each atom strengthens a little bit. (i) When another proton enters the region it gets converted because of its charge, along with compression. The nuclei in the core fields are now configured (NPN). This causes the field to weaken once more. (j) When another Proton inters the area there is no conversion, but, the zone becomes more positive. The nucleus in each core field is now configured (NPNP). (k) That's it, the inner ring quantum fields of each atom has become too strong to allow any more penetration, and Helium atoms are created. (l) Because each former multiple Proton quantum fields are now one complex, there is an excess of basic, free, universal particles and an enormous amount of leftover energy. This is exactly how elements are created, by converting Protons into Neutrons then bonding them together in the core of a single quantum field complex. This is what produces the light, heat and radiation we all observe. It's all because of the merging of quantum fields, and their excess particle energy


9. Atomic Construction and Failure - The nucleus of an atom is what sets the strength and configuration of all its quantum ring fields. If the core fails, like in a Neutron breach with core collision, it sets up a chain reaction and the other ring fields will fail as well. If on the other hand, the perimeter fields are swept away, like in high energy encounters, the core field can remain intact, and the atom will not fail. As soon as the atom can, it will rebuild the outer fields.

10. Fission - An atomic fission reaction is the splitting of atomic nuclei and the failure of core ring fields. When this happens, all Quantum Ring Fields break down from the inside out, and the magnetic lock of universal particles in various states of compression will catastrophically expand. This produces a shock wave and enormous amounts of energy because of the huge numbers of universal particles in the quantum fields. The amount of energy release is second only to the Big Bang.

11. Atomic Plasma - The high energy of Plasma is the absence of some, or most Electrons in outer quantum fields. They are typically missing in a stars outer layers. This is because of the high energy of fusion. It has prevented the complete formation of Electrons. Proton Neutron pairings and the inner quantum fields have formed, but, the there isn't a magnetic free ring zone, to create Electrons.

* 12. Quantum Field Density and Intervals - An extremely small fast spinning nucleus of Iron has 26 protons and 30 Neutrons. Then there are vast quantum fields with electrons orbiting in the outer regions. Now, if you spot a small Iron meteorite on the ground and pick it up, you are picking up its quantum fields and not necessarily a heavy chunk of Iron. It looks to be solid, but that is because the quantum fields of Iron doesn't pass the wave energy of light, so it looks to be a dark body of pure metal, but it is not. The vast space that Iron creates are its magnetic quantum fields with exclusive spacing intervals. Iron nuclei have been compared to a tennis ball in the center of a football stadium of quantum fields. I am not sure of the accuracy of that speculation, but, in any case, it makes the point of space that magnetism creates, in comparison to the material space of the atomic nucleus. (b) Now the irony of this observation, when you pick up or move anything, you are interacting mostly with its quantum fields and not so much with material space. (c) Silicon has 28 protons and 14 neutrons. As you know a glass rod is mostly atomic silicon with atoms that have bonded their individual quantum fields. The quantum fields can stick together because they have the same intervals and can intertwine. (separation compatibility). Silicone can also pass light waves therefore appears to be transparent, not like the Iron meteorite. Now something funny about this observation. You can pick up or move both of them. This is because the quantum fields of your fingers, don't match either the Iron meteorite or the Glass Rod, so they cant merge. They can only repel, thus giving the appearance and pressure of a solid object, but, as you know by now, what you really feel is, the power of quantum magnetism and the magnetic force of unique elemental structures. Even though the magnetic quantum fields of both are extremely vast, you are not interacting with solid body's, you are interacting with elemental magnetic space. (d) conclusion - The space between an atom nucleus and all of its outer quantum fields is vast, but the perception of a solid body, is produced by the magnetic quantum fields pulling pushing power, and its transparency to vibrating light waves.   

Liquid Hydrogen
(Compressing and Cooling Quantum Fields)

When the influence of gravity and spin energy, contracts Hydrogen Atoms, they squeeze together and get hotter. This puts them on a path to nuclear fusion, but, if you physically lower the temperature, the atoms change their characteristics.

Reducing temperature and increasing pressure of Hydrogen, causes each universal particle of the quantum fields to slow rotation. The pressure produces more potential energy for each particle. Add cooling to the mix, and it causes universal particles to slow even more. This in turn, reduces magnetism. Now the viscosity of quantum fields has changed but not enough for SML failure. In other words, the whole dynamics of the quantum field structure is different. The hydrogen has become a liquid, but, the atomic nucleus is still hydrogen.

When you take away the compression, and the Hydrogen warms up, universal particles take spin energy from the surrounding area as they equalize, thus adding more spin energy to the outer quantum fields. When the area returns to balance, hydrogen becomes a gas again, and all is back to normal. No matter has changed configuration lock.



Extreme Cold of Quantum Fields

Atomic Cold, Frigid Energy - Finally, the effects of extreme cold on Quantum Fields. If the atom or atoms are subject to extreme cold, universal particles of the quantum ring fields will slow spin energy. This causes the particles to lose magnetic strength. With this specific energy loss, the outer fields will start to decay first because they are weaker to begin with. If the spin energy loss is significant, the atom will lose its perimeter fields and will release electrons from their magnetic corridors. TLU theory predicts that is how Super Conductors are created, by freeing up electrons which reside in the outer quantum ring fields. (b) If the cooling is extreme, but SML is not broken, all universal particles will slow with decreasing magnetism. (cooling force = less gravity with more space). This in turn, decreases spin energy and causes universal particle fluidity. The viscosity of particle interaction has changed, and that creates a new state of matter. "Bose Einstein Condensates." (c) So far the magnetism of the atomic core has prevented atomic failure, but, if extreme cold persists all atoms and magnetic coupling will fail because there is no spin energy. (d) This is highly unlikely in the real universe because targeted cooling is not natural, but in a man made environment it is theoretically possible. That is why when you dip a flower in liquid nitrogen, then bang it on the table it shatters into a million pieces. It is because of the weakening magnetic energies of outer quantum fields that bind the atomic and molecular structures.

TLU -  The exploration of energy and matter of the extreme cold, is exciting and is predicted to have many undiscovered applications.


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